Midnight Mystery | Teen Ink

Midnight Mystery

October 15, 2015
By elizabethhall BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
elizabethhall BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who talk behind your back are there for a reason,"

     I heard the man stomping through my house as I hid under the bed. TROMP, TROMP, TROMP! It was getting louder and louder but I couldn’t help but cry. Holding my breath I slowly covered my mouth. I heard my neighbor Tammy yelling, “HELP!” then heard the loud, scary footsteps go away. When the front door closed VERY loudly, I got out from under the bed and saw this mysterious looking man going near Tammy. “STAY AWAY! DO NOT TOUCH ME! I HAVE A GUN!” she screamed. I thought to myself, he’s going to shoot. Running into the living room I grabbed my cellphone to call the police. Thinking I would be fast enough to grab the phone, I ran out the door and he was gone.
     I am Meyana Manchaca, I am 14 and I am in 9th grade. I am homeschooled, although I have a lot of secrets I hide from people, including my parents. One very big secret I keep is I am a secret agent for the government. I live in Los Angeles, California in a small brown apartment in on the third level. My apartment only has three bedrooms and one small bathroom. And my room is very little with basically a tiny hole in my wall as a closet.
     After the mysterious man incident went on, I headed to Tammy’s house and stayed with her until my parents got home from work. When my parents got home it was around 8:30 and I told them all about what happened just a few hours before they had come home. They freaked out a little and then went and talked to Tammy. Later it was time for me to go to bed; well, at least that’s what my parents think.
     After being ‘in bed’ and letting my parents go to bed, I grab a black mask, my bag, and quietly sneak out the back door. And I’m on my way.
     I am going to the Moratorium of Los Angeles to meet my mission counselor. Today, he told me to meet him at exactly 11:59 P.M. And if I didn’t something bad would happen, so I rode there on my bike as fast as lightning. When I arrived it is 11:56 P.M so I speed up the 267 stairs to the top of the Moratorium. Out of breath I walk up the last few steps and see my counselor there waiting.
     “Hello Davey how was your day? And what is my mission?” I say thankful I am there by 11:59.
     “It was fine but you don’t need to worry about that. Your mission is to scout out and report where Maxwell Rider is because he has been robbing houses and banks like crazy! The last information I have is that he was at the coffee house on Fort Meyer Street. He is in a white Camaro and has black hair. This mission is to be completed in within twenty-four hours. Go!”
     After he says go I have to rush down the stairs and go on my way. The coffee house is about seven miles from here, which means I have to bike there as fast as possible so I can catch him in time. Arriving at the coffee house I looked around and saw two men with black hair. One was pretty old and the other was screaming loudly. As both of them walked out I saw them both get into a white Camaro just like my counselor said. I followed them for miles and miles. And they soon stopped by a gas station; I got off my bike and approached the one that looked most like Maxwell.
     “Would you know this man? His name, Maxwell Rider?” I said holding up a picture of him.
     “Little girl, I don’t have time for your little mysteries; it is midnight and I have to go home,” the man said very impatiently.
     “Then tell me, have you ever seen this man?”
     “No! I am going home!” he yelled and got in the car.
     I quickly snapped a picture of his license plate, and got on my phone and called Davey. The man looked very familiar and that’s when it hit me. He tried to kill Tammy, that was him.
     “Hello sir, I think I found Maxwell Rider, and I have a picture of his license plate.”
     “OK! Great job, you can head home, but keep the picture and meet me at the coffee house on Fort Meyer Street.”
Beep! The phone went when he hung up.
     I woke up the next day, eat breakfast and had a slight conversation with my mom.
     “I’m going to the library! Love you, mom! Bye!”
     “Love you!”
     I show up at the coffee house only to find Davey and about twelve police men. When I went inside Davey pulled me aside and told me what the police men were here to do. They remembered my voice and face from when Maxwell robbed Tammy and my house.
     “Hello young lady, I remember you from the robbery last night, your buddy here told me you got a photograph of Maxwell Rider’s license plate, it this correct?” He mentioned in a very deep voice.
     “Uh yes sir,” I replied trembling.
     “Alright great, I will need that picture so if you would please send that to your buddy and have him send it to me?”
     “Sure thing,” I said smiling.
     “Alright, have a nice day,” The police man said to me leaving the coffee house.
     I was very surprised when he called my counselor my ‘buddy’. Because he does know I work for the government.
      After completing, sending, and arresting Maxwell Rider, I was done with missions for now, until another criminal comes along.

The author's comments:

My piece is a story about a young nineth grader that works for the government.

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