Under the rug | Teen Ink

Under the rug

May 24, 2016
By Brandi_Wilson BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
Brandi_Wilson BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Two weeks passed and it happened again” This lump appears under my carpet every two weeks. One night i was sitting on my recliner reading the newspaper. My glasses sliding down my nose from being too hot. I get up and open us the window. The cold air creeps in. Sending the sweat resting upon my body to disappear. “Wooo…. That air feels good ” I said. Turning to go back to my chair I begin to go strut over there. I trip on this lump on my floor under the carpet. Falling to a face plant on the floor, my glasses crack and fling across the room. “eee” a squeal shouts from the lump. I can't see clearly without my glasses.  I get up and struggle to find them, knocking over everything on the way. “I finally found them” I shout in happiness. Sticking them back onto my face I grab a chair and tiptoe to the lump. Counting in my head “1….2….3!!” I shout when I slam the chair down. My chair breaks into pieces, they’re flying everywhere like a tornado just came through my living room. The lump disappears. “What ?” wondering what just happen, “Did i kill it ?.” I squint my eyes to make sure I am seeing what just happened clearly. Looking at were the lump was I begin to pick my foot up off the floor to step in that spot. I slam my foot down and nothing was in there. “I will sit here all night and wait for it to come back”. I go to grab a blanket and a pillow to sleep with. I stare at the place the lump was, wondering if it will ever come back again. My eyes begin to rest on my face, slowly they begin to shut…. Lights out. It's 2am and i am awaken by something bumping my leg. I open up my eyes and turn on the lamp next to me. Giving my eyes time to adjust to the light. I begin to rub my eyes and then look to see what bumped my leg. Guess what it was… the lump. I slowly stand onto my feet, and walk to the carpets corner and lift up the carpet. I got a tiny glance of what the lump was. It’s rainbow colored with a long spiky tail, it it melted into the cracks of my wooden floor. So I run and grab a flashlight and shine into the crack. The creature speaks “bleep...bloop…” I open the door on the floor to follow it. “Where are you going?” I said. Then t goes through this tiny hole i can't even fit in. The creature crawls to me and speaks again “close your eyes.”

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