The Safehouse | Teen Ink

The Safehouse

April 12, 2016
By Sydneyfff BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
Sydneyfff BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Kylee. Over here! Wait!” I saw a black figure running towards me in the midst of the night.                                                              
“Shh!”Someone in one of the tents behind me yelled back.
“Hey Kylee” The figure said again. As he ran closer, the figure started to take shape. Short, blond hair with his classic flip in the front, ungelled for that natural look. Broad athletic build. Muscles the perfect size. Perfectly proportioned face. Chiseled jaw line, ice blue eyes. Lyle. “Kylee. The guards”. He breathed heavily, “they took downtown. We better be out of here to the countryside by morning. Fast, ‘Justice Island’ is creating guards by the second, apparently with Russian and German training.” Said Lyle with a worried expression. I looked behind at the peaceful little community of our five tents with a concerned feeling in my gut.
“John just showed me a new website that he added to my phone. Its really cool, it's all the news in the supernatural world, places that are open to stay, and chat rooms to talk to team leaders and other supernaturals all around the world! I was chatting with some other community leaders in Pennsylvania, so before we go into the country, we have to pick them up. Is that okay Lyle?”
“It's fine but…” He sighed “The gov is in Philly already roundin’ up all supers they can find. We’re just outside of Philly! We have to move quickly before they find our little camp or someone sells us out. The money you can get is crazy! I’m suprised with this economy the new gov even has this type of money.”
“Well we're moving in the morning. Good night Lyle”. I climbed into my tent, and thought about what Lyle had said about people selling for money in these dark economic times. When the stock market crashed all the major cities were in ruins as well as tiny communities. Like mine. Kids dropped out of school to beg the rich, it was basically the Great Depression unfolding before my eyes. My family had to quit their jobs, and sell our house just to avoid paying the high taxes issued by the new combined government of the world. Can you believe that! I mean the governments of the world had to combine because none of them had enough money, and then inflicting pain on us with the high taxes when most of us were already broke. Anyway, my parents also had to move just to avoid that I was a supernatural from getting out. Some idiot leaked to the gov that supernaturals existed and now he's rich and the gov is going beserk looking for all of us. They think that if they find us, they will do experiments and find something like, a scientific breakthrough, creating new companies, meaning new and booming stocks, creating a better economy to get out of this depression. So that why me, Kylee Hamlon a sixteen year old girl is on the run from the government. When I told my parents me and a group of 15 something kids were running away, they flipped out they did everything in their power to get me to stay. But I got them to agree it was best for me and them that I left.
When I woke up the next morning, I brushed my way too long brown hair, put on black leggings and a black sweatshirt. Woke up my tent-mate Amanda who could sleep through fireworks, I started to shake her but she still didn’t wake. I took a bucket sitting in the corner of the tent, and started to whack her with it.
“EEEEEEEEEIIIIIII” she screeched.
“Get your lazy ass out of bed”.
“Okay okay” She signed. She got out of her sleeping bag, put on the same outfit as me. She looked up then down at herself then yelled, “TWINNING!”
“OMG” I said
“So hows Lyle?” Amanda squeaked.
“Oh would you just shut the hell up about him already” I said rolling my eyes.
“Come oooon Kylee you guys are getting really close. I saw you guys make out over by the river”.
“I told you…Hold up, I got a new notification from, Barry Williams” I said.
“Who’s that, is he hot?”
Laughing,“How do you even know if he’s even our age?”
“Well, what if I told you I’m into older guys”
“Well he doesn't seem to be your type anyway” I lied, I didn’t know a thing about him“He sent me a text. reading: Kylie, wanna meet up at my safe house in Pennsylvania?” I sent back, Sure I just have to pick a few people up, but I will see you soon(:
“That’s all you’re saying!” Amanda blurted out. “C’mon flirt a little”
“I have a boyfriend”
“So? What’s the harm? It's not like you have to date him or anything”
“No.You can do that on your own time. Let's start packing now”.
“UHHHHH” Amanda plopped down on her sleeping bag. I gave her a long stare, which normally works on her, until she finally agreed. So we got up started to pack all our clothes into one duffle bag, and put small belongings of ours into a string bag.
“Move your water bottle around there will be no more room for, my Beats and, like,... all my stuff!” Shouted Amanda
“Well all your stuff is taking up all of my room!”
“You have so much s*** in here. Like do you really need…” I fished around in the bag, “Like your stuffed bunny that Kyle got you from the carnival seven years ago!!! We don’t have much room and..” I was cut short when Lyle walked through the tent flap.
“Hey ladies you ready to go?” Lyle had backpack on his shoulders and was carrying a duffle bag, with his tent mate Luke come up behind him with the tent on his shoulders.
“Amanda has so much crap in here its taking up all the room!”
“Woah ladies, ladies, please why don’t we all calm down” Luke said and put his arms around me and Amanda.
