Blue Ones | Teen Ink

Blue Ones

June 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Everything was now perfect. My husband Shayne, my daughter Skylar and I just finished our move to a farm. I always wanted to live on a farm. I envied people who had the chance to wake up every morning and walk their miles and miles of farmland. People who would ride their horses and milk their cows every day and didn’t have to leave home to make a lot of money. I wanted to live that life. And this week my dream came true.
Shayne is an outstanding carpenter. Every morning for years now, he’s been saying that he’s been working on a project. And this was it. He was hired to remodel our new home and the second it was done, he spent his earnings on it and bought it for us. The house was huge. The porch was just as big as a decent sized ranch house. Inside, there was a staircase in the middle of the living room that leads to a balcony style upstairs. Shayne made sure each spacious room was furnished with great wood furniture. Large, beautiful, king-sized, royalty-like beds were placed in each of the six rooms. The remodeling even called for walk-in closets the size dorm rooms. Each of the bathrooms were more luxurious than the last with bathtubs the size of couches that could comfortably seat five people. Downstairs, the living room was laid out with leather furniture and the most updated electronics. The kitchen was marvelous. It was already equipped with every appliance I would ever need. There was a huge island with six chairs seated around it in the dead center of the kitchen. I started to wonder why anyone would ever vacate a house this grand.
Outside there was a barn. It housed two Clydesdale colts, three Shire colts, fourteen cattle, twelve dairy cows and twenty four Angus cows. Behind the barn there was a chicken coop that held a countless number of chickens of all ages. But as far as Shayne was concerned, they were either food or money. So our job was to breed the chickens and cows and either kill them, cook them and eat them or sell them to a slaughter house. If we decided to go with the first option, Shayne estimated we would save about a thousand bucks a month. Unless we went with option two then we would make thousands a month. I left the decision up to him.

A month after settling in the house I still wondered why anyone would abandon this house. Maybe it wasn’t this amazing before the remodeling. Shayne still wasn’t done. He broke down a wall in the back of the house and added a large patio and began excavating for a pool. Not long after the patio was finished I announced that I was pregnant again and Shayne started on a nursery.
Soon after my first ultrasound appointment something in the house started to seem overwhelming. Skylar started telling Shayne and I that men were shining lights in her window at late hours of the night. She would get so afraid and wouldn’t rest until we moved her in our room. Shayne would stay in Skylar’s room for a few hours and try to catch these men but he saw nothing.
One morning, I was awakened by a pain that I can only describe as a punch in the stomach. It was two thirty so I assumed it was early morning morning-sickness. I asked Shayne to accompany me to the bathroom in case something was wrong. Even with Skylar, I haven’t felt a pain like this. After I was finished in the bathroom, Shayne asked me to accompany him downstairs so he could get something to drink. It was a cool summer morning so we sat on the back patio and shared some ice water together.
We must’ve sat on the patio for an hour just staring at the stars and talking about how far we’ve come. I met Shayne six years ago when I was 16. I was turning seventeen when he decided that he wanted to be more than friends. Roughly nine months later I found out I was ten weeks pregnant with Skylar. At only twenty one years old Shayne has become a very accomplished carpenter. He’s been hired out of high school and working on projects that earned him thousands of dollars. In the middle of talking and laughing and reminiscing, I spotted a blue light. It was coming from the distance and moving like it was searching for something.
“C’mon, Shayne, let’s go back to bed.”
“What is that?” He asked
“I don’t know but I don’t like it. Let’s go back inside.”
“That might be the people that are looking in Sky’s window.”
“Then let’s go in her room and wait.”
“Is it a helicopter?”
“Shayne, please.”
The light was getting closer. I could now see a round metal object emerging from the woods behind the house. I started frantically pulling Shayne back in the house but he was frozen. The object was getting closer and Shayne was hypnotized by its light. Now it was just feet from our patio. It was completely round like a pancake. We were fighting to stay still. The force of air it was emitting almost knocked us on our feet.  It very quickly turned on its side and shot into the air and sent us flying back into the house. Shayne helped me to my feet.
“What was tha-” he said and froze again.
I was crying in terror trying to shake Shayne to snap him out of it. Over his shoulder I saw that the craft was staring at us through our sliding doors. The blue light was shining on Shayne and slowly he looked as if he was becoming more…transparent. I tried to hang on to him but I knew whatever that was outside wanted him and was going to take him. Before I knew it my hand passed through his shoulders and he was gone. The only evidence that he was here was his pajamas that he was wearing. There was nothing I could do. I collected myself and went back upstairs to make sure Skylar was okay.
I found Skylar still asleep in bed. I kissed her head and crawled into our bed. It was empty. Even Shayne’s imprint on the sheets was gone. All I could do was cuddle up with his pillow and cry myself to sleep.
That night I dreamt of what was going on. I dreamt that both of us were taken. I wasn’t wearing anything and I was on a cold table I tried to fight it but I couldn’t move a muscle. I called out for Shayne, who was right next to me but he looked straight ahead. All of a sudden two…things…came over. They looked like the typical extra-terrestrials. They had huge eyes the size of kiwis. Their skin was translucent and blue. They looked like one of Shayne’s clear plastic video game controllers- I can see everything that was going on in their bodies. They had the build of normal human men.
As I was studying them, Shayne shouts “they’re the blue ones” at me.  His eyes are wide open but his lips never moved. On a table next to me, one of the ‘blue ones’ grabbed a tool that resembled Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver.  It stabbed me right between my lower ribcage and sliced down to the bottom of my abdomen. I screamed in pain trying to reach for Shayne but he kept getting farther and farther away. For the first time since Shayne and I have been living together, I felt hopeless and alone.
I couldn’t bear to see what they were doing to me and my baby but they forced me to. I could see that there were two sacks instead of one.
They ripped the babies from me and shoved them in jars. Gestation jars? The thing pulled the tool from my abdomen and with the flick of a switch, the scalpel retracted and a red light emerged. It ran the tool up the slice. I screamed from the intense heat. Once again I was forced to look down. There was a big black gash appearing on my midsection.

