The Fields of Red | Teen Ink

The Fields of Red

June 5, 2016
By GRWillhite BRONZE, Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
GRWillhite BRONZE, Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    On a hill in a large grassland two men stood, it was no grassland of Earth, no, it was much too different to be, the grass was red, two feet tall, and it spread for kilometers, sprawling along the gentle hills of the landscape. The wind blew it gently, causing it to sway in the breeze like waves on the sea. The sky was teal, lit by several small blue stars which were quite a distance away, the weather was quite pleasing to feel, the gently blowing wind, the cool air, and the velveteen grasses. The two men, however could not feel it, they both wore environmental suits in case of hazard, the suits were quite advanced, white and sleek, with deep blue visors to protect from light, the white fabric contrasted against few gray armor plates, the plates were also sleek, with gentle curves to them, covering parts of the helmet, arms, legs, chest, back, and groin areas. One of the men was a technician, he held a kind of scanner in his hand.
    “Air seems to be breathable, should be ok to take the helmets off.” he said, “Should be? What, you need me to try it out?! I’m not dying!” he shouted, then both laughed as they took off their helmets. The tech had midlength blonde hair that was parted to the left, the sides and back were neatly trimmed closer to his head, he was very young for an astronautical researcher, only 22, the other, a biologist, had short cropped and spiked black hair, was much the elder, he was 38. The tech turned to the biologist, “Hey, Roan, I’m going to head on back to the ship and put this back, you want me to get your stuff for you?”, the biologist, Roan, responded without looking, too distracted by the beauty of the environment “Yeah, that’d be great buddy, I’ll give a shout on the comms if I spot any wildlife.” the tech turned and walked down the hill, about two hundred meters away stood something familiar to a 21st century jet, it was much larger, and had two main engines on the back, thrusters for takeoff on the bottom, along with an entry hatch, the metal plates were gray and unmarked with any insignia, the nose of the ship was not sharp, it ended curving downward, the c***pit was like a jet, but the glass was a vibrant light blue to reflect light.
    As the tech approached the ship, his comm device in his helmet buzzed to life, he held his helmet near his mouth, “Yeah, go ahead, Roan”, Roan whispered “Hurry up, Thrin, you have to see this, first animals discovered, aww man! this is great!”, The tech, Thrin, hurried to the ship and ran under to the hatch, he tapped it, a holographic screen appeared, asking for a passcode, he spoke it “one one three five!”, the hatch hissed as he backed up, the door popped open and a step dropped down, he leaped in, skipping the step. He rushed to the storage locker belonging to Roan, he flipped a switch and it opened, revealing a large white backpack.
    He rushed out again, as the ship latched itself back closed, he was already sprinting to the top of the hill. He slowed as he neared the top, seeing Roan lying belly down, signalling him to slow. Thrin crawled up next to Roan, handing the pack over to him. It was with that Thrin pointed out to the fields below. Hundreds of small, bird-like creatures were grazing on the grass below, they had red feathers which had an almost leathery texture to them, they ended in quite sharp points. One of the gadgets the men stored in their pack fell and rolled down the hill, the birds flew upwards of the slope in a panic, one bumped into Roan, cutting his face. The two men ran to their ship, abandoning some of their equipment on the way to their ship, to home. Yet when they got to their ship and began to fly, they smiled. They had found the Leprechaun’s pot of gold, a naturally habitable planet. They would go down in history, for both first contact, and finding an Earth-like planet for humanity.

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