A Translucent Experiment | Teen Ink

A Translucent Experiment

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

The story is narrated in 3rd person, but the main character is aware of the narrator and tends to ignore the narrator’s adventure.
WARNING, this story has a lot of different, switching perspectives, pay close attention to who is talking.

    Victor Eldred was a Paleontologist and an avid hiker. He loved the exploring the outdoors. Every chance he got, he went out to explore the wilderness, to see what he could find, that was his life. But that was all he did. Wake up, explore the woods around his house, and go back to sleep. He did this like a zombie, on and off everyday. While some might find it to interesting, it quickly became a repetitive habit for Victor, so repetitive, that he made a perfect subject for our experiment. Extreme habits make people less aware to their surroundings.    

Alone, in a far off forest, A man named Victor Eldred was still, lying on the ground. He awoke with a jolt at the sound of someone talking. Where am I? he says

“Where am I?”

What’s going on? he says.

“What’s going on?”

He stands up and presumes to look around, assuming that the voice he heard was only in his head. Victor asks again to the wilderness, Where am I?

“Where am I?”

Victor decides to look around, questionably. He spots a trail and decides to head down it.

“I’m in a forest... I might as well head down this trail and see what I can find.”

As he walks down the trail, he sees certain things, small, small details. It doesn’t look right to him. Some trees are in different seasons. One tree looks full and green, while another is shedding yellow leaves. Other trees look like they are just getting their leaves back. He notices that there are no bird calls, or animal noises. When he reaches the end of the trail, he notices something quite extravagant, something unbelievable . 

“What a strange place, these trees look so weird, and I haven’t heard a single animal call since I’ve been here. I better keep heading down this trail to see what I can find.”

As Victor nears to end of the trail, he notices a big depression in the ground. What’s that? He asks as he approaches the mystery depression.

Hm? What's that? I thought I heard something, It must be my imagination.”

Victor notices the depression in the ground at the end of the trail.

“Notice what? I definitely heard it that time. What’s going on? Who’s talking? Why am I here?

Victor looks at the GIANT footprint right in front of him!

“Yes, I see the footprint, It’s massive. Now WHO’S TALKING?!?!

Talking? I don’t hear anything, let's just continue shall we?

“Nice try, but you have let yourself known to me.”

Fine, I see that you have caught on,  you’re a really interesting creature Victor, How did you know I was here?

“I was a bit dazed from waking up, I thought you were in my subconscious. Who are you?”

That is for me to know and you to hopefully never find out, now you’re really starting to mess with my story, but we’ll give it another shot, *ahem* Victor Walks down the trail and notices a big footprint in the ground.

“ I’m not a part of your “story”, what's happening here?

I can’t have this Victor, you’re ruining the story, we’re going to have to start over. *papers shuffling* Ok….Victor is taken back to the start of the story and tires again.

*Back at the start*

“How in the world did I get here? I’m back at the start...

Yes, you’re very observant Victor. Now, we’re going to start the story over, except I’m taking the dialogue out since you already know how it all starts and it will give the story a better feel of realism. You know to connect with the main characters, you and I. Isn’t that something special? But, ah yes, to the story.*Ahem* Victor wakes up in the clearing and heads down the trail in front of him.

“God, I might as well, at least until I can get some answers.”

Victor sees all of the weird trees and keeps heading down the trail until he, yada yada, we’ve already been here. Ah! here we go. Victor reaches the giant footprint. Victor looks at the footprint and wonders what made it.

“I might as well play along. *ahem* OH look at this footprint, it’s so huge I wonder what made it!”

No, no, no, that’s all wrong, you sound too forced.  You like dinosaurs don’t you, I thought that this would be an interesting storyline for you! It really clicks with you. This is no fun, we’ve already done this. Whatever, I’m going to spoil the plot. You are now at a forked trail, the trail on the RIGHT takes you to the obvious dinosaur that made that footprint, and the other isn’t important. Victor takes the trail on the right.

*to himself* “This is my chance, by disregarding the plot of the story, I can get out of here. *out loud* I’m taking the trail on the left.

No, no, no, NO, Victor, Why must you insist to get off topic. It’s simple you take the trail on the right, you find the large reptilian creature and you deal with it…. But now you’ve taken the trail on the left. I can’t deal with that, it’s not part of the story, the adventure. Don’t you care at all? I need to fix this. Hold on while I think, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!

