The Summer Nightmare | Teen Ink

The Summer Nightmare

October 15, 2015
By Belen_alvarado_ BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Belen_alvarado_ BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The icy night felt so peaceful, and the moon’s glow was shining on his face. He had stunning dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. I encountered Alex last summer through social media. I had an enormous crush on him, until one day he asked for my number, and we started talking from there on. We started hanging out and eventually he asked me to be his.
We reached my old brownstone house. I observed our refection in the window.
“You’re gorgeous.”
Alex looked into my eyes. He was leaning in to hug me when I saw a shadow move behind him. Without thinking about it I grabbed a dead branch next to my foot. Alex followed my eyes, confused at what I was doing. 
“What is it?”
“There’s someone following us,” I whispered.
“Who’s there?” he shouted. There was no answer.
I soundlessly walked over to the bush. I took a deep breathe before looking over the bush. I stood on my tippy toes holding the branch in my hand. There was nothing...
“It was probably just a cat,” Alex assumed.
I still wasn’t convinced. I knew what I had seen.

         “Goodnight,” I said and I walked inside my house. My grandparents weren’t home. They’re spending the weekend in Wisconsin. My house is big with big with wood floors and an old rusting staircase. It gets pretty creepy around here sometimes.
          Things started changing when my family passed away five years ago. I remember that day like it was yesterday. We were on our way back home from the hospital. My mom had just had my new baby brother. I was ten years old at the time, so I don’t really remember what my brother looked like. My dad passed a red light. I was the only one who survived the car crash. I’ve lived with my grandparents ever since.
          Ever since my family’s funeral I’ve had nightmares. It feels like they’re there, but they really aren’t. I walked to my room, which is also known as the basement. My grandparent thought it would be easier to just have my room be down here. I closed my eyes and let my dreams take over my mind. Once again dreams took over.
          I woke up and I’m drooling in sweat. Something and grabbed my arm while I was sleeping and I felt it. I can hear noises upstairs; I think my grandparents are back.  
        “Grandma Rosa,” I yell.
I don’t get an answer, so I walk upstairs to check. I look around the house but don’t find
anybody home. As I’m looking in the mirror the door behind me slams shut, I jump.
       “I’ve had enough of this!” I screech.
  I pull my phone out and start dialing Alex’s number.
       “Hello?” He answers.
      “Hey, I need you to come over. I don’t know what’s going on but my house is creeping me out.”
       “Okay, I’m on my way.” He hangs up.
       My stomach growls loudly. I go in the kitchen to look for something to get. I pull out some milk out of the fridge and cereal. I heard the doorbell ring.
      “Coming,” I say.
I unlocked the door, and there he was. He came inside, and we walked to the kitchen.
     “What’s going on?” he asked
     “Doors have been shutting by themselves, and my grandparents aren’t even home.
     “Do you think it might be a ghost?”
     “I don’t know, but whatever it is it’s trying to get to me,” I replied.
    Right after that last word, I saw the same shadow I saw earlier. It was right behind Alex.
     “Alex… there’s something behind-“Before I could finish my sentence, the shadow pulls him back and drags him down the stairs.
    “AHHHHH!” he screams.
I grab a kitchen knife and run down stairs. I’m using my phone as a light.
     “Alex, where are you?”
      I’m looking around the room, but everything is pitch black. I walk around the room. My hands are shaking. My heart is racing. I don’t understand what’s going on. Could this be my family’s spirit trying to warn me about something? Or are they trying to get me to come to their side?

       I can hear every beat of my heart pound. I start walking back up the stairs. I stop half way up. Someone is behind me. My hairs rise. I’m shaking a lot more than what I was earlier. I feel someone breathing on me. Something wraps it arms around my waist and drags me backwards. Everything goes black.

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