Wish Me Luck | Teen Ink

Wish Me Luck

October 15, 2015
By KatSoFabulous BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
KatSoFabulous BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Childhood wasn’t like any other kids because first of all I was found by a nice family in a ditch. But as perfect as this couple seemed, it just had to go downhill.
“Muncheez, we have to hide. They’re back!”
I opened the window and jumped into the bushes, but I was sure glad it was only one story tall.
“Muncheez, please get up!”
Just as I went to pick up my tired little buddy, my father who had found me as a child was busting through my window realizing I had escaped. All I had in my mind now was getting away as far as possible and keeping my beloved pet safe. That house had nearly killed me countless times…not the house itself but the people inside the house. Before my mother died she was the only reason I never ran off earlier. My mother’s death scarred my dad so much he became an alcoholic and an abuser. And I was only six. I slung Muncheez on my shoulder.
“Do now, do gone” he said, because my father was catching up.
I had always wondered how this species was so intelligent yet they lacked certain speaking abilities. But even though I wondered this alI I could think about was just how glad that I was to have a secret that had helped me through the years.  It could make this all go away.
I woke up remembering it’s just the flashbacks again. Mucheez was cuddled up in my strawberry-blond hair. But I knew what lay ahead…… my first day of being officially adopted. I still can’t grasp the fact that me running away to be fostered would leave me here, adopted. I was starting to think no one wanted me because of all those years of being tossed from foster family to foster family. To me I felt as if this were a new beginning for me. But as sad as my past was, now I went to school as an official student instead of a temporary student. I’m so excited to tell Carter Mammoth my best bud, but she’s also my arch rivals’ twin…. Bradley. But the good outweighs the bad so I’m optimistic. I walked downstairs to the smell of crispy sweet bacon and fresh waffles, I think I’m gonna like it here.
“Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Drew!” I said as I sat down in a chair that they let me paint and personalize for me with butterflies and flowers. I said as I starting stuffing the fluffy waffle in my mouth.
Mr. Drew looked at Mrs. Drew and nodded and smiled as if he knew he was right.
” Oops I forgot. Sorry, Mom! Sorry Dad!” As I said this feeling came along it was warm and fuzzy.
“Honey, if you don’t feel comfortable calling us that yet I understand I know you’ve gone through a lot.” But I know I had a gut feeling that they could be trusted.” By the way, we let you sleep a bit late but the bus will be here in like five minutes.”
So I quickly got dressed in the outfit my Mom had bought for me. I then brushed my teeth. Checking my Mickey Mouse watch I grabbed my backpack and dashed out the door. But I forgot to grab Muncheez so I ran upstairs to grab him. I ran back downstairs and ran out to catch my bus, which was just getting to stop. Perfect timing I thought as I wiped the sweat that I got from running to catch up.
I sat next to Carter and said, “Boy, do I need to exercise more!” as I gasped for air.
So we talked and talked until we got to school. I saw Madelyn Thompson (one of my enemies) was always pretty with her curled blond hair, and her perfect outfit because she would always dress her best because she could afford it, but you make her mad once and she threatens that her dad will sue cause “He’s a rich lawyer” but it never happened, She was coming to greet me, that’s just great. Ha, is she gonna try to punch me again, I thought. Carter stood in front of me willing to defend me…. but Madelyn wasn’t actually after me she was just walking to…..
“No, nope, no, it’s true isn’t it Carter!!” I said while my heart had the feeling it was going to pound out of my chest.
“Sadly, yes it is true Madelyn and Bradley started dating just a week ago, on your second day of school.” She knew this was bad news for me.
First those two hate me for no reason. Then they team up to fight me, I thought that Len was trying to goof around like usual when he said that, I guess not. So there they stood Madelyn and Bradley my enemies.
Now Bradley was the school bully, popular, except one thing… a school wide rumor that told that a year ago he used to be the good guy. He would always defend people from others like Madelyn but one day a high school student noticed how much he liked to help people and attacked Bradley on his way home and Bradley decided it was easier to hurt then get hurt so now he’s the school jerk. And the thing is if you talked to him long enough you can see that he really is a nice guy but he’s too scared to show it again. But I’m just glad they haven’t come to talk to me yet. Darn it I spoke too soon.
“Ha, hey losers I hear Carter is the reason we lost Saturday’s basketball game,” Madelyn said while laughing like the maniac she is.
“Hey back off dude, she tried,” I said fretting for my life.
“So then how did she jab in to our best player? Did she ‘try’ to?” Madelyn said mockingly.
“I know she bumped into your best friend, but Carter wouldn’t’ do that on purpose”
After that sentences were flying, not good ones. It stinks that the person Carter bumped into was Madelyn’s best friend, Suzie, the basketball MVP.
So eventually Bradley butted in and said,”Hey Mads, can we not be late to class again?”
She glared at him with the fire of 1,000 suns,” This isn’t over yet Sam just you wait I’ll be back!!!”
I turned to Carter and laughed and, as we walked to class, we commented on how that sounded like something a witch would say. All my classes were the same, boring.
“We officially welcome you to our lovely school!”
Every class said that (they are forced to). But other than that it was same ol’ same ol’. But six boring periods later I finally got to seventh period, and I’m so happy it’s my last class…..art!!!!!! And I started to realize as much as I like how my life is going now inside of me I feel like it’s my home place to blame for my past so I know I must return so they could pay their debt. I learned early in my life I wasn’t normal. My parents that had found me didn’t tell me where I was from but when I was at my mother’s deathbed she said weakly….
“We did find you in a ditch but someone didn’t leave you there. You were dropped off by people not of our kind with the same arm symbol as you, I always thought they were alie________.”
My anticipation grew as I needed to know who was it who dropped me off, how were they not of our kind, and did she try or say aliens, as in space people, so as I learned to read. I researched as much as my brain could hold until I found an old article from Dr. Andrew Zach who had the answer saying they were from a planet no one would ever suspect based on a series of tests on a young man from it(who was like me)…Pluto.
But when I got home I remembered my new parents offering the extra shack in the backyard for my “creativity.” So I decided that I needed to find out why they sent me to Earth. Why did my parents let them do that to me?  I pulled the cover off my latest achievement. I had no specific name for it so I’d just call it “rocket ship.” But I knew I could’ve waited longer to leave but today had really fired me up to give them a piece of my mind for sending me to Earth.  I guess I’m ready to launch off to Pluto.

“Oops I almost forgot to pack,” so I grabbed the necessities three days of clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, deodorant, a camera and etc.
What I wasn’t prepared for was Bradley and Madelyn. I thought that Pluto was the last planet in this solar system, but I’m not sure I should’ve paid attention to my science teacher, Mr. Lopez. Well I’m just going to guess…
I turn to Muncheez he gives me a look of reinsurance I think I made the right guess. It’s kind of chilly here. My legs feel great after all that travel. I thought that with sarcasm. Then I noticed something a dot of something nearby. There’s way too much snow to tell. I grab out my video camera, and start my video on my trip because even if it doesn’t work out at least I got to explore a bit. All I know is that if there’s a chance ended up on Pluto I’m going to need to do a little exploring, plus all I need to be happy is my little baby Muncheez. I go to press end but then the dot looks like it got closer. I hope this video camera has lots of charge left.

The author's comments:

I felt that this should be the character can relate to yet, all feel so different. It tugs on your heart strings becayse you want to agree with the main character yet she knows isn't making the best decisions.

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