The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

April 12, 2016
By tylergriff123 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
tylergriff123 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

3 days after the funeral, Maria was crying in the bathtub. She was grieving. Then there was a knock on the front door.

“Just a minute!” she said. She wiped her eyes with her leafy arms. As she walked out of the bathroom, she looked in the mirror. Part of her was missing : which was her brother. She got dressed and trudged towards the front door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see a police officer standing outside.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Pipton”, said  the officer.
“Am I in trouble or something because…”
“You’re not in trouble,” he said, “we found this diary next to your brother. At the end of the diary, he wrote that he wanted you to read it.” Maria started to tear up. Memories of her brother began to fill in.
“Thank you so much” she said. When she was back inside, she laid down on her bed. And started to read…

I used to be normal. My family, my friends and every venus fly trap was normal. Until it , happened. Sirens were blaring, the sky filling with darkness. And then it came, the explosion. It wiped out everything in it’s path, knocking over trees, and destroying buildings.  My sister fainted, my house was ripped into pieces. Someone was blasted into the lake by the impact. I heard screams left and right. Then, it mutated me. My heart started beating rapidly, my head started to hurt, by whole body ached.  And then, I started to grow. My arms spreading out, I started to grow gigantic green leaves, my teeth grew bigger and sharper, I had become… a mutant.
2 months later, every venus fly trap was mutant, and not just us. Animals were mutated also. And before the disaster, the humans had built robots to do everyday activities, but in the end, the robots have gone bad. The rest of my family ; my mom, my dad and my sister were back at our new house in Cleveland, Ohio.

