Time Warp | Teen Ink

Time Warp

January 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Mankind has developed a deeper understanding of space and time in the past few decades, yet we still have an awful lot yet to discover. In the last ten years itself we have, been able to make bionic limbs controlled by our brains, sent a spacecraft out of our solar system and made a self controlled car. If we can achieve such incredible milestones in just ten years, I wonder what we can achieve in the next 34. If time travel is possible in 2050 and I read this blog from the future, there are some rather interesting questions I would ask myself and how I would expect myself to answer them.

How have we advanced in technology?
We now have Li-Fi, this gives us internet through light which makes it amazingly fast and the people who made it, have been able to overcome the problem of the light not being able to go through walls and other medium.
Still no flying cars, but there are actual hover boards unlike the ones that were introduced at this time.
How's the future world different to the present?

There are definitely more people and more cars. Innovation is still big and pollution has started to affect a lot of people now a days. As predicted, India has now become the most populated country in the world. Terrorists are now better equipped with better weaponry but our armies have adapted accordingly.

No one goes to school anymore, children are all hooked up to a super computer which transfers information into people's brains directly, so children actually have a childhood now.

What animals are extinct?
The animals predicted to be extinct by 2050 are now extinct, animals such as, rhinos, tigers, lions, polar bears and blue whales.

How did you change time, I'm pretty sure that's not possible
That is classified and irrelevant. What matters is, I'm here.

What have I grown up to become?
You have grown up to become a person of many talents, you have worked in many different fields of work, you have proven your worth. That's all I'm going to say.

Probably the most important question of all, how is my blog? Can you please give me some feedback.
I like your blog, it has a nice design and the content is interesting too, but when I go through it I feel like you have good ideas but you're not able to express them properly.
Although it would be an interesting experience, I would be worried if me coming from the future would affect reality and the eventual outcome of everyone's lives. The excitement would still go through my brain, and before I would see myself some sudden questions would pop up such as, How do I look? Am I smart? How does my voice sound like? When I would see and hear myself, all these questions would be answered, giving birth to even more questions like, have I been sent here for a specific reason? What happens to small countries that are already struggling like Moldova? How has transportation changed?

As I type this my 50 year old self comes in from out of nowhere.

"Hi, how are you? This is weird, but I'm you from 2050."

"I was just writing about how you, I mean I would come from the future and talk to myself about the future and the upcoming problems of the world. I even have some questions I want to ask."

"Listen, I don't have enough time to answer all these questions as the machine I have come in runs on fuel and since we still haven't found an alternative source of energy I can't stay here for a long time. All I can tell you is that the world isn't as bad as we predicted it to be. We still don't have flying cars, we have invented them but they are not used by anyone as they take way too much energy and you go on to work in multiple companies."

"But if you're not a scientist how did you manage to come here in the past?"

"I tried to avoid the question before but I guess answering the question is inevitable. I snuck into my uncles house to use it. Not ethical but worth it. Anyway as I was saying, many other extreme actions took place such as the conquering of Moldova as you said before, it is now a part of Ukraine and Africa became a more organized place and is no longer in the state of poverty. My advice to you is to stay away from drugs, I know everyone says it but they say it for a reason, a small part of my life had been dedicated to using drugs, if you overcome the curiosity, you'll end up better than I am. As for the blog, it's a good blog but I would suggest using sophisticated words and maybe the use of imagery. I guess now it's time for my meal."


Me from the future jumps to attack and eat me...

That's when I wake up

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