The SSA | Teen Ink


May 13, 2015
By Melissa Miles BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Melissa Miles BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

¨You have four minutes, four minutes. That’s all you got. You are required to work fast,¨ a man said in a stern voice.
¨I understand,¨ the lady replied.
¨Then leave, and preferably start working on the task.¨
The lady turned and left, her heels clicking against the stone floor, leaving the man in the chair. He drummed his fingers together, thinking. Swiveling around in his chair, he pressed a button on the wall.
¨Hello Mr. Karo. What will you need?¨ came a voice that sounded as though it was indeed coming through the button.
¨I just recruited a lady, we’ll see how she does,¨ Mr. Karo chuckled.
¨Which task?¨ the man from the button asked.
¨I think I will start her on aliens, then see how she does. We’ll be able to see how fast she is, how she will fight them, her fighting movements, how well she can hide, and the other things we test for, you know what they are. Anyways, she said she was a former spy, but most people just say that to get the job. Didn’t want to start her on the motion picture task quite yet.¨
¨Helen,¨ replied Mr. Karo.
There was a moments silence from the other end, then what sounded like shuffling papers.
May I ask, Mr. Mosh, what you might be doing? Surely, you aren’t looking for her name in the old handbook, are you?¨ said Mr. Karo in a concerned voice.
¨No, no, no. I haven’t even got it anymore,¨ but Mr. Karo knew he was lying.
¨Well, I have business to attend to. Goodbye.¨ Mr. Karo pressed the button once again, and silence filled the dungeon once more. He sighed, then slowly got up from his chair.


