Siren's Song | Teen Ink

Siren's Song

January 24, 2016
By ryekat SILVER, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
ryekat SILVER, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads only lives one."

The sea was calm with the early morning mist rising from its waters. The sun was peeking through the clouds casting a glow that set the waters on fire, and the boats a gleam. Dylan took a deep breath, the sweet salty air filled his nose, and the gentle breeze played with his hair. It was his first day on the job with the fishing crew and he was bursting with enthusiasm. He took a step towards the ship when a gravelly voice stopped him.
“Better beware the song boy, the sirens like them best when they’re young and fresh.”
Dylan chuckled. The sirens were an old sea fable used to scare young sailors and fishermen like himself.
“Yeah ok I’ll watch out for them.” Dylan said his voice taking on a mocking tone. The old man frowned.
“I wouldn’t take the sirens so lightly boy, that’s how they get you, when your guard’s down.”
There was a certain gleam in the old man’s eyes that put Dylan on edge. He turned towards the ship he soon would be riding. Dylan turned back to face the man, a retort resting on the tip of his tongue, but the words caught in his throat. When he turned the old man had vanished. The wind picked up and carried the distinct scent of the sea on a warm summer’s day, much different from the salty sea smell of the early morning. Dylan brushed the occurrence off seeing how he was standing at a port where different scents were always bombarding one’s senses. A loud voice boomed across the port startling Dylan from his thoughts.
“All fisherman set for riding the S.S. Blue Symphony start boarding now!”
All thoughts of the old man disappeared as excitement filled Dylan at the thought of spending all day at sea. Stepping onto the ship he looked around at his fellow crew mates. Dylan’s gaze glanced over the figure of a man, and his eyes widened and his breath hitched. Frantically he looked back, but nothing was there. Dylan could have sworn he saw the old man from before. The wind picked up again carrying the same scent of the sea on a warm summer’s day through the air. A voice whispered in Dylan’s mind,
“Beware the song.”
Dylan froze and his heart stopped. Panic filled his mind as he looked over at his crew to see if anyone else had heard the voice, but if anyone heard it they were unaffected by it. He took a deep breath and tried to shake off the uneasiness that was filling his veins. With a shake of his head he cleared his thoughts and brushed the phenomenon off as the sea air getting to him. The crew began to shuffle around pulling up the anchor and preparing to set sail.
“Where to captain?”
“Anthemusa Island.”
The wind stopped and a chill fell over the ship. There was a moment of silence before the ship broke out into a swarm of outcries.
“Anthemusa Island? Are you crazy?”
“Are you trying to get us all killed?”
“I ain’t going near that island for all the money in the world.”
The complaints of the crew overlapped each other until the shouts became deafening.
“Silence! If you want to get paid I suggest you man up and prepare to set sail to Anthemusa Island!” The captain bellowed effectively silencing the crowd.

“But captain that islands cursed with sirens.”

Sirens? Dylan’s mind clouded with confusion. The old man’s warning echoed in his thoughts, “Beware the song.”

“That’s just an old fisherman’s tale, it hold no truth.”

The crew wasn’t happy, but they set course for Anthemusa Island and soon the S.S. Blue Supreme was heading out to sea. The wind howled and nipped at Dylan, the cool air freezing his skin. Two hours later the rocky and cliffy shores of Anthemusa Island were in view. No one talked as they set up the nets the fisherman nervously exchanging looks with each other. Dylan thought he saw some of them stick something in their ears, but he couldn’t tell. Shrugging his shoulders he headed to the back of the ship to watch the waves. Suddenly, the wind stopped. The sea froze, not even a ripple breaking through the waters. Fog settled over the surface and the sun hid behind the clouds, darkness wrapping around the ship like a veil of black. A light shone in the distance and the outline of four girls glowed. Entranced Dylan moved closer to the edge, his eye’s glued to their beauty. Their wavy hair seemed to shimmer in the light and change colors. Their eyes a kaleidoscope of colors that beckoned Dylan closer. Their skin a light caramel that was set ablaze by the glow of the light. Dylan was mesmerized, his thoughts clear of any rational thoughts. The girls picked up their instruments and began to sing. Their sweet melody carried over and invaded Dylan’s senses. It was like angels of heaven were singing and Dylan took a step forward. His mind blocked out all sounds except the enchanting song that pierced Dylan’s soul. Large hands covered his ears and the world shattered. The song disappeared and Dylan strained to hear that captivating melody again. Panicked voices screeched in Dylan’s ear and he flinched. Arms wrapped around his torso and pulled his towards the main deck and farther away from the singing angels. Dylan’s eyes became wide and savage as he desperately tried to fight off his captors.

“Let me go! You have to let me go! They nee—they need me! They’re calling me, they’re calling me!” Dylan screamed.


“You’re not in your right mind lad they—”

But Dylan wasn’t listening, with strength he didn’t know he possessed he broke free from his imprisoners and bolted towards the end of the ship. The wind howled and screamed, attacking the men’s hair and slicing at their skin. The waves slammed into the hull of ship and the water’s fists wrenched and pulled at the sides tearing it apart, dragging the ship down. Dylan raced towards the edge of the ship desperate to get to the four bewitching seraphs.
The singing turned to ear shattering screaming, then became deafening, the girls’ beauty melted, monstrous faces, jagged teeth and avian legs took its place. All Dylan could hear was the enchanting lullaby and see their goddess like beauty. The song filled his every thought, every breath, every fiber of his being; his desire coursed through his veins,

“Closer. I have to get closer.”

One of the girls appeared before him, a sinister smile gracing her lips, and reached out her hand towards him. Dylan’s hands latched onto hers and she tugged him forwards. Falling, he was falling, but he felt like he was flying. The icy cold water washed over him, his body numb to it. The ocean surrounded him, suffocated him, but he keep moving closer failing to see the talon hands that reached out to him. Dylan couldn’t breathe but the song consumed him filling his whole body. Faces shimmered above him, eyes black as midnight pierced through the waters, hands waved goodbye at him. A blissful smile stretched across Dylan’s face, he finally reached his singing angels. The song died down into a whisper as Dylan slipped into oblivion, his breath stilled, his body sank to the bottom of the sea.

The siren’s song has claimed another victim. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for my creative writing class in tenth grade. It was in October and in the spirit of Halloween we had to research a monster and then write a story about them. I had so much fun writing this story because I have always been fascinated by Greek mythology and I learned that I really enjoy writing horror/creepy like stories. 

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