Below the Ground | Teen Ink

Below the Ground

October 15, 2015
By _Anne_ BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
_Anne_ BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      “Jacob!” his mother hollered from the bottom of the stairs, “Get down here, we’re gonna be late!”Jacob ran out from his closet,               “Hold on, I can’t find my shoes!”

      “They’re right here,” she rolled her eyes. “You left them here last night!”

       “Oops…” he smirked as he walked downstairs. “Why do we even have to go to stupid Disney World? It’s for babies.”

       “We’re going because we need to spend more family time together.”

       “I’d barely call you and me a family,” he muttered under his breath.

       “Ever since your father died, we haven’t been spending any family time with the two of us.”


       They got in their car and drove three hours to Disney while his mom tried to make small talk the whole way.

       When they were almost there, his mother asked, “Jacob, how’s it going with Samantha? Didn’t you have a little crush on her?”

       There was no reply.

       “Get those stinking earbuds out of your ears and talk to me!”

      “What do you want? Can’t a boy play geometry dash while listening to music,” Jacob pulled his headphones out. “What could be so important that you just had to bother me?”

     “I am your mother, and you do not speak to me like that! I--”
     “Mom, I’m nine years old and--Oh! We’re here, save that for later…”
     “OH YES WE WILL!”
     As they walked into the park, Jacob’s pout turned into a grin. “Mom! Do you see that sign? I didn’t know they had a Star Wars ride!” For once Jacob was excited, “Can we please ride it, right now?”
     “I’m sorry, but we can’t go. The wait is too long. 120 minutes.” She tried to guide him away from the poster.
    “But mom… I really wanted to go on that! You don’t get me.”
    “I’m sorry, but the answer is no.”
    “No! I’m going on that ride!” he wiggled away from her grip.
    “How about the Winnie the Pooh ride?”
    “Yes, and that’s final!” she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the Winnie the Pooh ride. She didn’t loosen her grip for one second.
    Once they had boarded the ride, his mom’s phone started to ring. “Hold on Jacob, I have to take this.”
    Of course you do, Jacob thought. While his mom was on the phone, her back was turned away from Jacob. He wanted desperately to ride the Star Wars ride, and he knew only one way to do so. With his thought in mind, Jacob carefully and quietly slipped out of the loose seat belt andlooked ahead to the coming scenes. He saw a forest scene and knew it was a good place to exit the ride. Once he reached the scene, he jumped off with the softest feet possible onto the platform beside the cart.

     After Jacob’s landing, he leaped behind a tree and hid from his mom. After glancing below, he had to take a double-take. What looked to be a secret hatch was underneath Jacob. He reached down and opened the hatch, letting curiosity take over. He completely forgot about Star Wars because his jaw was too busy dropping at the site. He jumped down and was below the ground.

     In front of Jacob, were wires of all colors, each labeled and connected to a specific place. Some were connected to the computers to his right, and many led towards and out a hole in the ceiling. Most led the big control panel to his right with about fifty colorful buttons. It looked to him like it controlled all of Disney World. Being a videogame lover, he was in Heaven. Every machine was thoroughly studied until--A door? Jacob couldn’t help but wonder what lingered behind that door. He slowly turned the handle and opened the door. Oh, it’s just an empty room. When he looked to the left, he noticed a faded painting of a stairwell. He drew nearer, and laid his hand on it, admiring its features.
     His hand went right through. No! No, no, no! That did not just happen! He tried again, with the same result. He wanted to see if his body could pass through, so he stepped into the painting and walked up the stairwell. At the top of the stairwell, he reached another room. This time it contained five doors, so he chose his lucky number, three, and went on. After he entered the next door, Jacob walked up two staircases, and climbed down a  hatch inside the next space. Each room led him deeper into the depths of Walt Disney World.
     As soon as Jacob reached the last floor, and stepped off the last step, it became awfully chilly. He had a feeling he wasn’t welcome. As quickly as he could, Jacob turned the knob and stepped inside.      He was beginning to freak out. He thought he lost it when he realized he was in a room full of weird looking people. He also noticed it looked like they were locked up.

     “Who are you?” He asked the lady with the green skin and horns from her head.
     “My name is Male- I mean Melanie.” she said in a deceitful tone.      “Silly question, are you an actual human in the flesh?”
     “Umm… yeah,” he stared into her icy black eyes questionally.          “Arent you?”
     “Of course, we’re all people here!” She chuckled. “My friends and I were locked up by the mean Disney workers because we wanted to buy ice cream and we skipped the line.” She had a full smirk now. “Will you let us out?”
     He didn’t see any harm in doing so, but he had a repetitive feeling in his gut. I know I’ve seen them before. Where have I seen them? He couldn’t come to an answer.
     “Sure, you look trustworthy,” Jacob replied.
     “You just step in front of machine, and let it scan your face,”He leaned closer to the machine, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man pop up out of thin air.

     “Stop!” He said in a deep tone. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”
     “Um… I’m letting these people--” He started,
     “They are not people, they are evil villians. Disgusting creatures.”
     “You created us, by the way.” said the Evil Queen. “And I’m not disgusting, I’m the fairest of all.”
     The man rolled his eyes. “They were mysteriously set free from their story books. We don’t know who did it, but they have been locked up here until we can return them to their books. These bars in the jail drain their powers and keep them from doing harm.”

     “Wait a second” Jacob managed to get out. “You’re telling me that they are real Disney villians?”
     “Yes, I’m afraid I am.”
     “Well, how do I know you’re not one?”
     “Trust me, I am not a villain. However, I did create them.”
     “Kid, I’m Walter Elias Disney. Now come with me.”
Walt took him back to the hatch with no sweat, and lifted Jacob onto the platform above. When Jacob turned to say thank you, Walt was gone. He stuck his head through the opening and peered around. There was no Walt.
     Although he was curious, Jacob needed to get back to his mother. He peered from the trees and there was his mother, in the exact same place as when he left, on the exact same phone call. Knowing where curiosity had gotten him so far, he didn’t question it as he climbed back in the car. Jacob slipped into his seatbelt, and took a deep breath. He turned to the left, and hugged his mother.

The author's comments:

I am in eighth grade, I love to write. This isn't my best piece, but I still like it. I also love Disney which is why it's stationed there.

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