It was the middle of the day, and she was outside watering her flowers. Helen hummed to herself, as the hot, summer sun beat down on her. While walking over to her hose to refill the watering can, something caught her eye. She took a double take and glanced back at the road, where she had seen a flash of movement. Nothing was in the road. Figuring it was simply her imagination, she turned back around. Helen grabbed the hose and draped it in the watering can, then proceeded to turn the knob, and the can started to quickly fill with water.
Nobody was outside, and the neighborhood was dead, it was too hot for anybody to be playing outside. A bee was buzzing somewhere nearby. She picked up the can and finished watering the flowers. When Helen had finished, she rolled the hose up, then went inside for a cool cup of water.
As she entered her house a cool breeze rushed past her, and she sat down on a wooden chair at her table. A newspaper was sitting nearby. She picked it up, and began to read it. After reading for several minutes, she heard a buzz on her phone. She was hesitant to answer, confused at who would be calling her. She picked it up anyway.
¨Hello. Please arrive at the Scent Sensationals Association in 15 minutes. Directions will be displayed on your phone as you depart your home.¨
It sounded like a recording, but Helen couldn’t be sure.
¨Well, it would be nice if you could tell me who you-¨
¨We are the Scent Sensationals Association. Goodbye.¨
It was definitely a recording. She only had one idea who it might be, and she was trusting it. Taking two stairs at a time, she ran into her bedroom. Helen grabbed a black suit from her closet, and quickly changed. Sliding into the kitchen, she grabbed a banana, put on her shoes, stuffed her phone in her purse, and wrenched open the door. Fifteen minutes later, she was in the parking lot of Scent Sensationals Association. Helen opened her car door, then paused for a moment or two, thinking. Then, deciding not to worry about it, she slammed the door.
She had no idea where to go now that she was here. She walked around the building looking for a door or some way to get in, but there was nothing. Suddenly, feeling stupid she had not thought of this before, she grabbed her phone out of her purse, and to her disappointment, it was black and unresponsive. She was frustrated.
¨Just work, you stupid little thing,¨ she muttered under her breath.
Then out of nowhere, the screen turned a bright blue, and quickly changed to a face on the screen. She almost screamed, but stopped herself just in time.
¨Hello, it is Mr. Karo. Are you ready for your first task?¨
¨Um - yeah, yeah sure,¨ Helen replied.
¨You’ll be fighting aliens, OK?¨
¨What - no, no, never mind, yeah that sounds good,¨ she said, trying not to sound nervous.
¨Alright, please enter the door on the West side of the building.¨ The phone clicked off again.
She hesitated for a second. There was no door when she checked just seconds ago...
Helen circled the building, and sure enough there was a door on the West side. She opened it and was immediately draped in darkness, she couldn’t even see her own hand when it was right in front of her face.
¨Uh-¨ she started to say, but was interrupted by a loud rumbling sound. She looked around, but couldn’t see anything, she could only hear the, supposed alien. Then she saw it. A huge, towering, giant shadow. She screamed, then ran and put her back to the wall. The alien roared, and advanced toward her. Clear your brain, she thought. Clear your brain. It was approaching very fast now, almost to her. It, very suddenly, charged at Helen. She screamed and jumped to the side, missing it narrowly. Though the alien was big, it was not dumb. It quickly turned towards her and charged again. The room was small, and the alien took up most of the space. Having nowhere to go, she slid under the alien’s legs. She continued to dodge, jump, hide, and run, until the alien suddenly stopped and fell to the floor.
Had she defeated the alien? Don’t get too excited, she thought. It will probably just come back to life in a few short seconds. She waited. Nothing happened. Then, her phone started to buzz. She pulled it out, and once again Mr. Karo’s face was on the screen.
¨You have defeated the alien. Please exit through the door, and begin to prepare for your next task.¨ Pop! The screen had clicked off.
She groped the walls trying to find the handle, then left the building, and was laying in her bed fifteen minutes later.
For the next few weeks she completed tasks. She had to get across a giant river full of lava, run and do sprints, fight robots, spy on people and getting very close without being heard, figure out a murder mystery, swim the perimeter of a lake, and several other things, all being extremely hard. One day, her phone started ringing (it was a daily thing now) and, to her surprise it was not Mr. Karo.
¨Hello, Ms. Helen. I do suppose you are quite tired after these past three weeks, are you not? Well, hopefully you are not too extremely tired, because your biggest task is coming up next. So, here is the procedure-¨ It sounded like Mr. Karo’s voice, but Mr. Karo always said who he was.
¨Excuse me, but, who are you?¨ Helen asked.
¨Did I forget to introduce myself? Goodness me, where are my manners? Well, I am Mr. Mosh. I work with Mr. Karo, from the Secret Spy Association, whom you, are quite well acquainted with.¨
So, it wasn’t really called the Scent Sensationals Association, it was just as a cover up.  ¨Oh yes. Sorry, excuse me. Please continue,¨ Helen replied.
¨Ah, yes. Where was I? Oh, as I was telling you, you are up for your biggest task yet. Are you ready to hear it?¨ the man said.
¨Yes!¨ she said excitedly.
He spoke quietly and calmly. ¨You are to overthrow the government.¨
She sat stunned. He was just joking, surely it was just a joke. They wouldn’t do anything of the sort.
¨Pardon me, I didn’t quite catch that. What will I be doing?¨
¨Overthrowing the government,¨ said the man, keeping his voice calm and quiet.
She couldn’t refuse him. ¨Ye-Yeah, I can d-do that,¨ her voice trembling.
¨Report to the Scent Sensationals Assocation at 2:15 tomorrow. Sharp.¨
The screen went black. What had she just agreed to?
Helen woke the next morning to sunshine and blue skies. She slept in till 1:00, then went downstairs, made breakfast, and read the morning newspaper. She looked up at the clock, it was 1:55.  Why did she feel like she was forgetting something? Then…
