The Colorful D.O.G. | Teen Ink

The Colorful D.O.G.

May 1, 2015
By wahlmk16 BRONZE, Hermann, Missouri
wahlmk16 BRONZE, Hermann, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you look up to the sky,way past the stars there is a lonely little planet called Trissma. Where life forms can actually be found. Many claim them to be aliens. However, they are just as normal as you and I. They have human like characteristics, same nose,eyes,smile expressions, and even diseases. Some diseases are different than the ones that humans here on earth get. Some may not seem as important, or tragic as what seems to be significant to our world. However this is our world, and that is theirs.
On planet Trissma, a young  loving couple, Harry and Mary, decided to elope. For many years, they were happy but, then they slowly began to realize something was a missing from their lives, a child.  They had tried and tried for many months to conceive only to have no success. Then, one day Mary began to feel funny. She began to realize that what felt like an everlasting streak of unsuccess took a turn for the best. She went to Dr. Tommy, to see if her prayers had been answered. They waited in awe for many days, for the results to came in.  What if this was just another failed attempt.
Three days later, the result letter had came. Harry and Mary were expecting a child. They quickly began planning, buying baby clothes, toys, and preparing the nursery for their bundle of joy. Doing normal things that parents to be would do. That had no clue that in just a short period of time that they could bring a tiny person into the world that they could raise all on their own. They’ve watched their friends and family raise children, but now they felt ready to raise them the way that they want to. They were beyond excited.
They had no idea that in just a few months things were going to take a turn for the worst. At the end term of her pregnancy Mary had noticed that she was becoming fairly ill. The closer and closer she got to labor the more her body failed. During labor she started to lose herself. She passed away shortly after giving birth and naming her daughter. Hailey was the name she was given. It was a tragic yet beautiful day for Harry.
It only took a few moments for Harry to notice that something was wrong with Hailey. She would not show emotions. Hailey went through a series of different testing to find out what the cause of her situation was. The doctors diagnosed her with “The Blank”. The Blank is a disease where you show no emotion whatsoever.Along with that you cannot speak. Hailey was one of the few children that had the disease.
Doctor Timothy thought that there was nothing he could do for poor Hailey. Harry knew that raising a child was going to be tough but raising one that couldn’t speak or show emotion, and raising her all by himself was something he questioned whether or not he was prepared for. As the years went on struggles always seemed to find Hailey. Harry did his best to protect his little girl but he knew he couldn’t always be there for her. There had to be some sort of help they could get!
Hailey was 5 years old when she had to go for more testing. Dr.Timothy pulled Hailey and Harry aside. He had informed them that he had something to help Hailey show emotions. He also made sure to imply that it would be costly. $2500  would be the price that Harry would have to pay in order to see his little girl show some sort of emotion. It would be a big task but Harry was sure that he could find a way. Dr.Timothy reassured Harry that he had six months to pay. He searched their home high and low for something that he could sell for the sake of Hailey. He eventually had no choice but to check Mary’s things. He went to her jewel inlaid mother of pearl music box and took it to the Timothy knowing he might take it as fair trade.
The next day when he took Hailey to the doctor and they left her in the Examination Room and went outside to talk. Dr. Timothy explained that he had left the “thing” underneath the table and that if it liked Hailey, it would come out and make itself known. So, they waited for many long minutes. finally,they went back in and found Hailey with a cat sitting on her lap. Harry was confused, not as to the cat being on Hailey’s lap but the fact that its’ fur was the color of a ruby. He merely looked to Timothy for explanation. Timothy explained that this was a D.O.G.
D.O.G. is a Diagnosis Optical Guardian. It’s role was that it could sense Hailey’s mood and change it’s color accordingly. That way you could ask her a question and depending on the color the fur changed you could gauge her answer.  This could very well be the start of something new for Hailey!
Even though Hailey is still mute it is easier for people to understand her now. Her father can tell her likes from dislikes now. Her life is still going to be difficult.With D.O.G it is much better. Happiness is something that Hailey no longer lacks!
Until…………………………………………………a gigantic flaming meteor is sent flying out a black hole and slams into Trissma thus, eradicating all traces of life. Happiness is no more for her! Hahaha!

The author's comments:

What would you do if you were incapable of showing emotions? Would you want a colorful D.O.G.? Would you want to be helped, or suffer in silence, litterally. 

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