He's Back | Teen Ink

He's Back

April 12, 2016
By fox319 BRONZE, Hartsdale, New York
fox319 BRONZE, Hartsdale, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the rain drips down Daniel Westside’s face, he continues walking. A crosswalk is coming into his view as he approaches. Stopping, he sees the sign. Daniel has heard stories of what it’s like, where it is, what’s inside, and that if you go in chances are, you aren’t coming back out alive. But there he was, standing, in awe, across the street from the big, neon red sign that slightly illuminates the area around it. Knowing that this might be the end for him, but also the beginning for everyone else, he starts to walk again. He was going into, The Freezer…
Across the street, he begi ns to rethink his decision, but he quickly shakes that idea out of his head. Walking through the entrance he shivers from the change in temperature. As his breath becomes more and more visible, he picks up his pace out of fear. Turning into a new room, Daniel sees a dusty pile of books on top of a table. While flipping through the book on the top of the pile, he begins to see names. Names and names and even more names. Some people he has heard of, but others are just random people. The person he was looking for had a name that everyone in the world has heard of.
He looks through the book and realizes that it is listed in some way because all of the people on one page have something in common. He just hasn’t found out what yet.
“It seems like they are grouped by serial number… I have to find out what number he is. It’s gotta be around here somewhere…” Daniel says to himself
As he looks around he finds a lightswitch, flicks it on, and starts to look around a little more.
He finds a poster that has who he is looking for on it. A tall, strong, brown hair and blue eyed man. John Cooper. Next to his name is a number.
  It is 4ep00c.
“4...e...p...00...c, Huh? Wait, That’s Cooper backwards!”
Daniel runs to the book, flips through it, rips out the page, and runs.
Thousands upon thousands of frozen bodies in chambers pass by, each one has a different number but they're not who Daniel is looking for.  Opening up the chamber, a puff of bright, white smoke disperses into the air. John’s body is completely still, except for a sudden twitch that moves his hand a bit. Then it happens again and again, until he is out of the ice. The first step he takes, he falls. 
“Where am I?” John says putting his hand on his head.
“The Freezer, on Planet Fluzz, Year 2117”
“Who runs this planet?”
“NOW!” John screams.
“Diesector… It… it’s Diesector” Daniel says gingerly.
John says thank you, taps on his watch, and .tells a holographic face to teleport his car to him.
The wind is blowing in his hair as John is driving with his flying car’s hood down. Passing the town square, all of John’s memories are coming back to him. As he sees his mansion, he notices a change.  Bam! Flames engulf his car as it descends back down to Fluzz. He catches a glimpse of metal shimmering in the sun. Because he made his car himself, he made it explosion proof, so when he hits the ground, it just ejects John out of it and sinks a couple feet into the ground. Landing crouched with his right hand planted on the dirt, John’s dirty face looks up to a blood-curdling sight.  Thousands of robots are scattered all over his mansion’s grounds.
Standing up, cracking his neck John says “Let’s do this” and starts disabling all of the robots.
Due to his immense knowledge about robots, Cooper knows that the only way to shut down their coding is by taking off their reactor on the chest. It is easy to see because the robots are silver, and the reactors are bright blue. Running around, taking all of the reactors off, John backs up and stops because he hears laughing. Craning his head up and gritting his teeth, Diesctor stares into John’s soul.
Putting on his jetpack, John flies up to Diesector.
“I knew you would come back Cooper, I just knew it,” Diesctor says in a distorted voice.
“So, I see you’ve been waiting for me. I know why too. You’ve always been too scared to let go.”
“What…I’m not sure I understand. Let go of what?’
“You don’t remember? Huh, guess I’d better tell you. I may not remember most things, but I do remember this.”
Diesector then immediately  jumps in.
“ I’m not here for you to catch up, I’m here to kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try”
The now provoked Diesector lunges at John, but John dodges his punch, and returns with a quick punch, all in the span of seconds.
“You should know not to mess with me by now,” John says.
“How did you do that, I am UNBEATABLE!” Diesector screams
“Look at your left hand for me”
“Why should I, I don’t listen to anyone”
“Just do it.”
“4ep00c, What the heck does that have to do with anything, tell me how you know how to fight me.”
“That code backwards, is cooper, Diesector. I created you.”
“Ha. That’s funny, now actually tell me how you did that”
“I’m not lying, I made you”
Diesector and John both lunge towards each other with their hands in fists. John and Diesctor both go in for a punch.

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