The phone started to ring. Who was calling her? Then she remembered. She had to overthrow the government today. She put her face in her hands, and felt like crying. Why did she agree? She picked up the phone, her hands shaking.
¨H-Hi,¨ Helen said.
¨Where are you? You told us you would be here five minutes before,¨ said Mr. Karo.
¨Y-yeah, well, I’m f-feeling a bit s-sick, and, I, um, I don’t t-think I’ll be able t-t-to make it.¨
¨Funny. Real funny. Now where are you?¨ she could tell he was angry. 
¨OK, well, I’m only telling you this because I think you’ll understand, but, um, I don’t really- I don’t think- I don’t know-¨
¨YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT?¨ he was yelling now.
¨I don’t think … I’ll be there on time. I mean, I-I can come, but I might be late,¨ how could she tell him she didn’t actually want to do it right now?
¨Then hurry up.¨
Helen groaned. Well, she couldn’t be too late, that would only make him angrier. She raced upstairs, put on her suit, then dashed out the door. After running several red lights, she finally made it to the Scent Sensationals Association. When she arrived, there was a large group of people, 50 or so, waiting in the parking lot. She got out of her car, and hurried over to them. Mr. Karo appeared to be telling them about the overthrowing the government plan. After he finished talking, he walked over to Helen.
¨Don’t ever be late again. Ever,¨ he said coolly.
Figuring her best chance was to do whatever everybody else was doing, she followed suit and stood, not talking. Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from high above. Helen looked up, and a plane was landing right in front of them. Everybody got in, and soon after the plane took off. Helen was sitting next to a lady, and deciding her best chance to find out what they were doing, she asked the lady.
“Er- excuse me, but, um, could you explain what’s happening?” Helen asked.
The lady next to her grunted. “Should have been here on time to know what’s happening,” said the lady, sounding annoyed.
“Oh, OK,” Helen replied.
They sat in silence the rest of the trip. After what felt like several hours, she felt the plane dip, and knew they were landing. They finally stopped, and filed out of the plane. Mr. Karo was at the head of the group, leading them. All of the sudden they finally stopped and Helen bumped to the person in front of her.
“S-Sorry,” she said.
Mr. Karo started to speak. “Now, you all know the drill. You have spent countless hours preparing, and now is your time to prove to us what you can do. Go.” Everybody started running, so Helen did too. She caught up with another lady, and stayed with her. The lady she was following was starting to speak.
“Alright, me and you don’t need to do much, we just will need to keep watch, and help if anything goes wrong. By the way, my name’s Jane.”
“O-OK,” Helen said, feeling slightly relieved.
She watched people tearing out the flowers, and guards came storming out. Three or four people then slipped behind them, and went into the white house.
¨Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, this is bad,¨ Jane started to yell. ¨Come ON!¨
Jane started sprinting, but Helen had no idea, who or why they were running. Figuring someone must’ve hurt, she darted after her. Soon they were near the gardens, and guards started to sprint at them. There was screaming, and commotion all around them.
¨DODGE!¨ screamed Jane. She instantly saw why. The guards were pulling out their guns, and were already starting to shoot at them. She heard a gunshot fire very close, and realized they had aimed at Jane. They then turned to her and begin to shoot at her. Helen rolled on the ground, barely missing a bullet. She got up and sprinted like she had never before in her life. She saw Jane sprinting away, and began to follow her. Then it happened. There was a piercing BANG, leaving Helen’s ears ringing. Somebody had bombed the white house. It was going up in flames, and the structure was falling fast. The screaming increased, and all around her she heard peoples pounding feet, trying to run away. Helen didn’t know they would go this far, she didn’t know they would go to the point of destruction. But here she was, helping overthrow the government. Then, she came back to her senses, she was standing in the middle of a battle field, while people were shooting all around her. Started to spring away, toward the perimeter of the grass where there were trees. She heard guards following her, and a bullet hit her foot. She fell, in such pain as she had never felt before. Then, out of nowhere, she felt hands grabbing her and pulling her upward. She looked up, and relief flooded her, it was Jane!
¨Lets GO!¨ she screamed at Helen.
Helen got up, though with much difficulty, and tried to start to run, but crumpled to the ground almost instantly. Jane grabbed her up again, and put her on her back, then began to sprint again. More gunshots fired, and Helen’s ears were ringing. Another bullet narrowly missed them, landing where they had just been seconds ago. Helen could tell Jane was slowing down, having her on her back. They were almost to the woods, when a bullet finally found it’s aim, and struck Jane right in the calf. Jane fell to the ground, sobbing. Though Helen in immense pain herself, did what Jane had done to her. Though after a couple steps, Helen knew they were done for. Helen was hurting too bad, and Jane in even more pain than her. Then, a thought came into her mind. What was she doing, just thinking they would die? She had to fight for it. She picked up Jane once more, and ran as fast as she could. Several more gunshots were fired toward her, none hitting Helen, but instead sinking into the ground or zooming past her. As soon as she was in the woods, she fell to the ground, Jane sobbing beside her. Her head was dizzy, and her ears ringed. Her foot was on fire, pain beyond was she had ever felt. Then, slowly, her vision faded and all she saw was darkness.

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This article has 1 comment.

HudaZav SILVER said...
on May. 13 2015 at 5:57 pm
HudaZav SILVER, Toronto, Other
8 articles 6 photos 390 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

I love this piece so much! Such beautiful and vivid descriptions. Youre an awesome writer, keep it up! :) PS Could you possibly give me feedback on my novel "The Art of Letting Go"? I'd appreciate it xx