“Don’t touch anything hmm, What if I just take a right here...and a left here...I think this part is a short cut…this ought to mess with him…. wait, is that a building? It..It looks like my house? I Might go see what’s inside

I’ve thought about it, and I’ve decided that...wait, where are you going? Why must you insist on ruin the story Victor! I can’t fix this now, we're starting over, you’ve seen too much and I can’t allow you to continue on this mad tangent from the plot. We can only do this so many times.

    Take 3, Victor wakes up and heads down the trail in front of him, He takes note on how quiet and peaceful everything is. He continues past the footprint in the ground until he reaches the fork in the trail. Now, Victor takes a right.

“Oh, not this again, I’m going left. I don’t want to meet this “dinosaur” or whatever elaborate thing you have in place, why is there even a dinosaur?”

You really are an interesting creature, never have I run into someone as disobedient as you. Fine then. If you insist, you may go left, let's see how you rewrite the story. 

    Victor took a left at the fork and continued on his own adventure, because apparently he is responsible enough and  knows how this story should go. Go ahead Victor, lead the way. Ruin everything.


Victor continued down the different trails until he reached the mysterious building he had seen before. Victor opens the front door and looks inside to see what horrors were in store for him.

“My god what is this place? Are these Pods… for people? Hey Narrator guy, what’s this place for, and why does it look like my house?”

I’m glad you asked Victor, It looks different for everyone, but I’m sure you will find out why eventually. This is the Sleeper facility, you’re in there, did you know that? Oh well, I hope your curiosity is satisfied because we are returning to the actual story before you tear this place apart.

“Wait, No! I need to get out of….”

Victor wakes up in the clearing and heads to the footprint so that we may continue the story.

“What’s with this place, things seem different. Certain details are...missing?”

Great, I told you that this would happen, you messed up the storyline with all of your tangents. I kept restarting hoping that this wouldn’t happen, but I guess you’ve seen too much. This what happens, you get free will, and you ruin everything. There’s still time though, this world is going to collapse. You have to finish the story!

“Collapse? What is this place?”

There’s no time for that! Just follow the narration and finish the story!


Ok….*ahem* um, let's see here *papers shuffling* … Ah yes. Victor wakes up… follows the trail… finds footprint… Figures out what made footprint. There it is! Victor walks past the footprint and heads to the fork in the trail. Victor takes a…

“Things are disappearing!!”

VICTOR-takes-a-right and continues down the path. Victor follows the trail into a clearing. It’s suspiciously quiet there. Suddenly out of the trees, A dinosaur appears! Fangs flared and clearly quite mad, It roars.


“oh...my… god, it’s a real dinosaur, it’s the real thing...But how?

No times for questions Victor. Now where was I… Ah yes, The dinosaur, with it’s red eyes and bloody fangs charges at Victor and tries to bite him in half, Victor, clueless as to what to do, tries to…

“Um the “dinosaur” fell over and it’s missing half of its limbs…”

My word!  Victor you’ve ruined it all, if we has just stuck the original plot line, none of this would have happen, you could’ve had an awesome fight with a dinosaur, and lasers and flying and swords and anything your mind created… It would’ve been amazing. But, no you just had to explore and question the system. Now the world is collapsing and has already affected our poor dinosaur friend over here. What type of story is this? There’s no awesome climax or anything!

“Tell me why I’m here.”

Hmmmm….. Fine, I might as well since this whole experiment failed. Your dreaming Victor, If you would have realized that, you could've become lucid and escaped. My job was to keep you from doing that by making decisions for you. Victor, you were in control the entire time, but you weren't suppose to know it. The point was to see if we could force you into lucidity by putting you into danger, but your nature to explore and question those in power ruined it all. You became more aware of your surroundings as you diverged from the plot and started to collapse the world around you. Congratulations, you failed.

“So this was only a dream then, none of this was real? Ok, I’m going to wake up now!”

*quickly* The floor opened up beneath Victor’s feet and sucked him into the void.

*Victor waking up in his bed*
“ Ugh, that was a rough dream, but I think it’s over. I seem to be in my bedroom again. What a god awful experience.”

Victor awakes in his room, ready for the new day.”


The author's comments:

A mix between The Stanely Parable, The Matrix, and the concept of free will

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