Non-Human Schooling Problems | Teen Ink

Non-Human Schooling Problems

April 21, 2016
By DJDeath68 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
DJDeath68 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My head dropped back, exposing my neck and sighing as I slouched in the school desk. The room was chilly and my choker necklace dug into my flesh comfortingly. I heard the vampires in the room inhale sharply and I smirked. I knew what I smelled like to them and, well I was bored.You can see where I’m going with this. One of said vampires was my best friend, Snow; which, yes that is his real name. Snow, who had short black hair and red eyes; and also didn’t eat nearly enough.
“Hey fuzzball!” My white fox ears twitched atop my head but I made no move to answer the Lamia. Said Lamia was a huge bag of dicks and constantly bullying my friends and pack. I’d gotten pretty good at ignoring him though so that was good. “Fuzzy I’m talking to you!” a crumpled piece of notebook paper bounced off my nose and my face scrunched up in distaste.
How thought was heard by Snow and my pack; all of whom flooded me with questions.
Want me to eat him? My alpha’s voice slid through the chaos of pack talk like smooth honey. Deep and rich and I might have a crush on my alpha.
My lips twitched up in a smirk, Nah, it’s cool alpha. Besides, Bryan will probably beat him up later.
Fair enough. I pretended not to notice the sharp inhale he did anytime I called him alpha. I, unknowlingly and maybe a little naive, thought it annoyed him whereas it actually turned him on. But, because I was an asshole and thought it annoyed him; called him alpha every chance I got.
The pack continued jabbering in the back of my mind as I attempted to refocus on what my teacher was saying.
“... Does everyone understand and know what they are doing?” Mrs.Dahlia’s voice was, as always, sharp sweet and to the point.
I blinked at her slowly and she sighed, “Pack sense carrying you away again?”
I just nodded, lips pressed together tightly apologetically.
“Alright Snow, you’re going to be Lyric’s partner correct?”
Snow just grinned, fangs flashing in the fluorescent lighting as he nodded.
“Well, you’ll explain the project to them then, you’re able to keep him focused where no one else can.”
Snow gave her a mock salute, “Yes Ma’am!”
I scoffed out a laugh when Snow stood up and smacked his legs together giving her the human army salute.

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