Cyborg | Teen Ink


November 19, 2015
By Halo5 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Halo5 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day I was chilling on my chair in my backyard listening to music and drinking lemonade, then all of the sudden I heard this big loud noise I sat up and saw a small ship with a robot thing come out of it. I think it is a cyborg half human half robot. We just stared at each other for a while and he finally said,
“Hi my name is Cyborg what’s yours.” I stared for a couple of seconds and thought that makes sense now he is a cyborg weight why is a cyborg in my backyard! Then I said,
“My name is Bethany, where did you come from?” He smiled and said,
“I come from planet kudos, where am I?” Then I told him he was on earth and he was really confused.
“But I am supposed to be on the planet Mars.” He said,
“You are on planet earth.” I said reassuringly,
“Is earth better than mars?” He asked,
Then I said,
“On earth there is life and not just sand and rocks plus we have pizza.”
“What is pizza?” He asked,
“I'll show you just follow me.” I said Then I took Cyborg to the closest pizza place called “Out of this world pizza.” We went in and he sat down while I ordered the pizza. Once the pizza came I took it and brought it over to Cyborg then a got a piece and started eating it. Then Cyborg tried to copy me and he ate some then said very loudly.
“I love this pizza!” I told him to be quiet and he didn’t talk very much after that. After we ate the pizza I took Cyborg back to his ship and told him to go home, but he didn’t want to go home so I stuffed him back in his ship and he just came right back out. Then he told me his ship was broken. I thought his ship wasn’t broken because he never said anything about it. Then I asked him
“Is your ship really broken or do you just want to stay here?” then he replied,
“Both.” After that I took him to my kitchen and gave him some food because he was hungry. We talked for a little bit about his planet and then I asked,
“Is your ship really broken and why don’t you want to go home?” He replied with,
“I love your planet but my ship is really broken.” Then I asked,
“How can you fix it and can I help.”
“My thrusters are broken and I need some robot parts to fix it.”
“What kind of robot parts?” I asked,
“The kind from planet Kudos.”
“Well does it have to be from planet Kudos?”
“I don’t know for sure but possibly from planet Earth.”
“I will find you some robot parts here and hopefully it will work.” Then I ran all over my house trying to find spare robot parts and finally I found one old robot that I tried to make but failed. So I grabbed the robot and ran back outside to give it to Cyborg. He took it and said,
“This tiny robot will not work I need a bigger robot.”
“This is the only robot I can find and I don’t know where else to look.”
“Did you check the junkyard?”
“I never thought of that thanks you're a genius.”
“Thank you human for the compliment.”
“You don’t need to do your robot voice and let’s go hurry up.” We went to the junkyard and found a bunch of old robot parts and Cyborg found a huge one and asked if he could take it to his ship. I asked the guy in charge and he said,
“Sure for twenty bucks.”
“I don’t have twenty bucks.” I said,
“Then leave and give me the robot parts.” Then Cyborg punched the junkyard guy and knocked him out and Cyborg said,
“Come on let’s get out of here.” I just stood there not knowing what to do until he grabbed me and started running back to my house. When we got back to  my house he took the robot parts and started doing something really weird with his robot half. After five minutes I went back to listening to music and drinking my lemonade I left on the table by my chair. Then like an hour later he said very loudly
“I’m finished finally.”
“Did you fix your ship?” I asked,
“Yes finally.” He said happily
“So you can go home now?” I asked,
“Yes but why would I you're going to planet kudos not me.”
“WHAT!” I shouted,
“I am not going to your home planet this is my planet and I will die if I go to planet Kudos!”
“You will be just fine without your weird shield thing around your planet.”
“No I won’t that shield thing keeps me from dying and running out of oxygen!”
“Oh so that’s how humans breathe.
“Yeah, but you can’t kill me by sending me to your evil planet!”
“Goodbye” He said,
“What no you can’t do this1”
He shoved me into the spaceship and turned it on. I went shooting up into the sky and into space really fast. After a couple of hours flying around I finally landed on something. The door opened and after a couple of seconds looking out the door then I jumped out and landed on a ground made of what looked like robot parts, in that split second I realised I was on planet kudos. I thought for a minute, how I am breathing then realized duh I am wearing a mask, wait why am I wearing a mask, maybe the ship had one I don’t know. Then I saw a cyborg walking to me, I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there thinking the robot thing was going to kill me. Then the cyborg robot said,
“Hello how did you get here we were waiting for Cyborg.”
“Um he forced me into this ship and sent me to planet Kudos.”
“We are on planet Kudos.”
“Um yeah I guess his plan worked for him.”
“What plan?”
“I think he is going to take over the world.”
“We always suspected something was wrong with him.”
“Can you help me save the planet?”
“What planet there are a lot.”
“Planet Earth duh.”
“Oh OK we will save the planet Earth.” We just stood there for a minute and then I said,
“Are you going to save the Earth or just stand here?”
“Oh yeah let’s go come on girly.”
“I can’t”
“I need air.”
“You are wearing a special mask we made for the humans because they cannot breathe our air.”
“Oh so that’s how I am breathing.”Then the cyborg grabbed me and put me back in the ship and closed the door. What is he doing is he going to throw me at the earth, I thought. Then the cyborg started flying towards earth and rather quickly. After a couple of minutes I heard this loud boom and looked out the window and thought, where are we and I never noticed this window before. Then I realized I am flying towards earth. I hope I don’t die, I thought nervously. Then the door on the ship opened and I saw the friendly cyborg and the cyborg named Cyborg fighting each other and shooting their laser type weapons. After about ten minutes I walked over to my chair and lemonade that was still there for some reason and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started listening to music and drinking lemonade. After a couple of hours the friendly robot came over and said,
“I just killed Cyborg so he couldn’t take over the world, would you like to have his vaporising gun it can vaporise anything?”
“Yes I would love to then I won’t have to clean up my brother’s messes.” Then the robot gave me the gun and said,
“Now I can take over the world and slave all species!” Then I grabbed the gun and vaporized him and the ship. Then I went inside into my basement and started playing video games and the rest of my entire life no other aliens or cyborgs/robots bothered me ever again and all was right in the world well sort of not really.

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