The Fairytale Unlocked | Teen Ink

The Fairytale Unlocked

November 18, 2015
By anaaax3 BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
anaaax3 BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every night at exactly midnight, I hear a bang downstairs.That’s how they call me...I never want to go to them but they say they’ll hurt my Mommy if I didn’t listen to them.They say they are my friends but I don’t think so, and mommy told me that the characters I see on tv aren’t real but I am looking at them right now. They look prettier in the movies, but here they are; Cinderella, Jasmine, Aurora, and Rapunzel. They looked like someone beat them up or they fell in mud. Their teeth are rotten as ever, their faces filled with scars, and their dresses ripped apart.
”Emily!!!!” they scream, as they chase me while laughing. Last night was the last night. I’m only 10. I can’t take it anymore, i’m telling my mom.
So the next day I told my mom what had been going on for month, but she didn’t believe me! I started to cry.
Holding her laughter,she says; “It’s only your imagination Sweetie”. I stomped out of the room. As time went by I continued for weeks trying to tell her, then one day she finally said,
“Baby, I think you might need some help”
tears dripping down my face I said, “ Mommy what do you mean??”,
“It just means that baby maybe a lady or man can help you more than I can. I know it’s been hard for you since daddy left.”
“Okay” i said as i sniffled. Later on, nighttime came and i heard the bang again.
“What’s wrong Emily? Does no one believe you?” said Cinderella as she laughed at me.
“Come on you know you wanna play with us.” aurora said as she chuckled. They continued to do that for months until one day i just snapped. I blew a tantrum then i just took a deep breath and got even. I got  one of those ghost cameras, recorded them and showed it to my mom. It turns out they weren’t really disney characters they just appeared that way because i’am a kid. My mom ran and hugged me when i showed her and started to cry and she apologized and promised she’d make them go away..

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