Headache Conquers All | Teen Ink

Headache Conquers All

October 9, 2015
By Anonymous

In Willowdale County, a young female detective sat in her apartment resting from a hard day at work investigating a robbery about 15 minutes away from her apartment.  She had found out who it was and arrested the man for theft.  This young girl loved her job.   She thought being a detective was the most interesting job in the world.  Her name was Autumn Grey.  Autumn moved out of her parents home about 3 months ago when she accepted her dream job to be a detective.  Autumn didn’t come to Willowdale County alone,  she brought her best friend Oscar with her.  Oscar is Autumn’s little helper wherever she goes.  He is a little puppy with brown spots and white, fluffy fur.
Autumn knew what she was getting into; driving almost every week to a different state investigating a crime scene, a car accident, or whatever problem that needed to be looked further into.  Autumn always had her detective supplies with her on her waist; her purple tank top to show off her muscles and her black pants.  She loved to wear her black mask in her free time, but when she was on duty, she didn’t wear it because she said it caused a distraction.  Autumn only wears her special black gloves when she deals with glass and anything sharp.  The most unique thing about Autumn Grey is her hair, it has dark ginger highlights  that shine in the sun wherever she goes. 
One sunny morning, Autumn was laying in bed playing with Oscar when she got a phone call.  Curious as to who it was, Autumn picked up her cell phone that was charging on her nightstand and answered it, saying, “This is Autumn Grey and to whom am I speaking to?”
There was a short pause on the other end of the line.  Then a man started to speak, “Hello, this is Officer Jake speaking and I have heard that you just arrived in Willowdale.  Is that correct?  I am calling from the Police Department and need some help investigating a suspicious murder.  Would you be interested in helping me out? 
Autumn replied with excitement, “Yes, I just got here from Portbeach where I had just finished investigating a crime."
Autumn had come right to Willowdale because she got an alert in her head that something was going on there. The alerts she got were pictures, symbols, or flashbacks that she had seen earlier in her life that gave her a clue about the scene she was investigating. She always got messages in her head anytime something went wrong somewhere. Recently though when Autumn had been getting alerts in her head she had been getting the painful headaches. Her headaches had gotten so bad at times she had to sit down for a while before she could get back to work.  Her pain killing headaches usually lasted for about an hour.
Autumn had continued saying, "I would love to help out Officer!  Do you want me to start the investigation right now?""
The Officer replied saying, “Actually we are going to start tomorrow so you can get a good night’s sleep and be be ready for a full day tomorrow.   Thanks for the help Autumn.  I will plan on seeing you tomorrow morning at the department!”
The phone went silent on the other end and Autumn hit "End Call" on her phone.  Autumn hoppedd up and  jumped on her bed because she was so excited to investigate this murder with her best bud, Oscar.  Oscar started barking because he was really happy too.
The next morning, Autumn and Oscar get up at 6:00 a.m. and went to the police station to get the details and start her investigation. An hour later Autumn and Oscar arrived at the scene, Oscar barked.
Autumn said to Oscar, "What is it boy?”
Wagging his tale rapidly, he barked again.
Autumn moved toward Oscar and saw a puddle of blood near the victim.  Autumn investigated the surrounding area with her flashlight, following wherever her hand points.  Autumn shines the eye blinding flashlight on the victim just scanning him, when she spotted something pink in the corner of her eye.  She shined the flashlight around again, trying to find out where she saw the pink.  Then the flashlight was shining right on the pink object.  Autumn went straight to the pink and noticed it was a wristband. She grabbed her scissors out of all the supplies she had on her waist.  She cut the wristband off and looked over it. Then she saw writing that said "SK" on it.  Now she was getting suspicious. 
Autumn felt like the pink wristband was enough to look at for the day.
“Oscar! Come on bud, let’s go turn this evidence into the department! Then we can go home.” Autumn said.
“WOOF WOOF!” Oscar barked loudly
When Autumn arrived at the department, she asked a little lady at the front desk, “ Is Officer Jake in?”
The lady responded saying, “Yes, he is.  Would you like to talk to him?”
“That would be great, or if he is busy I can just come back another time.”
“Okay, I’m pretty sure he is in his office doing some work on the computer.  What is your name so I can let him know that you are here?”
"Autumn Grey, and could you just tell him that I need to speak to him when he has time?"
"Absolutely, let me go see what he is doing right now. It will be one moment, Autumn."
"Okay! Thank you very much!"
A few minutes later, the little lady walked out and said, " You can go on back to his office if you like.  He is happy you are here."
"Alright, thank you.”
Autumn walked backed to Officer Jake's office and knocked lightly on the door.  She listened for an answer and then peaked into the little crack that was between the wall and the door.  She walked inside and sat down.
"Well hello there Autumn. How did the investigation go?"
"Hi Officer.  The investigation went pretty well and I actually found a piece of evidence. Oscar helped me out with this one."
"Awesome, what did you find?"
Autumn unzipped her bag, pulled out the pink wristband and handed it over to Officer Jake.
"This pink wristband is what we found on the victim's  wrist.  If you turn the wrist band around a little bit, you can see that it says "SK" on it."