My kan of people, the Mutant Plants, has part of their Army stationed  in Washington D.C., which is where I am.  The point of life in the year 3,000 was to get control of the power. We were constantly at war against the robots. In San Francisco, there was even more war. There is another group that is trying to gain power.  After the explosion, humans wanted power also, so they genetically modified a certain amount of people. And they are also fighting for power.
Day 65 after the explosion. I walked into the mess hall for some chili, and I sat down next to my best friend Max.
“How ya doin?” he asked as he slurped some chili. Max is a lot smaller than me. But, his personality is a lot greater. He is never afraid to say it like it is. But, the thing that he always brags about is how his venus fly trap teeth are sharper than mine. “You know what,” Max thought, “you have a stupid face,” I told you he says it like it is.
“AAHHHH!!” Max screamed. “I spilled my chili all over myself!” he’s also very clumsy.
After Max and I played a game of basketball in the gym, we went back to our dorm room to watch an episode of Tom & Jerry. Whenever Tom gets hurt by something or someone in the show, I would think of our Army and I  crushing our enemies to take the power… and know I know better.
That night I dreamt of destroying our enemies, and killing their leaders, everyone was cheering for me, our kan paraded down the corrupt streets of Washington D.C., we walked straight into the capitol building. We were the leaders of the world, and in the middle of our celebration, I heard a gunshot, the next thing I remember from the dream was a pain in my cheek, and then I woke up to Max screaming at me.
“WAKE UP ALFONZ!!!!” (Alfonz is my nickname).
“What do you want?” I pleaded, “It’s 5:30 in the morning!”
“It’s… It’s…” he stammered. His green leafy face filled with fear. I’ve never seen this side of him… Then before he could finish his response we heard the emergency siren.
“Oh no! Is that what I think it is!” I cried. Then we heard gunshots from the hallway.
“It’s the robots!” he replied. We heard someone scream, then we saw a robot in the hallway. We were in our pajamas, and unarmed. We were no match for them, the only way for a chance to survive was to jump out of the window.
“Alfonz! We have to do it!”
“But we’re on the 5th floor! We’ll die for sure!”
“Well,” he thought, “it’s better than dying in the hands of our enemies.” We ran towards the window, I said a prayer
“3,2,1” I counted down, and then we jumped. We broke through the glass, right as the robots broke through the door. We fell 5 stories down to the ground, and we landed in a bush - or at least I landed in a bush. Max on the other hand landed on concrete next to the bush. As I landed, I felt my bones breaking, and then I blacked out.
I think I woke up about 4 hours later. I could barely move at all. And then I remembered Max. I got up with all my might and crawled over to Max.
“Oh no!” I cried “MAX!! Wake up, wake up!!” It was no use, Max was gone.
Even though I survived the fall, I still had to survive the robot attack. I heard gunshots far behind me, and to my luck, I found a fully loaded AK-47 near the pool. And then I ran over to the battlefield.
Shots were firing at me left and right, plants were dying left and right. And the robots weren’t stopping, but I wasn’t going to stop either. Two robots were closing in on me, but I reacted first. I pulled out my gun and shot one in the head 10 times, and I bit off the other robot’s head with my gigantic head and teeth. As a was reloading, I was shot in the thigh. I fell down on the ground, the pain felt like a lion was biting me over and over again. I decided to play dead so that I wouldn’t get shot again, but the pain was so bad that I kept wincing and squirming around. And of course, someone saw me wincing so he took another shot at me. I felt a pain in my chest and a blacked out.
When I came to, I was in an extremely small room. My foot was chained to a wall, and the only light was the little amount of sunlight coming through a dark window. And there was a clogged toilet in the corner.
“Where am I?” I said to myself.
“I can answer that,” replied a robot who just opened the door to my room, “you are now a prisoner of war. We took you here and notified your Army that we kidnapped you, and that we asked for $500,000 for your army to get you back. Otherwise, we will execute you. And if they don’t pay, then your execution date is 48 hours from now.  It’s a win-win either way! Oh, here’s your meal for the day, dog food and a teaspoon of water. I’ll be back tomorrow, I have to go recharge my batteries.
Now this is really going to be the end. The army would never pay $500,000 just to save one soldier. And I wasn’t going to eat dog food, and I only had a drop of water. Also, I still had two bullets in me from the war. If anyone’s reading this, tell my family that I love them.
47 hours later, I was dying from thirst. My mouth felt like it was a desert that was 100 degrees. The robot guard opened the door to my room.
“Guess what?” he said, “your kan didn’t pay the money. Which means that your execution is in one hour.” He laughed maniacally
My mind had only one thought, escaping. I threw a punch at the guard’s cheek.
“Ow!!” I cried
“Your punches won’t do anything to me. I’m made of iron.” he bragged, “now you will come with me right now.” He unlocked the chain on my foot, and dragged me towards the hallway. I was too tired, too hungry, and too thirsty to fight back. We entered a room with 10 other robots inside : they all had machine guns. One robot, who looked like he was made of gold tied me backwards against the wall, so I couldn’t see.
“Any last words?” someone asked.
“No,” I replied.
“Ok everyone, we fire on my mark,” one of the robots said, “3, 2, 1”
“BAM!!! BAM!! BAM!!” Gunshots fired left and right. I felt a bullet pierce my back. I struggled with all of my might to break free. Then I don’t know how was able to do it, but I broke free of the ropes.
“He’s getting away! Catch him!!” Someone fired a shot that hit me in the ankle but I wasn’t going down. I ran with all my might back to my jail cell, grabbed my journal, then I hobbled towards the stairs. But I fell down a flight of stairs. Now I was seriously injured, first I had  jumped out of a window, I had two bullets already in me from the battlefield, and now a two more, and now I fell down the stairs. Now I am gushing blood all over my body.
I decided that if I stay at the bottom of the stairs I would definitely be seen and killed, so I got up and started to limp towards the entrance of the prison, but my pain was too discomforting…
“OW!!” I yelped
“Hey! I heard something coming from the front doors! Let’s go and kill this plant!” A robot commanded. There was a bathroom next to the entrance so I crawled inside and went into a stall so they wouldn’t see me. And now I’m writing everything as it’s happening.
I can hear footsteps from outside the bathroom pacing back and forth, most likely they’re looking for me.
“Hey! I found a trail of blood! Let’s see where it leads to,” Someone said. Ok, now I’m officially done for. At least I’ll be reunited with my best friend. I just tried to flush myself down the toilet, but that only works in movies.
“I heard a toilet flush! He’s gotta be in here,” someone yelled. I just heard someone reload a gun and swing open the bathroom door. My last words are that we better win this war.

Back in reality, Maria had just finished reading the journal.
“At least we won the war for you Alfonz.”

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