Alex the Alien | Teen Ink

Alex the Alien

October 5, 2015
By Railriderz BRONZE, Keller, Texas
Railriderz BRONZE, Keller, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Hi, my names is Alex. I’m an alien from a planet called Januvia but I moved to Earth because of war back on my home planet. I was not the first alien to come here, aliens have been coming to earth since about 2320. I moved here a year ago in the year 2417, and I started my schooling in 2418 because I didn’t know humans use schooling to gain knowledge. Honestly I think humans are kinda dumb. Ever since I’ve been here I haven’t even dropped below a 100.

I feel in a bad situation because I have no friends but I like to do a lot of things. Also there is a bully at school named James, he’s good at everything. He looks really tough with his spiky hair his big bulging muscles, he’s the one that scares that scares me not his puny little friends joe and phil with their puny little arms. I’ve beat them up before and I’ve been suspended a lot, that’s one of my problems is my temper. Most of the time I get picked on because I’m an alien.

Today was shaping up to be pretty bad because I started my day off getting picked on by a whole group of kids, it was surprising that James was not involved. I pretty much get bullied by everyone but James is my biggest problem, If any particular person doesn’t pick on me they despise me. The reason they were picking on me was because there is this new technology some people from my home planet brought over to earth so I was the only one that knew how to use it. I’m actually not sure why they were mad at me because it’s pretty easy, it was this typing thing which no one knows how to type because the brand new iphone advanced 10’s which are not being sold to aliens where you just tell the phone your story and it types for you.

Also I’m really lucky because I hear all these ancient stories about kids making other kids do their homework, but know days kids just have there i-bots do it. Once I got to school it was the same as everyday, starting with James and his gang emptying my backpack and taking whatever they want leaving the rest for me to pick up. At lunch they took everything except the vegetables. The only thing different was that there was another alien which is weird because I’ve been the only alien for a long time. His name was Fred the freak, he had one eye with three fingers on each hand he wore sweat pants and a sweatshirt.

It turns out he’s pretty cool and probably my first friend on earth. When we were together nobody not even James messed with me. Once he left James came over to me and for some reason I wanted to fight because Fred gave me confidence. I was about to punch him when nothing somehow was holding me back. It was fred with his mind, and from then on I never got in a fight again.

The author's comments:

made in school class for grade

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