The Ambassadors Story | Teen Ink

The Ambassadors Story

May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

¨who are you¨ said a soft voiced man.
“My name is not important all that matters is what you tell me” said a gravelly voiced man


¨Utu get to you shuttle!¨ yelled an officer. The officer was dressed in read fatigues of the mars military.
¨Yes sir¨ said Utu  and thought to himself ¨This is not the life of an ambassador.¨ as Utu was hurrying to his shuttle he saw space fighters taking off from the runway. He looked up at the sky and saw a reddish blue sky of mars. 10 years earlier in 2100 earth people had colonized mars and in that time they had terraformed it. In the time he was thinking to himself Utu had arrived at his shuttle
¨Utu?¨ asked the pilot
¨Yes¨ said Utu
¨Meet your support squad.”The support squad was 12 battle hardened soldiers strapped into the seats on the side of the craft.  ¨Get strapped in¨ said the pilot ¨We will be taking off in 10 mike´s¨
¨ What¨
¨10 minutes¨
¨Ok thanks for clarifying¨ said Utu ¨ What's your name¨
¨Logan¨ said the pilot while flipping switches and turning the engines on. ¨NODAK 421 requesting permission to take off from tower¨
¨permission granted proseed to runway 42 right¨ responded the tower ¨ have a nice flight.¨
¨copy tower proceeding to runway 42 left¨ said Logan. The transport taxied to the runway and with a roar from its engines it took off. A few seconds later they were in space they were flying towards a space station that looked like it had.
¨NODAK 421 requesting permission to get external engine to space tower (ST) 31¨
¨ST 31 permission granted proseed to faster than light engine 2 (FTL) have a nice flight¨
¨Roger ST 31 prosiding to engine 2¨
¨Hey Utu you know what we like to call this ship¨ said the Commander
¨No I don't¨ said Utu
¨ We like to call it the fire of justice¨ the Commander. Utu looked stunted
¨ You mean this is the ship that lead the charge against the invading earth forces¨ said Utu
¨”Yea and we are some of the original space marines that were on it¨ replied the space marine Utu had a look of amazement on his face
¨Really¨ said Utu
¨Na we aren't the original space marines but this is the original ship¨said the space marine Utu looked disappointed. There was a little jolt as the ship connected with the FTL engines
¨NODAK 421 to ST 31 requesting permission to hyper jump¨
¨ST 31 to NODAK 421 permission granted to hyper jump proseed to hyper jump lane¨ replied the space tower ¨Have a nice trip.
¨Copy ST 31 proceeding  to hyper jump lane.¨ The fire of justice was in the hyper jump lane and there was a flash and the pilot said¨ladies and gents we're here at your destination HD 219134” said Logan “ tower 2-1  NODAK 421 requesting permission to dock”
“NODAK 421 your request is denied we are out of docking ports. You're going to have to land on the planet's surface” Replied CO1
“ CO 1 we don't have the necessary shielding to land on the surface of the planet.” said Logan “Is there any way to make some room”
“Let me check.” replied the CO1 “No there's no room but there is a heat shield that you can connect to.”
“Thanks Tower” replied Logan “Proceeding to heat shield”
“So where here. what's my job?” said Utu
“Oh they never told you what you job is.” said one of the marines said
“Your job is to negotiate a peace treaty with the native Xorg” said another
“But I’m good at negotiating with people not aliens” said Utu
“ well that's your job” said the first marine “are job is to protect you”
“Ok” said Utu. There was a sudden jolt as the heat shield was attached.
“ Ok people we are proceeding to enter the atmosphere fasten your seat belts this ride is going to get really bumpy” there was a loud fish as the engines roared to life. A few seconds later there was a roaring sound as the ship entered the atmosfear. After a few minutes they got through the atmosphere there was a bang as the heat shield was released. Soon they were at their destination a big base in the middle of the vast woods that surrounded the planet. Utu was only seeing it now because there were no windows in the ships then he notest a tree growing right in the middle of the settlement he wondered why it was there. The he notices that here where no people in the settlement
“Why are there no people in the settlement?¨ asked Utu
¨abandoned” said the Commander ¨since the Xorgs keep attacking. Utu your meeting is in five get on this jeep and lets go the the meeting place and put this on.”
“What is it?” Utu asked
“ Active camouflage will keep you concealed if we get attacked on the way.” said one of the marines that looks like the Commander. “Alright people let's move out.” there was a roar as the trucks came to life. As the drivers flipped some switches and the roar of the trucks motor was silenced and then the truck departed out into the jungle of tall trees.

