The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

June 8, 2015
By Dylan Baker BRONZE, Coronado, California
Dylan Baker BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He walked into the dark, enigmatic room, the only light coming from the cracks of the door at the end of a long hall. He takes his time and cautiously treks over towards the lighted door, looking back every few feet to make sure he is safe. He gets to the door and just stands there and ponders on what he should now do. Of course, he is very intrigued by the light and wants to see what is behind the door, but he is smart and knows not to rush into things. He eventually believes that the benefits would outweigh the costs, whatever they may be and he opens the door slowly. As the door creaks its way slowly open, the man starts to become eager to see what glorious and mystical sight awaits his eyes. By the time the door is completely open, the man is standing there dumfounded by what he sees: himself. He is staring at a direct image of himself only 20 feet away from the door who is smiling. The man is not normally afraid of much, for he is an oxford man, but he was absolutely petrified by this image. At this point the man is still standing in the doorway, but he feels a tugging of his body and soul that pulls him out from the doorway and into the room with his copy. The second he walks out of the doorway, the door disappears and the image starts to sprint towards the man. He does not know what to do so he just stands there like a statue. The copy closes in on him and within the period of 3 seconds is a foot away from him. The man now feels like his mind and body have shut off.  He is completely powerless to do anything as the copy hits the man and instead of making contact becomes one with the man. The copy now steals his body and throws out that mans soul into a door that had just popped up. The door starts to close but not before the new man sees the soul take shape of the next person who will walk through the door.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 18 2015 at 11:40 am
nerdyhockeyplayer BRONZE, Weston, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is really cool and creepy- do you have a message for this piece? Please check out my story "Beach Walk"