God Of Fear | Teen Ink

God Of Fear

February 26, 2016
By TheWordSlayer BRONZE, Vista, California
TheWordSlayer BRONZE, Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Disregard females acquire currency

There was no way to properly judge the complete and utter terror that was caused by just the air of his presence. His aura seemed to reach into your every crack and corner and draw out your deepest fears. His voice resembled that of scraping a blade across a jagged rock, the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Just a whisper of his name caused people to cry and shake in fear. They say that he has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people. They say that the Devil himself trembles and bows to him. He only shows when the sky is dark and the sun is red.
He stood just shy of twenty feet tall. Tall enough to crawl over any wall. He had a light red colored skin, that looked like it could stop bullets. His head the size of a huge boulder, looked like the size of a couple people curled up in a ball. Horns protruded out of both his temples and curved like dual crescent moons to the top of his head, ending in two wickedly sharp points.On top of his head was a mass of completely black hair, his dreadlocks were braided with human bones and skulls. On his forehead was white war paint in a mythical design, it wound around to either side of his eyes. He had two abruptly ending black bushy eyebrows, that gave him a constant glare.  he had four eyes, two stacked on either side of his nose. His eyes were that of pure evil, their flat yellow pupils were gossiped to glow in the dark, they were also rumoured to make anyone and anything to be paralyzed if direct eye contact was made. His high cheek bones and rigid jaw gave him a ruthless look, his cheeks were hollowed and colorless. His ears were tore up, from scars and piercings. He probably had twenty piercings in one ear alone. His smile chilled everyone to the bone, and rumored to have turned people's blood to pure ice. His lips were chapped and cracked, they were stained with blood. His teeth were sharp as hell itself, and also tainted with blood. He had more than a hundred teeth, all of them razor sharp. The tongue that slithered between his teeth resembled that of a snake's, split at the end and at least 8 feet long. His body was ripped with muscle and reeked of raw meat and death. His arms body and legs were riddled with scars. All he wore was a long cape and a loin cloth, his chest was bare. Showing every unlucky beholder his terrifying war paint that dominated his ripped chest. They were codes and had secret meanings, but nobody knew what they looked like let alone knew. Because anybody that saw it never lived to write what they beheld. They say he is a demon, or even the God of fear. But this creature…..

This is the Demon inside me….

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