Kingdom come. | Teen Ink

Kingdom come.

April 7, 2016
By SakkaNoOtoko BRONZE, Miami, Florida
SakkaNoOtoko BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:

?koku ga kimasu (kingdom come)

by Writter guy!!! (you will never know my real name...)

“For the crime of killing the Oracle and her heir, you will serve in prison until the end.”
Lucifer had his head down the entire time during the trial. There was no audience in the dark courtroom, and the incinerating light beaming above him was annoying, but all Lucifer could do is laugh. It started off faint, but grew hysteric in a matter of seconds, and he threw his head back and face towards the blinding lights.
“Oh man, that’s funny!” he chuckled. The judged narrowed his eyes at the black haired criminal below him.
“You are truly a mad man, Lucifer.” He hissed.
Lucifer stopped laughing. His psychotic smile faded, and a serious, even slightly demonic expression replaced it.
“Aren’t we all mad?”
The judge was disgusted, and signaled for the guards to take him away. Even as the men took him away, even as he was dragged out the door, Lucifer stared at the judge with the tiniest little smirk. He said nothing, but wincing, fearful words shot threw the man’s head like the last bullet of a gunman’s pistol.
“vide te in me daemonia” the words whispered.
The judge clutched his hair and violently tried to pull it out. He calmed down, and sighed, out of breath.
“Damn demon.”
He climbed out from his podium, and tumbled onto a bench, exhausted. After a good minute, he stood up and proudly marched out of the court room. But as proud and dignified as he looked, the single drop of sweat trickling down his cheek would show everyone who gazed upon it that he was terrified. And he walked away as terrified as he was, drowned in the horror of the young evil he knew no one could ever keep behind bars forever.

“Hurry up and get out, will ya?!”
e guard opened the cell door and waited impatiently for its parasite to come out.
“Awwwww, but I don’t wanna come out. Do I have to?”
“Yes, you do, ya twerp. You’re just a kid, you should listen to your elders.”
“Oh, I see. Fine, I guess I’ll play along.”
The prisoner walked out of his cell. He was as short as he was when he first entered the cell years ago. He kept the same youthful look on his face as well. In fact, the only thing that looked different about him since the day he was captured and imprisoned was his now bloody, hole- filled clothes. His hair hardly even grew an inch.
“You have a visitor.”
“Oh? Who might be blessing me with their presence today?” the prisoner faked a cheerful smile
“No need to play safe, demon. You’re not fooling anyone” a voice behind the prisoner interrupted. The prisoner laughed confidently, and without turning, spoke to the person behind him.
“Long time no se, General! How have you been?”
“I could ask the same of you…” the mysterious person came around the prisoner.
“…Lucifer the reckless.”
The General had straight, light brown hair slicked back atop his head along with an impressive beard. He had a light armor on, including a silver chest plate and knee pads. Lucifer thought it was very c***y of the general to under estimate him enough to wear such weak armor. Lucifer could attack now and have the advantage, but even with his “special powers”, the General was no ordinary opponent.
The guard leaves the two in the room, and locks the door behind him. Once they we alone, a chair appeared under the General, and he sat down. Lucifer sat on the floor, bound by both feet and hand shackles.
“So you wanted to see me?”
“Yes. And before we begin, allow me to show some sympathy for you.”
“Why is that? I never knew you were capable of such thing. I guess you’re softer than I thought.”
“Don’t push your luck. Im just being the bigger man here. Compared to me, you’re acting like an immature child.”
“I know this goes against everything I said to that nice lad earlier, but I am a child, if you think about it, I mean…” Lucifer’s red eyes shimmered amber, giving them a yellow glow.
“I did die a child.” He continued.
“But you are old enough to understand what disappointment feels like, right?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Well, you see, over one thousand years ago, before you were captured and brought here, you invaded the village where the Oracle lived with her child, yes?”
Lucifer stopped everything. Even his breathing came to a pause.
The village…
“Yes…” his red eyes darkened. “What about it.”
“The Oracle didn’t survive this tragic event thanks to you. In fact, you made the matter even worse by not only murdering the child, but cursing her.”
“It was the only way to truly fulfill my mission.”
“What exactly was your mission?
“It was...” he began. “…no… I mustn’t say now.”
“I see. Then would it be okay if is said that the oracle has come back to life.”
For the first time in thousands of years, Lucifer felt a feeling. It was a foreign feeling, one that almost felt completely new to him. But he has felt this feeling before. Was it…
No. I couldn’t have been. Demons cant feel anything. That’s just the true nature of it.
“Of course, not in the same body. You are well aware of the life cycle of an oracle, correct?”
Lucifer was well aware how the life cycle of the oracle took place. Every generation, a new oracle is born and must take on the role of both foretelling prophecies and judging whether a soul should go to heaven or hell as soon as possible. Once an oracle dies, their off spring immediately takes the job. If an oracle were to die before having an heir, it is said that the line would be completely cut off. Lucifer knew all of this even when he murdered the last oracle. He can look back at the flaming homes and families he set fire to and only laugh. He could have just as easily assassinated the Oracle and her daughter quietly, but back then it seemed like pretty big deal to make an impressive and memorable entrance. He had planned on just killing the mother and leaving, but he knew that it wouldn’t toss anything out of balance if the successor took her place. But there was more…
“She appeared out of the blue in a nearby village, worn out and dirty, bloody even. She seemed like a normal girl to anyone who passed by, but what made her distinct to those around her was the color of her right eye.”
Lucifer saw the brilliant fires once again. He was standing over the debris of a fallen building. It was the Oracle temple, if his memory served him well. Above him was the red and black smoky sky lit up by the flames, and below him was ash and…
A girl with silver hair and azure eyes.
He remembers looking at her with a face of pity as well as hatred. A cold look that he could see through the reflection of her eyes. He grabbed her wide eye, and chanted Latin words to forge the curse. She was thrown to the gravel, her one blue eye dull from the lack of life in her, and the other one…
Pitch black.
“Her right eye was black as midnight. As soon as word came to the capital, we all knew that it was the oracle of legend you cursed many years ago. I know you sensed the presence of something odd all these years ago. The presence of the soul of the not-yet dead oracle you tried to kill but failed to do so. That is how the royal army captured you in the first place.”
“You only got a hold of me because I was weak. Going up against an Oracle is harder than you think. Plus, you had a dozen angles fighting with you. It gets pretty overwhelming after a while.” He said, his confident tone slowly coming back to his voice.
“You also could have escaped this prison. Why didn’t you?”
Lucifer grinned a wicked one. His eyes once again glowed amber.
“I sensed that there would be great fun in the future. I guess this is the beginning of it, don’t you agree?”
“I would have brought some wine and made a toast with you, but I’m afraid that you might not be up for that. Wine might be a little too strong for someone who has been in prison for a thousand years.”
“Trust me, you don’t even know good wine. Someone as young as you are has at least a few more hundred years until you taste the good stuff.”
“You’re a funny man, Lucifer.”
“Same as you, Vincent.”
“So…” the General continued. “I have a proposition for you.”
“Im listening.”
“The Oracle is in the center of the prison under heavy guard. She seems to have lost most of her memory as well. The boys back at the capital believe that she may hold some information, including how she was revived. We were going to get someone else to watch over her during this time, but then we thought that the person who caused the problem should fix it.”
“So your telling me that I have to raise the little Oracle until her memory returns?”
“You don’t have to do it. But unless you want to stay in this prison forever and such. Also…”
“What is it now?”
“The curse you put on her. You need to reverse it. Its part of the deal. Do whatever means necessary. Those are the orders from the new prince of the kingdom.”
“The new prince, eh?”
“That only thing is that, well, I cant really do that. The curse bounds her the hell, and I can’t just yank her away from it.”
“Like I said, whatever means necessary.”
Lucifer frowned. The last thing he wanted to do was babysit a kid. There were so many other things he could be doing. But still, he thought that a mere “Okay, you can leave” from the prison head was enough to pay such a debt they would owe if Lucifer were to actually consider doing the tedious task.
“Im not against it at all. I’ll take care of the brat until I feel she’s ready, but I think that the payback im getting in return is being taken too lightly.”
“Then what else do you want. Im sure his majesty can fit something else in the deal.”
“Im not sure, exactly, but I have an idea of what I want. Lets just say that… its been a while since I had a noble soul.