When I woke up, I searched for Shayne. He was right next to me, sound asleep. I woke him up and I don’t think I’ve ever held him tighter.
“Bad dream?” He asked
“You have no idea.” I said
Shayne got up, planted a kiss on my forehead, and went to the bathroom.
My stomach still hurts. Did I ever get up? Did we ever sit on the patio? Was all that a dream? I didn’t know. At least until I heard Shayne screams of agony coming from the bathroom. I tried to run but my stomach hurt too badly. I walked slowly while buckling over and eventually knocked on the bathroom door.
“Are you okay?” I asked
Shayne emerged from the bathroom. He looked just as in pain as me.
“I couldn’t pee.” He said “It feels like someone stuck my urethra with a needle…Are you okay? Why are you standing like that?” Shayne began to panic.
“My stomach.” I said “It feels like my guts are being ripped out.”
Shayne dropped to his knees and pulled my shirt up. He didn’t have to lift it much before he nearly passed out.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
Shayne wouldn’t answer
“Shayne! What’s wrong?”
Shayne rushed into the room. He woke Skylar and told her to get her shoes and jacket. He grabbed his car keys and quickly dressed.
“What’s going on?” I asked
“We’re getting you to a hospital.” Shayne said.
“I’m fine”
“No you’re not.” Shayne carefully carried me downstairs and helped me into the car. He buckled Skylar into her car seat and tore off down the dirt road and onto an interstate.
It was an hour and a half drive to the nearest hospital. The first thing the nurse did after taking a look at my abdomen was rush me into and ultrasound room.
“What happened?” The nurse asked
“I honestly don’t know.” I said
The nurse gave me a funny look. “This is a pretty serious wound.” She said “What about these stiches.”
“Stitches?” I asked
I looked down for the first time. There was a gash in my stomach. It ran from the bottom of my ribcage to the bottom of my abdomen. It was black and looked like it had been stitched with barbed wire.
The nurse splattered ultrasound gel around my naval and began looking. “There is a great deal of damage here.” She said
Shayne was standing behind me. His eyes were glued on the monitor and his hand was gripping mine very firmly.
“You’re going to need surgery as soon as possible. I can see some internal bleeding.”
“Is our baby okay?” Shayne asked.
“Baby?” the nurse asked “I’m sorry but there is no baby that I can see.”
Everything began making sense. My dream about the babies being ripped from me was no dream. The things that called themselves the blue ones took our babies. My mind could only imagine what for.  I started feeling faint and before I knew it I was out.
When I woke up again I was in a soft recovery room like the ones they give women after they give birth. Shayne was sleeping in a chair next to me, his hands clasping one of mine. I pulled up my hospital robe. My midsection was wrapped up like a burrito.
I could barely move so I had to shake Shayne awake. I called his name but my voice was hoarse. I pleaded with him to wake up as I could barely talk. Eventually he woke up. He put his ear close to my mouth.
“Where’s Skylar?”
“She’s in a childcare center downstairs.”
“Shayne, what do you remember from last night?” I asked
“I don’t know. What do you remember?”
“This.” I said lifting my gown up again.
“What about it?”
“I had a dream.”
“I had a dream we were taken. And they did this to me. They took our babies.”
Before I could answer, a doctor came in. She shook both of our hands and said that I should recover within eight weeks.
“She was pregnant before this. It should be on her medical records that she was pregnant.” Shayne said
The doctor looked up my file on the computer on the other side of the room.
“Yes, this is correct. But there is no trace that she is carrying a fetus, sir. I am sorry.”
“Considering the damage, will we be able to have more children.”
The doctor raised the hospital gown she pressed lightly on the wound. It felt like it was being ripped open all over again.
“Chances are very slim to none.” The doctor said returning to my file. “She had to be completely reconstructed. But if you would like to have more children, you could always adopt or take your chances with fertility treatments.”
The doctor asked me some more questions and took some blood and she left. Shayne frequently left the hospital to take Skylar to eat and go to her friend’s house and then bring her back. They released me from the hospital a week later.

