Slender Man: A Night to Die for | Teen Ink

Slender Man: A Night to Die for

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

It all starts in Centaurus high school, on the last day of school before summer break Five teens have made plans to make a party. The five teens  have been planning the party for over a month they had a little problem trying to find a place to do the party in but they decided that if they go to the abandoned forest,  haven asylum they wouldn’t have any problems with cops or anyone to tell them to be quiet.  It was going to be the best time they had since a while… at least that's what they thought.

The night had come and the teens were ready to go, they had everything that you can say will make a party except for the people they had decided that it would be nice to have a friend type of bounding. The teens had one pack of twenty-four cans of beer, one bottle of tequila, one bottle of vodka, a wireless radio, and some water just incase. Everyone was so excited and happy about this friend bonding. The teens had finished packing the stuff in the trunk and were ready even if the trip to the forest was long.

As the teens were driving of to the forest one of the girls cell phone ringed, she looked at her phone and looked at the caller ID she looked shocked as she had forgotten to tell her friends about her friend that also wanted to go with them. The girl answered the phone and started talking to her friend about the place and told her to meet them at the forest, when said that her friends looked at her but didn’t say a word. The conversation had lasted for about two to three minutes,  once the call had ended the teen that was driving asked who was it, the girl told them that it was her friend Ana and that she wanted to come so I gave her the address the  teen that was sitting next to her asked why if it were supposed to be a friend bonding.. she looked shocked of how mad they were about it , so she stayed quiet for a while.

The ride to the forest was about an one hour and thirty minutes long. During most of the drive the teens had remained quiet after the little discussion between the whole friend thing. The four teens had just forgave the girl for not telling them and decided to spent a good time, that it was just a friend and that it wasn’t that big of a deal as long as it were just her and no one else. The five teens had been jamming out to the music on the radio, they were having a good time.

The teens had gotten to the forest finally after a long trip. The teens were relieve that they had gotten to stretch and walk after sitting down for a whole hour and a half. Once the teens had finished stretching they started to take the things out of the car and start setting everything up.One of the teens had went to go get some wood to start camp fire, as it was getting dark, and the rest of the teens were making a space for the fire. after everything thing was set up they started the bonding.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by this story because I love Slender Man and a video inspired me to write about this.

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