"Interesting.  Was there anything else that you found at the scene?”
“That’s all I could find Officer.  I had Oscar sniff around but unfortunately we  didn’t find anything else.  Tomorrow Oscar and I are going to stroll around the town to see if anything else looks peculiar to us.  I’ve gotta get home to feed Oscar,  so I will plan on talking to you tomorrow.  Thanks again for giving me this opportunity to investigate this case.  Have a great night Officer.”
“No, thank you Autumn.  I’m very happy you found this and it is definitely going to help us find whoever did this terrible murder.  We will talk again soon.”
Autumn walked out the door with Oscar following her right behind.  Autumn was ready to go home and relax.  She had a busy day, getting up early, searching the area for clues and talking to anyone around to see if they saw anything suspicious  the day before.
When Autumn got home, she got Oscar’s bowl out of his little puppy bag because it was still packed away from when they had arrived there yesterday.  She opened the new bag of dog food and poured some in until the bowl was full.  Right as Autumn put the bowl down, Oscar quickly put his face into the bowl and started to eat.
The next morning Autumn and Oscar laid in bed for a little while watching tv.  Autumn loved spending time with Oscar.  He was the one who always kept her company since she had moved away for college.  Autumn couldn't imagine living without him because Oscar was ALWAYS by her side.  Then Autumn told Oscar that they were going to search the town to see if they could locate any new clues.  So Autumn set out with Oscar and did some searching. 
Autumn said to Oscar who was a few feet ahead of her on the leash, “It is an awesome day today.  It feels great and this town is just perfect because everyone is so friendly and polite.  Almost everyone I have seen has waved to me today.  That’s why I am curious about there being a murder here.  It just seems weird to me that a murder would happen in this little town.” 
Autumn was thinking to herself, the person that did this was very careful and knew what he/she was doing because they had covered their tracks very well.  The only suspicious thing the killer left was the pink wristband which is our only hope that we will find him/her.
Autumn finished the day off by giving Officer Jake a call and letting him know that no other clues were found. This search was going to be hard but she was confident they were going to find this killer.
A month went by and it is now October.  By now, there has been police searching for this murderer everywhere because so few clues could be found.  Officer Jake had called all the other police departments near Wellington and warned them to be on the lookout because we aren’t letting this go.  Autumn had talked to the town counciler and had video cameras put up almost everywhere around the town.  The town was fairly small so she felt they had all spots covered. Every night Autumn would review the footage before she went to bed so she could see if anything suspicious popped up, but there was nothing.  Autumn had never been on a case this long trying to find someone so this was making her angry and frustrated. She so badly wanted to just find this murderer and put him behind bars so the town could rest. A few days passed and Autumn got another horrifying headache in the middle of the night.  She tried going back to sleep thinking that this time her headache wasn’t an alert, it was just a headache from all the stress she had been under with this case.  Morning finally came for Autumn and her headache had gotten worse.  Now she knew that her headache wasn’t stress… her headache was telling her that something had went wrong.  Once Autumn realized this she picked up Oscar, got into her car, and sped right to where the last murder scene had happened.  When she arrived on the scene she realized another person had been murdered. This made Autumn extremely mad.
Autumn called Officer Jake right away saying, “Officer Jake, you have to get down here immediately.  There has been another murder, in the same spot.  I’m assuming that this is the same person doing the killing.  We have to find this guy.”
“Hi Autumn. This is terrible. I had a bad feeling in my gut that this was going to happen again.  Let me look at the footage to see if it gives us any clues.  That would be fantastic if the killer was caught on tape.  I will be over as soon as I view the video.”
“Okay, thank you Officer.  Hopefully you come with good news.”
Autumn locked her phone screen to end the call and started to do an inspection on the “new” victim. There was a puddle of blood, sitting right by the victim’s stomach.  Autumn put her gloves on just to be safe.  Then, she saw for the second time, the pink.  Except this time she saw it by the foot.  It was another pink band on the victim’s right ankle.  Autumn got her scissors out to cut the pink band off.  Once the band, was in her hands, she moved it around seeing if there was any evidence on it.  Soon to find out the letters “SK” were written on it… again. 
Autumn thought to herself, this has to be the same person now because they left the same hint signed “SK”  on it.  I just can’t figure out what SK means.
Officer Jake’s car pulled up to the scene.  He opened his door and said to Autumn, “It looks like I have some bad news Autumn.  The killer must have saw that we put video cameras up and blocked it so we couldn’t see who he is.  I have to admit, this guy is good.”
Autumn wanted to let all the anger that was inside of her out right then because she was so mad, but she didn’t want Officer Jake to see.
Autumn said back to him, “This guy really is good and we have to put a stop to him ASAP.”
Autumn looked around the scene some more and said, “Nothing, absolutely nothing.”
Officer Jake nodded his head saying, “We’ll get him.”