A few hours later they arrived at a clearing on a gigantic tree stump Utu looked at it and it was at least a few miles across then he saw a dust cloud fast approaching. There was a fish as a futuristic bike with streamers coming out the back and the hull was made out of wood with. Utu wonded why it was made out of wood he started to ask one of the marines but he bumped him to the ground.
“Sorry but no taking and stay out of eyesight.” said one of the marines  as he got out a door to the mysterious craft opened and out walked a horrible looking creature. The creature had four arms and to legs it had foot long claws on its feet and arms. It was nearly 8 feet tall. The creature was wearing body armor and a face mask. It had a lazer gun in its hand. The creature step to the side of the door and a second stepped out and stepped to the side of the door then another one stepped out it was not wearing body armor it had long teeth in its mouth and purple spots down its torso and purple stripes on its arms and legs. The creature started to talk and a guttural noise came out of its mouth.
“He is asking where is our negotiator is” said one of the marines
“ Bring him out” said the Commander one of the marines jumped into the truck and turned off Its active camouflage
“Let's go negotiate with the people.” he said as he pulled Utu up and got him out of the tuck and escorted him to the negotiating table that the Xorg had set up. The table was wood and the chair provided for Utu was also wood.
“May i sit?” ask Utu the negotiator looked confused one of the marines handed him a translator “Thank you. All Right down to business” the negotiator still looked confused
“ Sir you have to turn it on” said the marine standing right behind him
“ Thank you” said Utu. It took him a little bit but he found the on switch and turned it on. “ alright down to business”
“Are you done messing around” said the negotiator
“Yes” said Utu
“Ok my name in your language is Juuko Dorn” said Juukodron “ What is your name”
“ My name is Utu.” said Utu
“Such a strange name.” said juukodron “ what planet are you from”
“Mars.” replied Utu
“Ah the red planet now down to business are scientist have discovered that the planet will explode in one week and are people would like trasport off of Mother Earth to another would” said  Juukodron
“Ok you would like transportation off of Mother Earth.” said Utu “ Am I hearing you correctly did you say mother Ear?”
“ Right are planet name does not translate that well the real name is Ravenger.”
“ Utu let's talk” said the Commander “ come here.” Utu excused himself and walked over to the Commander “Utu these are the creatures that attacked mars 2 years ago”
“But I thought all their ships were destroyed and all of them killed” said Utu
“Yes they where but this must have been the contingent group that was supposed to attack if the first group failed.” said the Commander
“ Ok but maybe this group is not affiliated with them and just wants to get of the planet to survive.” said Utu
“ Those at the same ship that they were flying when I fought them.” said the Commander
“Ok I’ll ask them if they're the same people.” said Utu and turned around and went back to the table. “ Are you familiar with the terrorist group that attacked mars 2 earth years ago?”
“ Yes my people tried to stop them from attacking but we failed and they went off and never came back.” said Juukodron “ When they left we abandon the ways of the old and started a new culture that lived of the land but we didn't start early enough soon are scientist discovered that the planet was going to implode in a few years because of all of the lost mass and structural support just the planet's core was to strong and the surface would implode and everything would die.”
“Nice story.” said Utu “But that's all a lie. I studied your species movements and when you lie your guttural sounds are a lot longer so tell me the truth why do you want transport to another planet.” behind Utu he could hear the marines lifting their rifles “ now what is it going to be lies or the truth?” Juukodron looked surprised then said
“Ok but I think we have you outnumbered”
“Oh? But where are the rest of your troops?” said Utu
“There on the way here” replied Juukodron
“Commander” said Utu “ Does the military have faster than light (FTL) missiles?”
“Yes.” said the Commander but we can't get a clear lock on the planet”
“ What about the space tower?” ask Utu
“That's all ready taken over by my people” said Juukodron
“Can we activate a distress beacon from the ship?” asked Utu
“I think so” Said the Commander
“Can you do it now?”
“Landing ship do you copy?” said the Commander
“Yes sir” said Logan
“Can you activate the distress signal and send them a message to fire all FTL missiles?” Asked the Commander
“Sir yes sir” repled Logan
“Good do it” said the Commander. A few seconds later came Logan´s response
“ It's done”
“Good” said the Commander as soon as the Commander was finished lasers started to fly from the trees
“Contact!” screamed one of the marines. The marines started firing back and moving towards the trucks which now has armor plating around them
“Get to the trucks” said the Commander as he fired a grenade into the Juukodron ship. The trucks speed away and the drives flied on active camouflage. There was a loud boom and the Commander said
“That's their ship” everybody turned as a roaring washing louder “ Convert to fling mode!” All of a sudden the trucks sprouted engines from the side and wings folded out of the side the seats moved to the middle and the truck wheels came up to the undercarriage. Now they were in a airplane.  “ Move to the top of the trees.” Then they were at the top of the trees.
“You guys have ten minutes before the missiles get here” said Logan meanwhile at mars
“Genaral we got a distress signal from the planet Ear telling us to fire all missiles at it because it the home would of the Xorg race” said a corporal
“ Give the order” said the General
“ All ST stations lock onto theses cordonests sending now.” said the corporal
“ ST 1 reserved and locked on”
“ ST 2 received and locked on.” said the captain of ST 2 a couple minutes later all of the space towers were locked on and ready to fire.
“ Fire at will!” said the corporal in space there was a stream of missiles heading towards the planet then they disappeared in a flash. Back at planet Ravager all the marines had made it back to the ship and boarded.
“Every one locked in?” asked logan
“Yes!” screamed everyone
“LET'S GO!” screened To. As the ship cleared the tree line and prepared to blast off there was a barrage of laser fire from the Xorg shipes.
“ I can't get out of the atmosphere with this much lazer fire someone mane the guns!” yelled Logan. Two of the marines ran to a starwheel and opened two haces on the top and bottom. The ship started rattling with the finding of the laser turrets. There was boom after boom as one after another the ships were destroyed.
“Where out of the atmosphere.” said Logan “OH crap”
“What is it?” asked the Commander
“ the space tower is completely destroyed”
“ well make the jump to pluto then advise from there”
“ Sir yes sir” there was a flash and there was pluto right in front of them “sir it looks like they followed us”
“Let's get backup stat”
“NODAK 421 requesting fighter back up at current position”
“ requested granted fighters are on the way.” repled the tower. There were two flashes of lights and the fighters were here. The fighters looked like gray toobs with small wing and one c***pit. The fighters zoomed past the transport and engaged with the Tuareg fighters. The battle was over very quickly. The outcome was Humans one Xorg zero.
“Utu im suppose to bring you to the general for a debriefing” said Logan
“OK can you drop me off at the place?” asked Utu.
“That's what they told my to do” replied Logan. In a few minutes Utu was dropped of at the general's head quarters and escorted in by two burly soldiers.
“Are you Utu”asked a voice
“Yes and who are you?” asked Utu
“My name is not important all that matters is what you tell me” said a gravelly voiced man

The End

The author's comments:

My piece was inspired by some art

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