Will He get Her Powers? | Teen Ink

Will He get Her Powers?

October 15, 2015
By 19volleyball BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
19volleyball BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if you could time travel?  Travel to any point in time. To the past, future, or just five minutes ago.   Well, Jesse had that kind of power. She was courageous enough and bright enough to figure out how it worked, but someone else wanted her power. There was one professor at school who wanted it, but Jesse didn’t know that. It was Professor Darryl. He was the mean teacher at the school; none of his students liked him. If he could find out how she got her powers, then he would be the most popular teacher at the school. He would do anything to find out how she got her time traveling powers. But Jesse just didn’t tell anyone about her ‘special’ power. She only told the one person she could trust to keep such a giant secret like time- traveling, her sister. Chloe was the type of person who could keep a secret forever if she had to. She was the kind of person to just do anything she needed to help anyone out.
It all started when Jesse was a junior at North East High school. She didn’t know what hit her.  It was before school. She was in her science class trying to finish an experiment before school started. She was pouring two chemicals together and some got on her arm. It was yellowish-green and had little tints of blue in it. It looked like vomit.
“Gross!” she said as soon as she saw that some had gotten on her arm.
She didn’t think it was any harm though, so she washed it off, cleaned up, and went off to her first class. Later, about 1:52, she walked into science class thinking about how she didn’t want a bad science grade and then she was back to that morning.
“Whoa! How did this happen? I’ve never felt anything like this before.” She had wandered back to that morning.
“I feel like I have a thousand little unicorns jumping over me!” she said, a little dizzy.
She didn’t know this yet, but every time she would time travel she would feel like that. After the feeling was gone, she sprinted out of there and went to go find her sister. Once she found her sister, she didn’t know that anyone else was around when she was telling her sister.  Professor Darryl just happened to be at the right place at the right time to overhear what they were saying. He had been studying time travel for about seven years now and he thought he may have found a ticket to find out.
“Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! You are never going to believe what just happened to me!” Jesse screamed as she got to her sister.
“What? What just happened to you?” Chloe replied feeling annoyed by her sister.
“I … I went back to this morning.”
“What in your thoughts?” Chloe replied sarcastically.
“No. I was coming into science class, thinking about what grade I was going to get on my science lab. Then I was back to this morning in the science classroom. Then I thought about coming and telling you and then next thing I know, I am running around school looking for you. Am I going insane?”
“Okay, first you need to slow down and breathe. How could you have time -traveled? Wait, you said you were thinking about something and then you went there? Right?”
“Right,” Jesse said trying to catch her breathe.
“Okay so you need to just relax and take a break. We can figure this out when we get home. Class is about to start,” Chloe replied.
They both went about their day and Professor Darryl had some work to get done.
As soon as the girls left, he started planning.
“Now is my chance to finally figure out how time traveling works. I just have to find a way to meet that girl.” he said plotting his ideas.
Later there was an assembly to meet all the professors that came along with Professor Darryl, including himself. During the assembly, when Professor Darryl was speaking, he offered an internship to someone that would like to be a teacher of science or a regular teacher and would like to observe. He was hoping that Jesse, even though he didn’t know her name would take the internship. Then he could find out why she could time travel and become the greatest scientist in the world.
Later that night, Jesse was talking with her parents and asked,” A Professor from a college came today, and offered an internship to help in the science field there. Can I sign up?”
“I guess. If you are really going to commit to this. Then you may,” her mom replied.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Jesse replied with enthusiasm.
About two weeks later, she had gotten the call she had been waiting for. She had gotten the internship. She was thrilled. Then his evil plans started to begin the day she walked in and he saw that it was her, the one with time traveling powers.
I knew if I found a yearbook and looked through every page, I would finally find the girls name and be able to know if she called or not and my plan worked. Now I have her right where I want her to be, he thought to himself.
When she walked in the next day, in was dark, gloomy, and really depressing. She was starting to regret her decision. She felt so sad every time she walked in to come to her internship. On her first day, he was so creepy, she wanted to leave. He had his lab coat on and a mischievous look on his face as soon as she came in the door. He had a plan and it started as soon as Jesse walked through the door. He started by asking her some questions to get to know her.
“So, if you could have any power what would it be?” he asked her.
“Well, I don’t really know. I would have to think about it.”
“What about time traveling? That seems like it would be an ‘amazing’ power. Don’t you? ”He asked with a humongous grin on his face.
She hesitated to answer.
“W…Well, it wouldn’t be that bad I guess,” she answered, nervous to even talk.
“Well, I would like to run a few tests on you to make sure you are safe to work here. Ok?”
“I would have to get my mom and dad’s permission first, but then I could probably do it.”


“Once I get her parent’s permission, I will find out what happened to her and give myself time traveling powers. I will become the greatest scientist in the world.
After she was done there, she went straight home because it was time for dinner and she asked her mom and dad an important question.
“At work today, Professor Darryl wanted to see if he could run some tests on me to see if I was safe to work there. Can I do it?”
“If it’s just one test, then you may, but only if you will be safe. If it ever hurts then you need to stop. Ok?” her mom replied, feeling nervous about letting her do this.
“OK mom,” she said sarcastically.
The next day she walked in there with her long hair in a ponytail, so it’s out of the way, a t-shirt and jeans on, and her tennis shoes, so she was comfy. When she walks in he is thinking, “This could be my day to finally figure this out.”
“Are you ready for this?” he asked her with a grin on his face.
“Yep. I got my parent’s permission last night and I’m ready to go, I think,” she said feeling really nervous about this.
“OK then, let’s get started. This shouldn’t take long, only about a half an hour,” he said, hoping this would work.
He started hooking up these wires to her head and pulls out this enormous computer type thing to read what is going on through her head. Then he hooked a wire to her arm. She thought that that was a little weird, but he was the scientist. He told her to lie back in the chair and just relax, and she ended up falling asleep, just like what he wanted her to. Then he started her real testing once she was finally asleep.
He started by saying in her ear, “Tell me about time traveling.”
He went to the computer, where it would type what she was dreaming about.  She started by having a dream about how college was going. Then he got what he really wanted. She started having a dream about her going to the future and saving her sister from people trying to rob her house. He wanted her to have a dream of how she got her powers, but right now, at the rate she was having her dreams, it could take a couple more dreams. After about two more dreams, he had to whisper in her ear again.
“Tell me about how you got your time traveling powers,” he said with a strange voice.
Then it all started to fall into place. In an instant she was back to the day she got her powers. She saw the professor listening in on her and her sister. He could read it on the computer and couldn’t believe she had traveled back, even though she was asleep.
At that very moment, she started shaking and her eyes popped open with shock. She recalled her flashback and realized he knew her secret.

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