The Alchemist | Teen Ink

The Alchemist

May 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Alchemy the modern day science, Used in Medieval times as modern day chemistry. Alchemy died slowly over time and science and chemistry formed. There are very few alchemist left in the world about a little over 200. Nicholas Swide is one of those few still alive. He was a great Alchemist and philosopher of his time. But he and every human were just ants compared to the other species there. Nicholas was given a book with the title Glatara. The Sacred Book of Glatara has eons worth of magic, ever since the creation of earth.

    1989 Gaza, Egypt under ground in the Valley of the Kings. “ I like this place it smells like…..Death !”  Said Xavier with a grin on his face. Xavier raises his hand and his body formed a purple highlight around him. As he raises his hand the sand begins to swirl and go down, in his other hand the circular radar was beeping faster. Once he saw stone he knew he was right on top of the alchemist, this was his chance. He puts the radar in his pocket and raises both hands then the sand began to raise he created glass monsters. Now that he had some pons he raised both hands once more and the sand raised around his fist, formed a larger fist, and hardened. He jumped up and then smashed into the stone and the glass pons were right behind him. The glass monsters through sharp glass shurikens at the alchemist and he dodged all of them. “ Nicholas my friend, You have turned into a little scaraba how cute. Thought you could hide from me.” Xavier says. “No i just needed some time. But i will be going now.” Nicholas says. He put his hands together then a light blue highlight forms around his body, he blows into his hand which creates a high pitch sound and shaders the pons. Then he puts one hands palm facing up to his belly and the with the other he circles around it. The sand that had fallen from the blast turned into quicksand. Then Nicholas takes off the opposite direction grabbing a bag and pushes a block that sticks out and the wall went up then down. Nicholas ran down the stairs to a small room with a tall mirror in it. He rubbed the sides of the mirrors and spoke a sacred language to it, then the mirror began to slowly form a mountain and a river picture. He hoped in seeing Xavier behind him and Xavier try jumping in but the mirror bursted into a billion tiny pieces. Xavier yelled angrily stomping on the pieces. “Ah Boulder. I’ve always wondered what was in modern day Colorado.” Said Nicholas

    “ It’s been about 30 years since we have last seen Xavier so we need to be ready at all times.” said Ariel. “ I know honey.” Said Nicholas. “ We have been married for 675 years I really could not imagine a day without you just that little bit of time when you made me teleport here before Xavier attacked was enough for another ten years. I just don’t want anymore things to happen to us again.”  Said Ariel “ Yes i understand, But let’s go it’s time to go to work.” Said Nicholas. They both went out the door at the door shutting it up beyond them. The walked down the street holdings then turned right they kept walking for a little then suddenly stopped. They kissed and the both went the opposite way into stores. One that Ariel went into is called Seasonal Tea the other store that Nicholas went into was called Bicycle Lovers. They both flipped the closed sign to open smiled and waved at each other then when to the back. They have both owned the shops for ten years now and they love it owning a store on the Pearl Street Mall was so interesting. After 5 minutes past here comes Jaden right on time he is a young man who started working for Nicholas last year. He graduated then started his own life and needed a job and gets paid very well. “ Morning Mr.Nick How are you today?” Said Jaden “I’m good thanks for asking, How about yourself?” Said Nicholas with a smile. “ I’m good also, Thanks.” Said Jaden with a smile. He went to the back and put down his bag and came out front and sat next to Nicholas and they waited. While on the other side Seasonal Tea had there first customer she always did.
A 78 year old lady named Christel always comes first thing in the morning to Seasonal Tea she always says “The early bird gets the worm!” and buys enough tea for the day and comes back the next morning. The second day it open she had came in and said “ Hello, I just came to see if you're any good, they said a new tea store opened up and I got excited.” said Christel. “ How was your day honey?. Said Ariel  “ Fine kinda slow but fine other than that. How about yours?” said Nicholas as the joined hands and started walking. “ Good, Tomorrow is Christel birthday so i’m gonna get her some good tea from Europe.” said Ariel “ That’s great and very thoughtful!” said Nicholas “ I know and since i’m the closest thing to her having family i have to show her i care because i do.” Said Ariel as the sun goes down Nicholas opens the door and lets Ariel go in first. As he is going in right behind Ariel he notices a black Escalade with tinted windows drive past.

The next morning started off exactly the same way every other day Nicholas and Ariel walk to their shops and get ready to be open, Jaden shows up ready and we wait. Nicholas thought back to yesterday and thought something wasn’t right about that car, something wasn’t right about today. “ You were early today, i can tell because by now not that much of your morning coffee would be gone.” said Jaden worryingly. Yes because Mrs. Swide wanted to do something special for Christel again today. Nicholas and Jaden watched Ariel put up a banner in the doorway that says “Happy 79th Miss Christel”. Ariel put the last touches and then they waited.

