Guardians in the Water: Creation Myth | Teen Ink

Guardians in the Water: Creation Myth

March 30, 2016
By LaurelsofPeace BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
LaurelsofPeace BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
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During creation the Gods had each had a hand in creating objects for their pleasure. But when Anatol’a had given life to an intelligent species, one that could worship him, the rest of the gods became restless and angry. So in retribution, many decided to make their own creations with intelligence.
    However, not all could make. A’as, God of Wisdom was particularly furious, as this stunt threw off his own plans of impressing the King of them all, Tarhun. Yet when he tried his own hand at creating, he found he could not find something satisfactory to his own liking.
    The Sea God, Aruna, was having a different trouble. His waters were highly populated already, with fish, dolphins, and other marvelous creatures. But he resented Anatol’a’s favor that he had garnered with the human creatures.
    Jealous and desperate, Aruna sought out A’as, the wisest of them all, to help with his problem. Seeing his opportunity, A’as agreed to help, trying to think of the best way to twist this to his advantage.
    Aruna didn't want to make a totally new creature, so he brought A’as different animals residing in his domain. The floppy octopus seemed like it would be too vulnerable, but not quite right. However, A’as gave it an extra boost of intelligence.
    Aruna brought forth a dolphin, a mammal that lived in the water. A’as gave this being another boost of intelligence, but the dolphin gave A’as an idea.
    “What if we were to take some of the humans, and shape them so that they could live exclusively under water?” He asked Aruna, who thought this idea was perfect.
    He needed help from Kamrusepa, Goddess of Medicine and Magic, to transform a human enough so that it was able live in the sea. She agreed to help, but A’as did not want her to assist in this project.
    Angered by Kamrusepa’s involvement, A’as decided to watch the pair make a new creature, then he would steal it and claim the creature for himself, or A’as could tell another god, and they could help him create and new being similar to the creature taking shape beneath the skilled hands of Kamrusepa.
    Aruna and Kamrusepa slaved away for a week, building and changing humans to suit the water best. They failed time and again, until Aruna uncovered a new idea.
    With a critical eye, he examined the differences between a common fish, and a human. Fins, tail, gills, eyes made for water, scales. So many differences, but they were fixable differences.
    So with a terrible rip, he tore the human in two, a top half and a bottom half. With the same power, Aruna rent the fish in two as well. Kamrusepa enlarged the fish half, assisting in melding the two halves together in such a way that the two halves became one whole.
    Aruna took a knife and sliced slits into the neck of the human, breathing into them so that the wounds made a passageway for air instead of blood. Kamrusepa added more scales, lending a more blended look to the waist of this new creature. Aruna reshaped bones, knowing exactly how they should be able to move, to provide the most speed and ease of movement.
    The new creature took shape beneath their hands fully formed in a matter of minutes as opposed to their week of failure.
    “There is something missing… They will be intelligent because of their half human selves, but they will not stand out. Kamrusepa, please gift them with a Magic.” Aruna begged, knowing this would be the best way to win favor.
    Kamrusepa grabbed eagerly at the chance to stamp her mark clearly on this creature, so that Tarhun would recognize that she had helped with this creature greatly.
    As her ‘gift’ to the creature, she breathed Magic into their throat, weaving a complicated spell.
    “Whenever they sing, the water will respond to them, and with this power they can moderate the seas as your police if you so wish.” Kamrusepa declared, stepping back from the creation.
    Vanishing from the shadows, A’as went in search of a god to assist him in creating a being similar.
    In the many wild places he searched for the one goddess he knew would be able to help him.
    “Inara! I seek your aid!” He plead, calling out for the Goddess of Wild Animals. She appeared in an instant, and heard out the Wise God’s request.
    Inara had been one of the few gods that was not angry by the creation of humans. She had plenty of wild things to content herself with, and did not wish for more.
    A’as told her of how Aruna had made a being using part of a human. She did not seem interested in the least.
    So he then told her of what the humans were capable of. They would hunt down her wild things, and kill them. They would destroy her wild places, and build places for themselves.
    Afraid and angry, Inara agreed to help A’as with this new creature on one condition; the new creature would have to be able to have an advantage over humans, that said humans could do nothing about.
    A’as cared not for the humans either way, so he agreed to this term.
    The two set to work. They did not take anywhere near as long to make this new being, since A’as had seen how Aruna and Kamrusepa had made theirs.
    Doing as he had seen done, A’as ripped a human in half, but instead of choosing a common fish, or even an uncommon one, he chose a water snake, to spite Aruna when he found out.
    Inara melded the two halves together, and helped to reshape bones. She was holding the human half by the forefingers, in order to have as much room to work with as possible. She noticed too late however, that the forefingers had stretched to a good foot length.
    Instead of making this creature full of scales, A’as decided to give it the skin texture of a shark, so it could slip through the water more easily.
    As had Aruna, A’as cut slits into the neck of the new being, breathing air passageways so it could survive in the water.
    “Now give it something to give it an advantage over the humans that will destroy your wilderness.” A’as commanded, handing the creature over to the goddess.
    She leant down, and breathed magic down the throat. “Whenever they sing, humans will be entranced, and drown themselves for the chance to be with this being… this siren.” She announced. She cooed into the siren’s ear, stroking beneath its hair.
    “It will lust for the blood of humans, an insatiable thirst that I shall collect from them personally when their life is ended.” Inara finished, thrusting the siren into the sea.
    A’as left her then, rushing to the throne of Tarhun, eager to show him the new creation.
    As he arrived, Aruna and Kamrusepa were leaving. They had smiles on their faces. Clearly their creature had won them favor.
    Hoping to ruin Aruna for siding with Kamrusepa, A’as invited the god inside to hear what he had to say to their King.
    When Aruna heard what A’as had done, he was furious, and tried to find the sirens they had since made, and crush them. The beings hid in terror, avoiding the murderous god.
    In his rage, Aruna ordered his creatures, merfolk, to hunt down the sirens, and kill them all.
    Tarhun was not pleased with this development. He enjoyed the new creatures, both of them. So he gave A’as leave to defend his creatures as he saw fit.
    Thus, the world’s oldest war began, and never ended.

The author's comments:

This is the prologue for a larger piece I'm working on. All of these Gods mentioned in the story, minus Anatol'a, are actual Gods of the Hittite Pantheon. I created Anatol'a for the purposes of this story, since I couldn't find the God that had created humans.

I hope you like this beginning, and take on mermaid, and siren, lore.

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