It's a trap! | Teen Ink

It's a trap!

December 3, 2015
By Chewbacca BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Chewbacca BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fourteen-year-old Simon had a lot on his plate, for he was going back to the very planet he was thrown out of, which was Planet Holo.  During a science fair at his middle school, a girl named Seera, who was the Mayor’s daughter, created a pulse-activated teleporter that can zap inhabitants from Planet Holo to other planets, using aggressive motion caused by another alien.  Since Simon was a giant klutz,  he knocked over the device, which zapped him to Planet Earth, into the isolated town of Shabowomatosh, in the state of Minnesota during the year 2004. The Mayor grew extremely annoyed with Simon and declared an invasion to punish him.

Simon met a boy, the same age, named Raleigh. Like Simon, Raleigh has trouble fitting in and can be a nuisance; that’s why he offered to help Simon get back home and fix the dilemma.

The boys entered the sound room above the balcony seats inside the old movie theater. Raleigh locked the door and closed the thick, leather curtains in front of them. Without further direction, they untangled the cords and set up the circular Electromagnetic Teleporter. Electrical currents were compacted inside the cords causing it to swell up and the yellow fluorescent lights, in the booth, started to turn pink.  The Teleporter calmly rattled.

“Ok Simon, what exactly is the plan here?” Raleigh asked.

“We’re going to build a replica of the Pulse Teleporter, I accidently destroyed, to send us to my home planet and make things right,” Simon explained.

“Once you apologize, then you’re home free, right?”

“Not exactly, he’s has authorization to do whatever he wants. He’s basically the president, and I heard the message of him launching an invasion to get at me!”

“And if we fail?” Raleigh asked nervously scratching his brown hair.

“”Game over. This guy isn’t a fan of imperfection, especially if it’s done to his daughter’s property or his daughter, herself,”  Simon sighed nervously,

Then, the boys went two steps backward, and dashed into the teleporter. The rattling of the machine grew more aggressive, the flickering the lights stopped and stayed on bright blue. SWOOSH!  Swiggly designs and sparkling rainbow colors rushed at the children’s eyes, along with googley-eyed Unicorns puking out glittering, grape soda.  Within minutes, Simon and Raleigh were tossed out of the machine and on the concrete sidewalk.

Planet Holo had the same blue sky as Earth does, but the difference was instead of the moon being seen, the aliens of Holo saw the Planet Jupiter. The clouds were pale pink and shaped in a perfect circle. Houses were white, two story domes with exaggerated shaped windows and square garages. The cars were hoverboard, that rose three inches from the ground. The people of Holo had smooth, green skin, no nose and no fingernails.  Oddly, the planet was living in the 1960s.

“Why is everybody in 60s clothes?” Raleigh asked helping Simon up.

“What do you mean? It’s 1963,” Simon said chuckling at Raleigh’s naive question.
“Simon Oliver Lailey!”  Simon’s mother screeched from across the street. It wasn’t hard to spot his mother, for she had the giant, blonde bouffant, bright orange polka-dotted pants and a pink blouse.

“Mom!” Simon cried back. He yanked Raleigh’s hand and dashed to the house. Immediately, Raleigh slammed the door behind them.

“Honey, what are you doing here?” Mrs. Lailey asked clutching Simon’s shoulders, then pointing at Raleigh, “And what is that thing?”

“Mom, Raleigh. Raleigh, Mom,” Simon quickly introduced, “I’m here to fix my mistake before-”  Simon caught sight of thirty, packed luggages stacked on top of each other, in the living room- “Why are the suitcases in the living room?”

Mrs. Lailey looked at Simon and Raleigh sympathetically.

“The Mayor is going to exile the creatures of Earth and we come in to live there.”

“What? No, there was an invasion to punish me!” Simon cried.

“That was false. The Mayor knew you’ll not stop until everything is right.  He was planning to lure you back home, then he leaves, along with everybody on Holo, to take over Earth. This is your punishment. You, and your friend are stuck here,” Mrs. Lailey said.

The author's comments:

I've been trying to write an alien and sci-fi story for months, but I never knew how to start it. This flash fiction helped me picture the story in my head and put it on paper. What I hope for people to get from this story is entertainment. Nothing serious or complex, just for fun.

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