The Tormented Souls | Teen Ink

The Tormented Souls

October 7, 2016
By JeffBro101 BRONZE, Owingsville, Kentucky
JeffBro101 BRONZE, Owingsville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It was dark, Earl could see someone, two people. All sitting, all staring at this one gigantic figure. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. The ropes were acting as a thousand pythons, restricting his every movement, he longed for release. As soon as the figure turned around, he remembered the man in black from somewhere. Earl thought of himself as a trigger happy farmer, he remembered killing so many animals for money. He has killed so many that he doesn’t even remember how many that he’s killed. He didn’t know what to do, he was trapped. All the plans inside his head were to shoot. But the reason he wanted to shoot is because he lost his entire family to “Them,” he remembered running around at night, going to parties, hanging out in the field, just living. But when the virus started appearing, he stopped going out at all. But when his aunt came back from the grocery store, she said someone bit her. We didn’t know what was going to happen since almost everyone that was infected was shot and killed. But we waited, she was getting worse, but then he went to give her medicine to her, she was gone. As they went out back to bury her, she began to move, slowly, she stood up. Then she attacked, that’s when it all went down deeper than the devil’s hole itself. He was scared, he had a gun. So he decided, he won't die today, but they will.


Michael spent most of his days as a mechanic, building parts to fix machinery, cars, and all around everything. He had a small garage that could barely fit a truck, that garage was his life. It was almost the death of him too. When he was repairing a car one day, he saw a figure slowly making their way towards him, he didn’t notice anything strange, except for their height. The figure had two long arms that looked to be made of branches. The figure wore a hood that was as dark as night. The man stared from afar, watching Michael and Michael only. When Michael lost interest in the figure he went back to working. When he glanced back he realized the figure was gone, he became frightened. When he looked back at the car's window, he saw a hollow image of the figure, he could see his frightening features, the lanky hair, pale skin, lifeless eyes. But while he was paying attention to his ghastly features, he noticed something in the figure’s hands, he was trying to bite someone’s arm. Then Michael reached for his wrench, he struck the figure, they didn’t move, but Michael sure did. But as he was running, he blacked out.


             Juan remembered working at the grocery store. He was taking out some trash when he heard some groaning coming from the back of the alley. When he went to go check it out, he decided to grab a metal bar and take it with him. He felt a tingling feeling in the back of his neck, then he heard a snap. He looked towards the direction of the snap, he saw a strange looking figure gnawing into the flesh of a dead animal, the figure came at him, he tried to dodge, he couldn’t, the figure leaped onto him. An older woman with a purse was walking out of the store. She saw that he needed help so she shuffled really fast at the entity and whacked it with her purse, it bit at her arm, it got her, while the beast was preoccupied, Juan reared back as far as the ground would allow him to. Then, using the sharp end of the bar, stabbed the beast as hard as he could. The result of this was a fountain of blood, luckily enough for Juan, it didn’t get on him. So the next morning he went to the mechanic to see if he could fix his MP3 Player since it was broken, he was so happy the mechanic didn’t just repair cars. But also other electronic devices. By the time he arrived, the mechanic was laying on the floor, he tried to get to him but there was strange figure standing in the way. So Juan frantically demanded that the figure moved out of the way. All he heard was a low growl, and all he saw was a black flash. This is the apocalypse. They all knew it was.


They heard a low creaking sound, it was a door. They tried to get up, they couldn’t, it was due to how tight the ropes were. Then all of a sudden, the figure began to walk toward them, they were filled with fear, but they couldn’t move, then the figure cut the ropes, then he vanished. Everyone was left silent, they just stared at the door, thinking of what to do next. Earl stood up, Juan and Michael followed. They slowly crept towards the door, Earl  looked out of the door. They saw everything that was in plain daylight. They saw hundreds of the figures, but each was different from the last. They now knew, they weren’t figures, they were zombies, and if they were to survive, they would need to work together.

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