Deinodillo | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By Flamingo95 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Flamingo95 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Superior Island, USA
“Here we are, Captain, our very first animal type weapon. The enemy will never suspect it.”
“Great job, soldier! It’s about time someone puts some effort into their work. How did you manage to make such a weapon?”
  “Oh, it was very simple; we took the genes of an armadillo and mixed it together with our version of the deinonychus dinosaur. The deinonychus was one of the fastest dinosaurs back in the olden days.  Would you like to take it out for a spin, Captain?”
“Would I? Of course I would! They didn’t make me captain for nothing, you know.”
The sound of old, rusty bolts clicked as the soldier fought with the lever. Whoosh! The computer instantly connected with the machine. All of a sudden the booming roar of the dinosaur was heard coming from the pen, and a rush of wind passed as the creature tore by.
“Raising the gates,” a dull voice said.
“Alright, Captain! Here we go!”
Looking at the computer screen, where the footage from the camera attached to the creature was being displayed, was flashing with the instant change of colors as it rushed by.
“Are you sure this is safe?” said the worried captain. 
“Of course it is, Captain. We have a device connected to the creature’s forehead to control its mind and its every movement.”
Errrrrrrrrr! The sound of a million fire engines is heard from overhead. The emergency siren was going off indicating that something was wrong.
“We have lost all connection with the creature!” shouted a soldier, trying to be heard as he franticly typed on his computer, trying to get connected with the very dangerous creature again.
“Get connected with that creature now!” the captain barked.
“We can’t. The device in the creature’s forehead has had its connection redirected to a different source. We can’t figure out where the connection is coming from. The creature is heading towards the United States and will wreak havoc onto everything,” said the frightened soldier in a wobbly voice, as if he were about to bawl like a baby.
“Contact the President immediately!” the captain said in a large firm voice.

San Francisco, California
“Crimson, is that you?” said a voice that seemed very familiar to him.
Crimson spun around to notice that it was Julie. Julie was Crimson’s friend ever since high school. Julie had long, dark, luscious dark brown hair, loved to play tennis, and was super smart in ecology. Crimson was franticly trying to flatten his curly, red colored hair before the girl could notice. Crimson’s parents had named him after the color of his hair.  He has dark, crimson colored hair that started to curl during his senior year in high school. He isn’t very athletic, but he is very smart when it comes to robots and technology. 
“Hi, Julie!” Crimson responded in a jovial mood.
“I haven’t seen you in forever, Crimson. What have you been up to?”
“Ahhh!” the screams of a million people were heard from behind and getting closer and getting louder.  Something large made contact with the water causing the water to burst up in a big wave that covered the entire beach front. Everything went silent. Crimson was on the ground feeling nauseous from whatever knocked him straight to the ground. He opened his eyes to see the sky covered in a thick layer of dust that instantly made him start to cough. Out of nowhere, Julie appeared and grabbed him by the arm and was urgently trying to help him up off the ground. She was saying something, but he couldn’t hear anything. He tried to understand what she was desperately trying to tell him, but finally gave up in frustration. A large ringing in his ear appeared for a second or two, or so he thought, until he could finally hear again.
“Come on! We have to get out of here!” Julie yelled.
“What happened?” Crimson shouted back.
“There’s no time to explain,” she responded as they started sprinting down the street. She finally stopped running and motioned him to follow her into a brick building he has never noticed before until now. When they got inside it turned out to be a small little bakery with crates full of bread, bags full of flour, and freezers full of cakes. Many people were inside, all continuing their daily routine in the town. They all appeared to be scared because their faces looked like they saw the worst horror movie of all time. A television positioned on the bare wall was spurting out the words coming from the popular news reporter in downtown San Francisco.
“Just in, the Golden Gate Bridge has just collapsed. A strange, deadly creature has destroyed the foundation of the bridge which has caused it to topple and crash into the waters of the Golden Gate Strait, killing and injuring thousands. We have no idea what this creature is but... Ok, we have just received a message from the President.”
“This is an emergency! Get inside immediately! This is no joke. A creature that can run up to 100 mph is destroying everything on the west side of San Francisco. It destroys anything moving and detects noise up to a mile away. We call it the Deinodillo. This has been a message from your President, and he asks everyone to please stay calm.”
The store owner turned off the television. Nobody said a word. The screams continued from outside as thousands of people dashed by the bakery windows.
“What do we do now?” Julie whispered to Crimson.
“I don’t know,” Crimson responded in a shocked voice. “I don’t know,” he repeated.