It was dark. She laid there in the dark. A sick feeling crawled through her stomach, and made it twist and turn. She was hungry. The last time she ate was practically a distant memory. Of course, she had no memory. She didn’t even know where she was. But it was dark.
She looked to where she thought was “up”, and reached her hand up. The lights, suddenly, came on. it was a very natural light, probably from the sun, and it was coming from a large hole that appeared on the ceiling. That’s when she realized, while looking at the stone-made circular room she was sitting in, that she could only see though one eye.
The door behind her opened slowly, and a man walked in. he had a beard and was wearing silver armor. Behind him was a boy with black hair and red eyes.
Like a demon.
She immediately felt a slight tremble in herself. Even though this boy looked around her age, he somehow scared her. All she did was glare at them as they talked. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, though. But they came up to her a few moments later, the taller man stopping midway, but the boy came closer, and knelt down to the girl. He looked back at the man, and back to the girl. Her silver hair draped passed her shoulders, and her silver eye wide open in wonder. Her black eye was a different story. It was midnight black, yes, and it had no shimmer to it in the slightest. But in the middle of the eye, a dark grey. Up-side-down cross laid. This was the eye she was completely blind in.
The boy held out his hand to her
“Hey.” He said. “My name is Lucifer. Im going to be watching you for now on. Who are you?”
The girl was hesitant. When was that last time she met a human. She didn’t know what to say, or rather, how to speak at all. But after a few long seconds, she hesitantly reached her hand out and grabbed his.
“My name is…” she continued to try to remember what she was once called.






hey guyyyyssss!

this is my first story!!!

*what are saying,dude, its not even a story its only the introduction...

*Ahh, stop talking, me!

anyways hope you enjoyed it i might post the actual story in the novel section... in a few months or something... oh well!

bye now!!!

The author's comments:

this is my first story on this website. that all i have to say.



Long live SAKKA NO OTOKOOOOO!!!!!!(writer guy)(im such a weeaboo...xD)

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