Becoming Batgirl | Teen Ink

Becoming Batgirl

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

Have your ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I have. He forced me to become something that I abhor. They call me Jester, but my real name is Lily Quinzel. Word on the street is I look just like my father, maybe it’s because of my green hair. But others think I resemble more of my mother.
My parents aren't the best role models. You  see my father is the clown prince of crime, The Joker. My mother is thought to be even crazier than him. She’s known as Harley Quinn. 
I’m not very close with my dad.  I’m not a psychopath and he hates it. He beats me senseless. The cold acute edge of the crowbar would slice my skin. Hit after hit my back would become numb and I could no longer feel the paralyzing pounding of the blunt piece of melt. I try to act the way he wants me to so I can prevent my death. He will kill me.
I was up in my room at the hideout in Gotham city. I always hated that place. It had a putrid smell and glass was shattered everywhere from the broken the windows.  We were staying there for a few days.
“Jester!” my father screamed.
“What?!” I yelled back.
“ Your better be ready! We have a very big job to do!”
“Your still haven’t told me what we are doing! Oh wait, let me guess. We’re going to set a ‘trap’ to kill The Batman.” I stated sarcastically.
“Oh shut your trap and be ready.”
My father’s goons loaded the back of large white van with guns and heavy explosives. I wondered what they were for. What could he possibly be doing? Oh who was I kidding? He’s the Joker. I hopped on the back of my motorcycle and followed the van through the rows of dim street light that were illuminating the night life and all the sickening crimes. We had arrived at an old Gotham bank.  As the van parked the goons started to unload the back and set explosive all around the bank. One goon passed out guns to the others. I approached the van and proceeded to take my weapons.
“ Are you ready my love?” My father stated while he grab my mother and pulled her close to him.
“Ready as I’ll ever by Puddin!”
I peared behind me and saw a tall dark figure. He emerged from the shadows like a demon that had been released from hell, but it wasn’t Batman. He approached as very swift and calmly.
“End of the line Joker!”
“Bat Night!” my mother spoke with anger.
“Its Nightwing!”
“Jester darling can you take care of our little bat problem please?”
“Whatever your say mom.”
I dashed towards him and pulled out my knife. I slashed vigorously at him but somehow he was able to counter all of my attacks. He started to run and I soon followed. I chased him into an alleyway.
            " You don't have to do this!" He said with hope in his voice.
            " Who said I wanted to do this? Do you honestly think I have a choice?"
            " Wait, what?" He walked towards me very cautiously and with curiosity.

“ Please don’t hate me for this.” I grabbed my knife and ran towards him. I sliced his cheek and took  him down. “ Nice trick,” he said. As I walked away I turned around and told him, “ That wasn’t a trick.” I proceeded to walk back towards the bank when I heard a large blast. I could smell the smoke and ashes began to rain from the sky. As  I walked toward the burn building I was overwhelmed with heat. My eye started to sting and the smoke started to fill my lungs.
All I could hear was the crackling of the fire and the maniacal laughter of my father.
We went back to the hideout. I went up stairs and locked myself in my room. I didn’t want to hear my father yell about how he didn’t kill the Batman or that he sent his worthless sidekick to handle his problems. I couldn’t stop thinking about Nightwing. He actually cared, but why? I’m some low life criminal, but he seemed concerned about me. He doesn’t even know me.
I remembered feeling so defeated. I hated what we did at the bank, I hate when my parents kill, I hate when they steal, I just hate it! I hated being a part of it. I went to the bathroom and locked myself inside. I shattered the mirror and grabbed a piece of glass. I pressed the sharp glass into my wrist. All I could feel was pain, but at the same time relief.  All I could remember was dropping the shard of glass and collapsing to the ground.
I woke up in a panic. I had an iv in my hand and my wrist was stitched up. I was in a white room with bright lights. It resembled a hospital room, but it wasn’t in the hospital. A woman in a wheelchair came into the room. She had glasses and bright red hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She came towards me and checked my wrist then she left and the lights turned off. I had never been that scared in my life and I kept thinking that I was in hell. The lights started to flicker. I could see a shadow move toward me.
  “Are you  a demon?!”
  “ No…” He said in a deep menacing voice. 
  “Then what are you?!”
  “I am Batman.”
  “Why am I here?”
“ Nightwing told me about your. He told me you  don’t have a choice. I’m here to  give you  an option, but only if you want it. Meet me in the training room.
“ Wait, where is that?”
The lights turned off and on again and he was gone. The girl came back into the room.
“Come with me.” She said in a very welcoming manor.
“Who are your?”
“ I’m Barbra but my friends call me Babs.”
As I followed her I realized where I was. The Batcave. It was dark and silent. Your could hear the faint chirping of the bat on the sealing of the large cave. Deeper and deeper we went into the cave. We arrived at a large room full of training gear. Batman appeared out of nowhere and lade two things on the ground. A staff and a knife.
I picked up the staff and stood in front of him.
“Why didn’t you  choose the knife?”
“ I don’t know, I guess I want to try something new.”
  “ Good let’s begin..”
After I spent months after months vigorous training. Eventually he took me out on the streets. I found myself getting stronger, faster, and I was a better fighter. I spared with Nightwing nonstop. No break, no sleep, just training. One day Batman called me to the Batcave.
  “ Your called?”
  ‘’ Barbra has something for you.”
  “ Where is she?’
  “I’m right here. I want to tell your something.”
  “ What is it Babs?
“ Well before I was paralyzed I was out on the streets with batman. They called me Batgirl.”
“ Wait, your were Batgirl!?”
“ Yes I was, but now it’s your turn.”
“ You can’t be serious..”
“ Your earned it .”
She came towards me and held out a box. I took it from her hands and opened it. I was overwhelmed with joy to have discovered that it was the batgirl suit. Batman walking toward me and put his hand on my shoulder and said, “ Welcome to the team, Batgirl.”

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