Three years passed but Shayne and I never forgot what we had gone through. I became pregnant several times in these three years but I wasn’t able to carry them for more than a few weeks. And just when we thought we’d forgotten about the babies, something extraordinary happened.
It was a late summer night just like when we were abducted. Skylar was at a sleepover and Shayne and I were relaxing on the patio. Ten minutes before midnight, we saw a familiar blue light. Shayne and I knew what this was now and we ran in the house. We turned on all the lights in our home and turned the television on. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.  I looked out the peephole and saw nothing. As I was looking, there was another knock. Shayne led me aside and he opened the door and our hearts dropped.
At the door were two little girls. They had long black hair and each of them had one bright green eye and one blue eye the size of kiwis. They had pale blue almost transparent skin. They had round heads with a pointy chin and long, thin necks. They were thin. One was dressed in a green dress and one had a pink dress. The one with the green dress had pink shoes and the one with the pink dress had green shoes. They pushed passed Shayne, who was frozen, and sat on the couch.
“Can we help you?” I asked
They giggled and their giggle was identical to Skylar’s. I sat down across from them and studied them for a while. They looked like they were toddlers. And as I studied them, the more I felt connected to them.
“What are your names?” I asked and they looked confused
“What do you want?” Shayne asked
They looked and opposite directions around the room. The one in the pink dress found one of Skylar’s dolls lying on the floor. She looked at it like it was an incredible piece of art. She got up, ran over to it, grabbed it, sat back down, and started stroking it’s long brown hair.
“Do you like her?” I asked
She smiled and kept stroking her hair.
“You’re just going to let that thing play with our daughter’s toy?” Shayne shouted
The girls put their heads down. The one in the pink dress held the doll close to her and began stroking its hair even faster.
“I think these are our daughters.” I told Shayne.
His eyes grew and he turned his attention back at the girls.
For the next hour or so, we offered them other toys. They took a shining to a Barbie basketball and a teacup from Skylar’s dollhouse. Out of nowhere, they stood up and headed to the patio. We followed and saw that the blue light was outside again. They waved goodbye and faded into thin air.

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