“Get your dirty hands off me! Or i’m going to shatter every bone in your body!” Amanda screamed. Amanda has super strength so she's not one to mess with. When I first met Amanda she broke my hand when I shook it.
“Well what I would do…” Lyle started, “Is just take the things you need, and then two things that are most important to you. Like things you would die without”.
“But I would literally die without my beats” Amanda whined. We all rolled our eyes. Over the next half hour all four of us helped me and Amanda pack.
“Okay I think we are all set” Lyle said starting to move  back. He walked over, picked up his stuff and waited for me at the foot of our camp.
“Thanks babe” I said and gave him a quick kiss. Ding. “Oh hold one I got another message from Barry Williams”
“Whos that?” Lyle asked
“The leader of a New Jersey community, he’s fourteen”
I replied
“Wow really fourteen, huh thats pretty…. Dope!”
“Yeah I know”
“What does it say?”
“Uhhh…..Its says…” I scrolled down to find the message, I read outloud “I forgot to tell you, Laura Johnson, the head of a community in New York will be joining us at the meeting”. Okay I replied. I turned and faced Lyle “Let’s get going!”
We’ve been on the road for about two hours driving through rural Pennsylvania. The group was way too big for all of us to move around and not be seen, so we all split up. I named my deputy leaders and we give constant updates every hour. We are all still meeting up at the safehouse, but everything in between, was up to us. In my group, of course is Lyle, Amanda, Luke, John, and , Amy. Amy was just some annoying girl who I met 3 weeks ago who begged to come with.The car was littered with food that we stole from a rental car place, where we got our little two door. Popcorn, soda cans,beef jerky, and chips, were everywhere, on the floor,on the dashboard,with a high stock in the back.
“I got a place to stay tonight, it’s a house 15 miles away from where we are, a non super, middle aged man, just has a wife and no kids. Perfect, where hiding out there and we leave in the morning, plus don’t forget to pick up Jack’s group in a town called Equinunk” I reminded Lyle
Lyle looked at me, “Can we trust them?” He looked back on the road.
“Who? That red neck guy? I have no idea but they were put on the website, so someone must trust them”. Lyle gave me a long questioning stare. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw saw something, “LYLE LOOK OUT!” Startled, he looked back at the road and tried to swerve away from an oncoming car. I felt a giant blow to the head and chest. I couldn’t see but flashes of red and couldn’t hear a thing. I felt like I was flung out of the car, onto a cliff and falling, and falling, and falling. I tried to yell out but I couldn't make a sound. I couldn’t get enough air in or out. I continued to fall into a deep dark pit,  crying, but I couldn’t make a sound. I reached the bottom, a giant ocean. I drifted down, and with all the strength I had left and tried to swim towards the surface. Only 5 feet away but, so far out of reach. I reached up but couldn’t move. I looked down and saw rope tied on my right ankle. I tried to untie myself free, but I had no fight left. I looked up at the sky and prayed, prayed. I saw a hand. The hand of god that has come to save me. I reached up, and it pulled me faster and faster to the surface. I opened my eyes.
The smoke clouded my vision. I felt very weak and faint. I was too tired and lazy to open my eyes so I layed there with my eyes closed, listening to the rustle of the trees on the side of the road. I opened my eyes due to a jolting thought. Lyle. I quickly sat up, but pain in my chest slowed me down. Wincing, and clutching my chest, and looked around. My vision started to focus, and as it did, dark figures were taking form. Then red. It was pouring out of one of the figures and I soon realized it was everywhere. My eyes adjusted. Luke and Amanda lay near each other, Amanda, with glass everywhere on her body, and Luke with a glass shard deep in his neck. It was a gruesome sight. I immediatlly tried to shake Amanda.When she didn’t get up I prayed that she was just sleeping, and is sleeping through this loud event.I stood there for what seemed like eternity, I had no words. I’m not sure I was even breathing. But Amanda didn’t wake.If Lyle didn’t kick my leg I don’t know if my transe would have been broken. I looked down at Lyle on the ground next to me. He slowly opened his eyes, and stared into the sky. I slowly knelt by his head. He rolled his head toured me. And said, “Run”
“What?” I gasped. “What do you mean?”
“Use your powers to run to the safehouse”
“Lyle…I could get caught” I said firmly
“Run” He looked at me sternly.
“No.You will get better then we will go”
“I may never get better and you need to be at the safehouse to save the rest of us”
“But I want to save you!”I hauled myself onto him, “What if I need someone to breakdown the doors for me? What if I need someone to lift a car, win fights?” When Lyle didn’t say anything back I decided to stay the night, and take care of him. We slept in the ruins of  our van, and used to parts of the other car to fix ours and made a weird metal tent. Me and Lyle got lucky got out with only bad bruises and cuts which we cleaned up with our water bottles. For dinner we ate Cheetos then had to decorate the van in leaves and mud to match the forest on the side of the road. We didn’t want to get caught tonight. We also buried the bodies of the driver of the other car, Luke Amanda, John, and Amy. It was tough (Not for Amy, I was almost glad she was gone!) but Lyle helped me through it. I had lost my best friend, John the most resourceful person on the team. He showed me the website that if we didn’t have, we would have all been dead!