San Francisco, California- Dr. Drygioni’s lair
Dr. Drygioni laughed diabolically with the ugly grin of an ape.
“Finally! My plan is working! San Francisco will pay for what they have done to me!”
When he went to the bathroom, his pet cat went over to Dr. Drygioni’s fish bowl which contained his pet fish (or dinner as the cat would think of it). The fish bowl was positioned on a shelf right above his computer which controls the Deinodillo. The cat leaped, trying to get the fish bowl. Boom! Bam! Clash!
“Oh, no!” Dr. Drygioni screamed.

San Francisco, California- The Bakery
“Ok,” Crimson whispered. “I’m done waiting.”
“But what are you going to do?” Julie questioned.
“I don’t know, but if we can make it to my lab at my house, we could try to at least figure out what that creature is.”
“Ok, Crimson. What’s the plan?”
“First we’re headed to my house, but we’ll have to be very cautious and quiet.”
Outside, they made their journey to Crimson’s house. They made it across the railroad tracks, then past their old college, and finally to his house.
“Finally! We made it!” Crimson said as he tried to catch his breath. “Ok, here’s what we know: the president said that it was called a Deinodillo. It sounds like it is made up of two animals. Do you know what the animals could be?”
“It could be an armadillo because the end of the creature’s name is dillo, The first part is a deinonychus dinosaur, because when I look up the prefix deino on your laptop, it always shows up as deinonychus. That would explain why the Deinodillo is so fast.”
“Wow! Great job, Julie! Well now we know what animals the Deinodillo.  Next we will have to figure out how to defeat it.”
The sound of a train is heard from the train tracks miles away. After the first horn, the second horn started, but the noise quickly vanished.
“Did you hear that?” Julie asked.
“No, what is it?”
Then he heard it. The faint sound of a dinosaur’s roar like what he has heard in movies before.
“We have to figure out what its weakness is faster,” Crimson said.
“Well, it is either a robot or a creature like us, so maybe we could try to blow it up. We could get it into a room full of dynamite and close the door and detonate the dynamite before it can escape,” Julie explained prudently without overlooking any vital information.
“Great idea, but where will we get the dynamite from?” Crimson asked.
“My dad loved to go in mines to look for gold before he passed away, so he must still have some of the dynamite he used,” Julie assumed.
“Wait, your dad mined?”
“Yep, and he was killed from a tunnel caving in on him.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Crimson apologized.
“Well, let’s go get that dynamite.”

When they got to the rundown house, they immediately started searching for the dynamite. They didn’t find the dynamite right away, but they did find old journals, post cards, and other keepsakes.
“Julie, come over here.”
“What is it, Crimson?”
“I found something you might remember.”
Crimson held up a birthday card that Julie had given her dad for his birthday.
“Where did you find this?” Julie asked as her eyes started to fill with tears.
“I found it in this box titled, “Treasures.” It seems that everything he cares about is in here, and that card symbolizes one of those treasures, you. I also found the dynamite in here. Do you want to stay here a little longer, or do you want to go?” Crimson asked.
“No, let’s go destroy that monster.” Julie responded wiping the tears from her eyes.
As they walked back to the bakery cautiously, they heard another scream, which was shortly stopped and followed by the Deinodillo’s roar again. The screams were now frequently followed by the rumble of the Deinodillo’s roar. Then there was a scream closer than the others. Crimson turned around to realize that Julie wasn’t behind him. She had the dynamite with her, and he had no inkling of where she might be. A huge explosion came from behind him. Coming out of the explosion was a fireball that landed right in front of him. It was the birthday card. In an instant, it burnt up. Immediately his eyes started to water. She has sacrificed herself to save the world from this very dangerous creature. Crimson was happy that the creature was destroyed, but he was also sad that his dear friend was gone.

“On this day we remember the young hero of San Francisco, Julie Da, for saving the city from the deadly creature, the Deinodillo. The Deinodillo wreaked havoc on the town causing the Golden Gate Bridge to collapse, many deaths, many injuries, and the life of Julie Da. The President has come to award Julie the Medal of Honor for her bravery against the Deinodillo,” pronounced the town mayor.
“I would like to dedicate this award to the memory of Julie Da, for her bravery and for defeating the Deinodillo, but also, for the highest price she paid by the giving of her precious life. Most of us didn’t know Julie Da until now, but now we all will remember her name forever for what she did for us. Thank you,” added the president.
“Alright, we thank you for coming to listen about the story of Julie Da at the Grand Opening of the Julie Da Park,” continued the mayor. “May this park forever be a memorial to honor her name and a reminder of her ultimate sacrifice. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.”

The author's comments:

The Sci-fi Channel inspired me to make an animal mixture of my own.

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