Something was wrong,Christel should have been here 15 minutes ago. As Nicholas got up he spotted her and two others and then sat back down. “Hey, Ariel I brought two others!” Said Christel. Ariel noticed her voice sounded weird and she looked younger. “ Hey, are you ok?” said Ariel. “ Yes i am!” they all said then smiled. “ Kitsune!” Ariel whispered. Then a cloud of black smoke appeared in the store. Nicholas got up out of seat then ran to the door but as soon as he was opening the door Xavier appeared. “ Surprise… Surprise.. Look at what we have here.” said Xavier with a wide grin. Their aura m+both begin to shine then the auras collided. The highlights on their skin collided. Then Nicholas made a wizzing sphere in his hand and threw it open and it disappeared. Xavier through these balls of sound that were very sharp. Nick told Jaden to move and dodged the balls, Then he countered. He made a sphere in his hand that had fog all over and changed colors then threw it at Xavier which is good that he dodged because as soon as it hit the door it disappeared then everything was destroyed and exploded. Xavier put a purple gas all over that hardened anything it touched, Nicholas clapped his hands together this made a valley straight through the gas so they didn’t get touched by it. Nicholas made another sphere it was divided into four colors red, blue, brown, and white. He put it down and the whole area turned into an element. “ Oh what a pleasure this is, to be able to see your special Element Alchemy.To be able to break down one compound into three more states in an instant.” said Xavier astonisingly. Nicholas throw chunks of rock at Xavier, Xavier knew not to underestimate these chunks for they were as strong as steel. Then before Xavier knew it an orb of water surrounded him choking him slowly. He managed to get out with his air ball but he almost died by water. He noticed Nicholas getting away “ No!” Xavier yelled. He slammed his hand on the ground and used the element making pieces of rock shove into Nicholas foot. Nicholas broke the rock down grabbed the book and and another piece of rock went for his hand. Nicholas dropped the book then picked it back up. Jaden helped him get to his mirror and they were safe for now.

“Mister Nike I have a lot of respect for you but that was some s*** right there I just witness. So to be fair you have some explaining to do.” Said Jaden painting. “ Far enough, Ok My name Nicholas Swide and me and Mrs.Swide practice a old term for chemistry called Alchemy. With alchemy there is some magic to it but mostly transforming matter from different states like solid,liquid,gas, we transform, create, and combine things let's just keep it at that .We use our arua also known as chakra or spirit energy. This is what allows us to do these things, that is why you saw the highlight around our bodies. The gods call this magic but we called alchemy so we learned it from the gods who created this planet and all others. Now I was born in 1303 July, 25 in Modern day England and I am a very well known Alchemist and philosopher of my time and the person we were attacked by was Xavier Kousky a prophet or prodigy or genius he is very intelligent Alchemist, Necromancer, Philosopher etc.. you get my point. He was born in the 1500 and i was his teacher but things got out of hand when he learned about the sacred book of Glatara. This book was created by the Goddess Precious the Goddess of precious gifts who created this planet and started the book and put all she knows and the Gods who lived here first. A God gave me this book to keep it away from the Demons these are the Gods who have turned and want humanity to crumble. She gave it to me not thinking I can stop them but they wouldn’t expect it. He wanted this book to help his dream to learn all alchemy and magic. So he has tried ever since to get it.” said Nicholas while grunting. “ You must be joking. Do think i will believe all that crap.” Said Jaden laughing. “ I don’t care if you do or not but i need you help.” Said Nicholas. Jaden looked at the brown haired blue eyed man. “Ok, What do you need from me? And where are we?” Said Jaden “ Thanks, I just need you to take me to someone and we are in California. I promise I’ll explain more on the way.” “Oh No Ariel!”Said Nicholas franticly Jaden picked him and they started walking. “ Turn left right here.” said Nicholas “ So wait was that book you grabbed the book of Glatara?” said Jaden “ Yes” said Nicholas “Turn left. Ok slow down.” said Nicholas. The stopped in front of and store called “Herbal Healing” the building was a bit ruined but ok. They took a step in and it was quiet, then a beautiful young lady came in. “Mercy I need your help help me I need you to heal me. Can you also give this young man some power.” Nicholas said. “Yes I will help you I would be glad to help you!”said Mercy. Mercy healed Nicholas and gave Jaden some powers. “Thank you so much, I will hold this dearly.” said Nicholas. “No problem Nicholas I owe you.” Mercy said. They woke up the next day and were ready.”You ready Jaden?” said Nicholas . Jaden nodded his head then they set off on their Journey.  “First we need to go to Tokyo to get a  fighting master named Takeda.”Said Nicholas. They stepped through a mirror that was inside the basement of the herbal store. Then they appeared in Tokyo Japan in front of a dojo. “Takeda my friend I need your help to get my wife back!” said Nicholas. They stepped in another mirror in front of Xavier Enterprise. “My wife she’s up top on the top floor.” Said Nicholas Takeda jumped up and walked up the building without any sign of resistance, he did it with such ease it was like it was in his nature. As he was climbing up to get Nicholas's wife, we started drawing a circle around the building this was magic from the book of Glatara  it was called the Solar Sensors Beam.  It focuses the sun's power to 1 location where the circle is so we were going to let it go on this building to kill Xavier and his minions. We put a barrier around the building so it would not hurt anything else but the building we left a hole inside the barrier to let Takeda jump out. We watched Takeda jumpe out of the window soaring like an eagle in the sky right through the circle the circle closed and the barrier was complete. Then we let the solar beam hit the building and it evaporated instantaneously. “My darling are you okay, did he hurt you?” said Nicholas frantically. “No I'm fine honey, thank you so much that was scary.” said Ariel.” Thank you so much Jaden now it's time to say goodbye enjoy your life live it to the fullest.” said Nicholas as he put his hand on Jaden’s shoulder.

Wow that must have been a dream as Jaden woke up from his bed and then he noticed a stack of gold on his side of his bed “ I don't know where this came from but i am rich!”

The author's comments:

Inspired by "The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

Novel by Michael Scott"

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