“So I’m assuming we aren’t saying with that host guy” Lyle said as we went to bed
“Oh, right I have to contact him and tell him” I pulled out my phone, to contact him, but when I pulled up the website, I noticed a lot had happened since we left early this morning up until now.
The American State of Ohio has been swept clean of all supernaturals, they are all currently being shipped off to the labs on Justice Island. Justice Island allegedly hacked into a state website, like our Universal one, and lured all to a private secluded cabin in the poconos. The hackers found new information that the former governor of Ohio himself was a supernatural, and created an online profile pretending to be him. The account then contacted all community leaders in the state and told them to go the cabin because he heard from a memo that The Midwestern Region Of the United States was the Government’s next Swat attack.
I looked up from the phone, to Lyle.
“You don’t think…”
“Yeah I do think that, that cabin is the one we are heading towards” I immediately contacted Laura Johnson who had already made it there. She got back to me pretty quickly and said everything is fine, but now we have to take serious precautions. After that I contacted the other half of my team in the other cars and told them about our car accident and Ohio. Most of them heard news already and decided that they were going to change routes. They were all going to Florida and hide in the Everglades.
“So its just you and me I guess” Lyle said
“Yep, lets get some rest”
The next morning we got up, packed, water, soda, and snacks into our backpacks and started to walk down the lonely road through the vast fields of rural Pennsylvania. But then, we saw a local police office, with a big sign out front saying, Catch all supers!!! 
“Oh crap!!”  Lyle yelled and tackled me to the side of the road. We hid behind a bush as two police officers left the small building,
“What do we do!?” I whispered. I felt the fear creeping down my body. Lyle looked at the station as if he was studying it.
“I have an idea, it’s risky but follow my lead” Lyle slowly got up and walked across the road like nothing was wrong.
“What do I do?” I yelled. He turned around.
“Just be cool, wait for my signal” I watched him continue to walk across the street. As he did a police man got up from his chair out front and started to walk towards him. I got very nervous and tried to listen very closely to what they were saying but I couldn’t hear much, just murmurs. Then I saw Lyle threw a punch. The officer collapsed to the floor instantly. I felt a squeak escape my mouth. He looked back at me and told me to stay there. Now dozens of officers were running out of the building at him, with guns. He was throwing punches, and kicks everywhere. I pretty sure he even killed one guy. He was lifting people up in the air, deflecting bullets, he even took out shaken soda cans and was spraying them in officer’s eyes! I didn’t know what was happening. Soon, Lyle was standing in the middle of a circle of unconscious police officers. He was barely covered in blood!
“Kylee, run to that police car and jump inside, before the Swat gets here!” I darted out of the bushes with my lightning speed, hopped into the car and turned it on. I drove up to Lyle, he jumped in then we continued on our journey.
“Why do we need to drive in a police car!! Why did you pull off that stunt, you could have gotten hurt!” I yelled
“Please, me?, get hurt?! Against those bozos! With my super strength nothing can hurt me!” He flexed his muscles,  “We also needed a non suspicious disguise. If we disguised as a police officer, no one would approach us and take us away! Laura told us to take precautions! Plus we needed a car”
“How far away are we from the cabin?”
“Like...30 miles, maybe? Give or take. We will definitely be there by morning tomorrow”Lyle looked down at his watch,
“It’s already three”
“Gets some rest”
I continued to drive down the roads, through the tall forests, into the mountain. When I had to drive through a town it felt weird, and I was worried someone would come up to me, but it was quiet and a bit creepy. It was all old and dirty, and the people…I even saw an old man covered in blood rocking back in forth in his chair holding gun!
Once I exited the town it was fine, but hard to see at night. There were no lampposts anywhere, I almost drove off the road down a hill. I woke up Lyle so we switched places. I ate some jerky and fell asleep. I dreamed that I was back home, in my house with my parents. But then they were being tortured by the government for answers on me. I awoke with a start. When I opened my eyes I was on a bed. The room smelled like fresh wood, and was made of all polished wood. The window had a view of pine with sunlight pouring in. I heard the birds chirping outside. The bed was in the corner of the room with the door in the other. Next to the bed was a night stand with an old ladies lamp. It had a closet in the diagonal corner. It was a pretty basic room. I heard a lot of voices outside my room. I slowly got up.
I opened the door and when I did I was at the beginning of a long hallway extending at my left side. To my right,I saw a large group of people in a big kitchen/living room. I walked in. I saw next to the living room was a beautiful dining room, with fancy tablecloths and beautiful china. I saw Lyle sitting talking with some people. I recognized someone...Barry? His name was? I was analyzing the room silently, when  someone  approached me with a huge smile and extended her hand out to me
“Hi, my name is Laura, and welcome to The Safehouse!” 

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