Aaron the Flying Person | Teen Ink

Aaron the Flying Person

May 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Aaron was one smart adult he was 18 years old, finished high school and ready to start a new adventure in college. He graduated from Palmyra High School in the class of 2039-2040. He was a very smart adult, he was often on the honor roll with all A’s. His dream was to go to Penn State for the year of 2040, then he planned on going back to Palmyra High School and end up being a teacher in 7th grade, in science if he could choose. He always loved science, even in elementary school, especially chemistry and doing those fun experiments was his favorite.

Unfortunately, Aaron always had setbacks, when he became super happy or excited he flew all over the place not just one hour, for a full twenty-four hours. On Aaron’s 4th birthday he was super happy, he was taken to the playground to play around with his friends. He was on the monkey bars and he let go and his head hit the ground. His parent, Zach and Jenny, ran over and and helped him up. He was taken to the doctors and they said he’s okay. They took him out for ice cream and when he was finished he had the biggest smile on his face and he started flying. Zach and Jenny took him back to the doctors and explained that he flies the doctor said it must have been the fall. Ever since then life has been different for Aaron.

Plus, he had no way to control when to stop flying or when to start but one thing that Aaron learned is that it always came at the worst times in life when he is happy. Summer passed by in a blink of an eye, and on came college. He had applied at this one college called Penn State, the representatives for Penn State had stated they wanted to see him to have a brief interview with him and then he would be told if he got accepted. On came the day of August 25, his interview, he had never been so nervous in his life.
On the day of August 25, 2040 Aaron came flying down from his house. He was very excited because he just got his own house. Whenever Aaron becomes very happy he flies for the whole day, twenty four hours from the minute he becomes happy. But, there was this one rule that stated if you decide to eat more than a slice of watermelon, you could fly for an extra hour, but that was only if you were flying already. Aaron almost never did that, he never even liked flying as it is. Aaron had a problem unfortunately. He couldn't stop flying, if he was happy, which was a little unfortunate because it always happens at the worst times. He just wanted to be normal like the other kids, he wanted to be happy and not fly, just happy.The worst part was when he was happy in front of a bunch of people and he began flying, he would consider that the worst times in his life.
Beep! Beep! The alarm clock rang making Aaron get up, it was his big day his college conference was coming up at Penn State. Aaron biggest fear was during the conference he would be so happy that he got accepted he would start flying. He got in his infinity grey car, and went on his way, even though he had butterflies in his stomach, he knew he had to pull thru and be brave about it and everything would go great. He put the radio on and started rocking out until he finally pulled into the parking lot. He finally gained the courage to get in the car and walk up to the glass doors at Penn State.

He stepped into the waiting room, waiting for his named to be called. His knees were shaking, heart pounding, and his face turning bright red. He sat down nervously, a lady named Sabrina called him in, they introduced each other and got right into the conference. Sabrina asked him a few starter questions, but minutes later she got into it.

Once they got to know each other Sabrina asked “ What makes you want to go to Penn State?”

Aaron replied “ It seems like you provide a very good education and I hold this place near and dear to my heart.”

Sabrina shouted “ Indeed it is and I’m glad I hope you can attend our college you seem very kind and warm hearted person.”

Sabrina continued to ask Aaron a few more questions. Aaron was thinking in his head how long is this going to take it feels like I've been here for a million years. After ten long minutes for Aaron, Sabrina escorted Aaron to the waiting room to see if he would get in.

A few moments later, his name plus five other ladies and gentlemen got called down with him. Nervously, he walked down the hall, he entered the room.

They all say down in the chairs and Sabrina said “ Congratulations, you guys get selected to be in 2040 Penn State college.”

With excitement overpowering Aaron starts jumping up and down, he knows what coming up next. He starts flying all over his face turns bright red and everyone in the room is staring at him. He can't help but do it. He started to become very upset because everyone in the room was talking about him saying woah he’s going to be interesting with going to school with this freak.

But, Mackenzie in the corner said “ You guys should just let it go, yes he’s different but nobody’s the same, we all have our differences.”

Aaron sadly looked up and saw Mackenzie. He immediately flew up to her and said “You didn’t have to do that, I’m used to it by now.”

Mackenzie smiled and whispered “Nobody should be treated like that it wouldn’t matter if you different or not, we are all human beings, you have to be respectful to everyone even if you don’t care for them, we aren’t meant to be friends with everyone but we here to be kind to everyone.”

Aaron said “ Wow, that was powerful and also very true, thank you so much Mackenzie you gave me a whole different look on flying now, I’m so glad we can be in the same classes, and I hope we can stay friends!”
Finally, Sabrina and all of the other students left the room, Aaron and Mackenzie walks and flies out of the room together, ready to go home and get packed for there next chapter in their life in Penn State. Aaron went home being happy and embarrassed on the best day of Aaron's life!

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