The Mysterious 8 Ball | Teen Ink

The Mysterious 8 Ball

March 22, 2016
By JohnE BRONZE, Dutch Harbor, Alaska
JohnE BRONZE, Dutch Harbor, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let me tell you a story that would blow your minds away. It’s a story that may one day come alive. All our fantasies turn into reality.
Today after school, I went straight home. Walking to my door and found a package from the University of Rainbow Land. Saying that the package was delivered personally for me. In my mind, I thought it was a prank from one of my friends, but it could have also been a dream come true. By then, I had to trust my instincts. And so I did, I picked the box up and ran straight to my room. I ran to the kitchen to get a sharp-edged knife and went back to my room. I was scrambling everywhere to just open this box, I sliced the box in half and then to the side. Finally it opened, I got another smaller box than the previous one. I sliced the box in half again. I got a mysterious 8 black ball, with white speckles around the object. It had a white bolded number eight on the back; on the front it had a screen with a white background color. This object looked like an eight ball when you play the game pool except it had a screen on it. I didn’t know what to do it with it, so I was just looking at it for a while. Several minutes later, I found a button. I pressed the button, with fear gnawing in my inside.
“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP….Hello, Master how may I help you today?” There was a sudden sound coming from the ball and saying, “You used to call me on my, you used to, you used to.”
Starting that baby up, this was no ordinary technology where you could just buy it anywhere. This was a high-tech technology that was meant for me. Also, I was so mesmerized by the background music. It had a great presentation and thought to myself that this device was awesome. It had these special features on it such as music player, Google chrome, a dictionary, a thesaurus, etc. This device was like a phone that was shaped as a ball but three times bigger. The best thing was that the magic object called me his, “Master” which was pretty amazing and made me feel I could rule the world.
A few months later, I got home and it was a sunny Thursday afternoon, with no wind and UV rays stinging through my skin. It was an ordinary day here in Transylvania, Alabama. I got home and came running to my bedroom because all I wanted to do was play with my Magic 8 ball.
“Hello, Master. How may I help you today?” asked the Magic 8 ball.
“I wish I had a pet dragon, with razor sharp teeth, spits acid, breathes fire, wind, earth, and all the elements,” said I.
“As you wished Master Zack,” the Magic 8 ball responded.
I was frightened because the Magic 8 ball was in this phase that was beaming out rays out in the room, which made the whole room fill with a bright light. A couple seconds later, the whole room was in its original stage; everything was back to normal. But the aftermath was a little different. A couple seconds before, I asked my magic 8 ball for a dragon. Then I noticed there was a little dragon in my bedroom. Everything I asked for, the breathing, superpowers, the characteristics were all there, and every single detail was there. It had the blue skin, a fire breather and spits out acidic water, it had the super speed and strength. I was frightened because of what the Magic 8 ball did was so unrealistic, but the vibe of the Magic 8 ball was different than usually. After what happened, the vibe of the ball feels like it’s going to kill me or take over the world.
I left the house after what just happened because I needed a breather--I needed fresh air outside to just relax and, just relax. I had to take a lot of things in, the magic or whatever was indescribable and unrealistic. Several minutes later, I went up and heard noises coming from my room. Which I hear laughing and lots of it, I then came rushing to the door……I hesitated because of what was happening in my room. I saw my magic 8 ball come alive, and played with my little baby brother which was really creepy. The Magic 8 ball somehow evolved into a human being with legs, arms, and everything that a regular human would have. The Magic 8 ball spawned these little baby dragons and they were all over the room. All there cute faces making my baby brother laugh and giggle. Soon fainted after that.
I woke up, my head was aching and my stomach was growling. I opened up my eyes and still saw the same thing as I did before: the magic 8 ball playing with my baby brother. Now, the magic 8 ball took my brother and went to town. A couple minutes later, I see mass destruction in the city. I see my little fire breathing dragon babies everywhere in town, everywhere you look there was fire.
As the dragon hovered on top of the school and kids were evacuating the facility. As they finished evacuating, the dragon burnt the school down into pieces. As the kids were cheering because the whole school facility was burnt down. But what really surprised me was that……
I woke up, touched my whole body and looked outside. My alarm went off, sudden clapping and singing was coming somewhere. Hearing, “I’m gonna love ya, until you hate me, and I’m gonna show ya, what’s really crazy.” I just noticed that it was my ringtone. Couple minutes later, I hear this obnoxious noise coming from downstairs.
“Zacky Boo, get up. It’s time for school baby,” my mom yelling.
“Mom, my name is Zack the Executioner, get it right,” I exclaimed.
I was surprised that all what was happening was a nightmare. I was glad that all that was a dream, so I did my routine. Go to school, go home, and go straight to bed. Once I got out of my house, I saw a package that was from the same University from my dream. I opened it……it was the Magic 8 Ball.

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