Four weeks later, almost the end of October, the killer still isn’t found.  The police are now all over the town, watching everyone, making sure nothing bad happens. Undercover police are even at the scene to see if the murderer would strike again in the same place.

A week goes by and November arrives.  The police focus their attention even more at this new start of the month because everyone has noticed that one murder has happened every month since September.  So now everyone is watching close, especially these first couple of weeks.
Autumn was picking up her apartment when she started to get another one of her pounding headaches.  This time, she didn't even have to think about it.  A picture of the pink wristband came to her.  She was hurting so bad she didn't think she could make it to the scene, but strong detective Autumn Grey fought the tough battle and hopped in her car.  On her way to the scene she called Officer Jake and let him know about her image. Arriving at the scene, Autumn saw the "newest" victim, lying on the ground. Autumn didn't see any blood this time, and she didn't see any pink wristband either.  Autumn had put her gloves on and picked up the victim's purse that was laying right by her. There was the pink wristband, attached to the purse.  Officer Jake had just gotten to the scene a few moments later and saw Autumn holding the pink wristband.
Autumn said right away to Officer Jake, "It says "SK" on it.”
Jake said with disappointment, “Ugh, why do people have to do this kinda stuff?  I just don’t get it.  But at least we know this is the same person doing this.  Which means we can start calling this killer the Serial Killer.” 
Jake stuttered and said, “Wait, what?”
Jake could barely understand what Autumn was saying because she was talking so fast.
Autumn explained to Officer Jake a little bit slower this time saying, “Here, look at the wristband.  Do you see how it has the letters SK on it?  Those letters have been on all three wristbands that I found investigating the crimes the last few months.  So, I’m assuming that the SK means Serial Killer and that he has been planning to commit these murders.  Now do you see what I am trying to get you to understand?”
Officer Jake laughed and said, “Well now I do because I could actually hear and get what you were saying.  Knowing that the Serial Killer is  the one who is making these murders , it still doesn’t really help us find out who’s name is  behind that Serial Killer.”
“I know, but it helps to know that the SK on the wristband has a meaning and I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”

During the rest of the month of November, the search continued.  The search continued, but with no luck.  The serial killer was leaving nothing and the police were slowing down on the watch.
December came and Autumn was already waiting for her headache to come, to alert her that the Serial Killer was back.  Autumn was not giving up on this. Autumn had waited for her headache to come for about 3 weeks. 
On November 23, Autumn got one of the worst headaches she had ever gotten.  Now, she was regretting about wanting her headache.  Autumn couldn’t even get off the couch because she was so dizzy and in so much pain.  The pain kept getting worse and worse for her.
Hours later, Autumn woke up and said, “Where am I?”
“You are in the emergency room Autumn.” A voice said.
“Who are you?” Autumn said confused.
“I’m Officer Jake.  I went over to your house to see why you weren’t answering your cell phone and I saw you laying on the floor unconscious.  So I took you to the hospital because I knew something was wrong.”
“Oh, what happened to me?” Autumn said, still very confused.
Right when Autumn had asked that question, Doctor Klein walked into the room.
Doctor Klein answered Autumns question and said, “You were unconscious  at your house.  We don’t know what else happened because no one was with you when it happened.  Do you remember anything else?”
Autumn immediately sat up in her hospital bed and looked around.  She looked the doctor right in the eye and she was sure she knew who the doctor was.  All around the room she kept seeing images of pink, from the wallpaper to his name tag.  The doctor rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands and she realized he had the initials SK tattooed on his arm. Autumn jumped out of her bed and tackled the doctor, both falling to the floor. 
The last words that Autumn said to the man before they left the hospital was, “I”ve never been so happy to have a terrible headache. You are going to be in jail for a long time doctor.  My work here is done.”

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