The Jogger- An Assassins Creed Story | Teen Ink

The Jogger- An Assassins Creed Story

October 5, 2016
By Lollygraduate BRONZE, Lara, Other
Lollygraduate BRONZE, Lara, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We all make mistakes, but some have echoes that last forever

A female figure jogged along a running track, she had earphones in and wore a puffer jacket of a hooded jumper. The Jogger keeps jogging along the forest trail, looking normal. Then she stops, taking out her earphones and stuffing them unceremoniously into her pocket. She looks around her , checking she hasn't been followed before flicking on her hood and turning off the path, into the forest beyond.

The wind howls and blows, as if it wants to protect the Jogger from pursuit, it blows away her footprints in the snow and hides the sound of her footsteps. The Jogger climbs a tree expertly, waiting for the patrol she new would come. There! Footsteps, four sets. She squints her eyes and her vision enhances, four males, all with guns. The Jogger has fought against worse odds.

When the patrol reaches her tree she throws down a rope dart, catching one of the men in the neck, before flipping off the tree and skewering the other end into the ground. The other men see her now. Unsheathing the hidden blades at her wrists she lets them know who she is, what she is here to do. The Assassin makes quick work of the three men and they are lying in the snow, red staining the ground around them.

The Assassin continues onward, upon reaching her destination she looks around for a vantage point. Finding it in a nearby tree and scales it and using her eagle vision scans the area for him, her target, the man who had killed everyone but her. He comes out of his tent and the Assassin draws a pistol from her belt, the same one that had killed her family, and it still contained the one bullet that failed to hit its mark. She takes the shot, and the man is lying in the snow.

The Jogger is back on the running track, earphones in, her presence in the forest no more than a whisper in the breeze.

The author's comments:

I was reading the last descendants and Assasins Creed Story and it inspired me to write this peice 

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