Dark Fantasy Vol1 | Teen Ink

Dark Fantasy Vol1

December 25, 2015
By HighnessAtharva BRONZE, Pune, Other
HighnessAtharva BRONZE, Pune, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter is coming, and Richard is cast off from his hometown. He doesn't know why? He reaches and inn and takes suggestion from his brother. He must somehow, take back his homeland, where a darker plans are set and much bigger than Richards dreams, he needs to save his hom.

Chapter 1: Winter is Coming

[Dark Fantasy Vol1]
[Highnes Atharva ]

Night was approaching, the sky was bare and snow rained down from the heavens above. Richard trod the icy path leaving behind a trail of blood upon the icy crystal floor. Snow rained upon him and his brown wintry jacket was now fully covered in ice and Richard looked like a snow leopard in it, too much big for his size.
  The Blue Mountains glared at him mockingly, from whence he had escaped barely with his life, silhouetted him. He did not even dare to look back at them now, for he could die any moment. The horror and the grim memories commemorated back to him again, those which he had encountered upon the Blue Mountains, those that he wished that he may never remember. The memories charged against him and appeared like a phantasmagoria.
  He had been walking at the outskirts of Lonshiden, a thing that he like. But he encountered some cloaked men following him closely. They were the kings men, he had comprehended by the sword they carried, it had the mark of the king. He as well as the armed men knew what would happen next. So, with no choice left he had ran towards the Blue Mountains. Luckily his hound was accompanying him and tore out a throat of one of the men as he had blown an attack whistle. The guards had even followed them till the peak, but he with all his might had quickly dug a deep trench in the snow and hidden inside it with his hound. He was hidden in the deep trench for about a whole hour when the kings men seemed to leave, after a short time he had come out. Lo! And and arrow struck him in the shoulder, another injured his leg. He stumbled forward. A trap, the men were still here waiting for him to return. The men were desperate enough to try to either to catch him or kill him, like he had something important. He fell down the other-side of the mountain and onto the icy plains here.

The author's comments:

Game of thrones inspired me

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