A-1-3-X | Teen Ink


October 13, 2016
By Gabeatron2000 BRONZE, Kissimmee, Florida
Gabeatron2000 BRONZE, Kissimmee, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Subject A-1-3X or "Alex" as he was commonly referred to, was sitting on the ground of his stark white room. Padded clothing hugged his Herculean frame. Scientist watched behind a one way mirror as he played with a full sized car, his head just barely reaching the top of it. It was a toy, or at least for him it was. The scientist scribbled things on their clipboards, taking notes as Alex gently pushed the car with one arm what would've taken several men to move it as effortlessly as he did. A man in a striped tuxedo suit walked into the room with the scientist, shoes clawing against the polished floor. No one lifted their head to see the new arrival, but rather simply stared at their work, making quick glances at Alex., who continued to play, buzzing his lips as he pushed and pulled the car around

"Has his mental state improved" the arrival asked, hands clasped behind his straight back, chin slightly raised over everyone else. A scientist turned towards him, his white lab coat gently lifting as he did so.

"No Mr. Tarn, and if I may say, I don't think it ever will," he stated looking up from his clip board. "It has been two full years since any kind of mental advancements. It would seem that he is stuck in his five-year old state. However, we have noticed one thing that is improving is that-" he was cut off as Alex began screaming in muffled anger. The sound of tearing metal became slightly audible through the sound proof walls. They turned to see him screaming and smashing the car as if it were made of paper and not the specialized metal that the scientist were hoping would be able to withstand his...tantrums. Boulder like fist after fist slammed into the car like the fury of some great god, quickly flattening it but Alex still wasn't satisfied with the destruction. Lifting the car as if it were a price of cardboard, he slammed it into the ground again and again, yelling like a child.

"POOP FACE STUPID METAL CARAAAAGH!!!" Alex boomed over the chaos. Mr. Tarn put a finger to a almost invisible earpiece.

"He's having another tantrum, get mom" he ordered nonchalantly as Alex began to crush the car into nothing more than a large metal wad.  "Get her now" moments later a the metal door opened and a beautiful woman stepped through.

"You called?" She asked as she looked to see Aled still screaming, angry tears coming down from his puffy eyes in Lon rivers down his face. "Subject A-1-3-X is throwing another tantrum?"

"Correct. It's too dangerous for any personal to go in and try and tranquilize him. They will only aggravate him further. I need you to calm him down." Me tarn replied, eyes fixated on Alex's enraged form. Without a word she left the room as the scientist continued to scribble notes on their clipboards. Mom walked into the room, the sound of Alex's roars and the metal screeching under his unholy strength assaulted her ears. She casually walked to him and laid a delicate hand on one of his massive shoulders. Immediately he turned to obliterate the fool that dared to touch him in his angered state, his eyes balls of flame and mouth twisted in a snarl. But it all melted away when he saw her face. Immediately he dropped the metal ball he had clutched in the other hand. The metal ball that was once a car made of super metal to prevent this she thought to herself. It fell with a deafning crash as Alex dropped his arms to his aides and fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he stood hunched above her.

"Now" mom began in a scolding manner, "what did i tell you about having tantrums?" Alex hung his head.

"You...you said big boys don't...don't throw tantrums..." He said sniffling, his hulking eight foot frame tower over her skinny five foot eight height.

"What else did I say?" She continued looking up at him

"You...you said that big...big boys....don't cry," he sobbed tears flowing freely from his eyes.

"And what are you doing" she said as she shot him a disapproving gaze.

"Cr-cry-cryiiiing!!" He yelled as he began to ball. He pulled her into a tight hug nearly crushing her to dust.

"Don't-don't cry. Just-just stop crying and-and let go-of mom" she gasped as air was pushed from her lungs. He slowly go and wiped away his tear with his massive fist. She hungrily pulled in oxygen, taking deep breaths to regain herself.

  "Are you okay now Alex?" She asked as she smiled.

  "Yes Mom" he replied as his handsome features pulled back into a bright smile

"Well then mom needs to go, I have work to do." She stated as she made her way to the door. It opened as she drew near it and she stepped through and behind her Alex yelled "Bye Mom! I love yoooooou!"

She looked back and smiled "I love you too." As soon as the door closed shut, she dropped the smile and muttered to herself "I don't get payed enough for this s***" as she walked back to the scientist and Mr. Tarn. Her boss looked turned towards her, hands still clasped behind his back as she walked through the door, her heels clicking against the floor.

"Quite the show agent Mom." Mr. Tarn praised as he gave her a warm smile.

"I do my best sir." She replied walking to stand next to him. They both watched as Alex began to roll what was left of the car on the ground.

"Amazing..." Mr. Tarn whispered under his breath

"What is, sir?" Mom asked looking up at him. Without looking back he whispered,

"You control over him. Just a few seconds ago he had reduced metal that should have withstood a tank rolling over it, to a mere ball die to a petty tantrum. All it took was for you to walk in and talk to him and then he was normal again."m

  "Sir, you've seen me do it a thousand times . His fits are nothing out of the ordinary."

   Mr. Tarn laughed. It wasn't a booming laugh but it wasn't inaudible. It was a laugh as if he had heard a simple joke from a friend. "Oh i understand that, but it never ceases to amaze me. Bwa sue of that ability I have an assignment I would like you to carry out for me."

   "What do you need me to do sir?" She asked

   "It would seem our experiment's results have been rather...poor. The hormone implants from when he was an infant did give him the god-like strength we had hoped for." He explained as he looked at Alex. "However, it would seem that the implants created an imbalance in the chemical makeup of his brain, causing him to be a permanent child as you well know." Mom nodded as he continued. "He can still be weaponized, of course, but the real question is how will he do socially?" He ended as he finally looked down at her with his stormy grey eyes.

    "Sir I don't believe I understand you question?"

    "Well if we throw him with some soldiers, will he get scared and kill them all by accident or will he trust them enough so that he will work with them?"

    "So your saying we should throw him with some soldiers into a battlefield as a test?" She asked confusion settling into her features. Mr. Tarn laughed another jovial laugh.

    "Oh heavens no! That would be a disaster. No reason to have him die out like that. We've been working on him for nearly eighteen years, ever since we took him from the orphanage when he was only a couple months old. We wouldn't want all that hard work to go down the drain."

   "That true...so what do you have in mind sir?"

   "Well I do believe that it would be best if send him into a populated civilian area. No where to crowded, somewhere like Kansas but that may be too empty." He smiled at his own joke paying no heed to the look of shock on Mom's face.

    "Sir with all do respect, that is insane! You've seen the destruction he can cause and he doesn't even realize what he's doing half the time! If you release him into civillian territory, the population will be wiped out wishing a week if the military doesn't get to him first." Mr. Tarns happy features vanished to reveal a dark and menacing face that made Mom immediately drop her gaze.

    "Hold your tongue around me agent Mom. I may seem like a jolly old man but hell hath no fury like mine and I will bring it down upon you and make Alex look like a grasshopper. Don't. Talk. Back. Is that understood?" He spat out, his features cold and angry.

    "Sir yes sir" she said staring at the ground.

    "Good!" He said immediately returning to his normal self. "As I was saying, we are sending you to a small, isolated town in Alaska. That way if Alex decides to go on a miseries rampage" he said glancing at Alex toyed with his newly formed metal Boulder "the casualties should be minimal."

   "Understood. But if you don't mind me asking, what happens when he throws a tantrum?" She questioned giving Mr. Tarn an inquisitive glance.

    "Simple. The experiment is to be deemed a failure and we will start with a new subject and I will go much more smoothly with the data collected from subject A-1-3-X."

    "What do we do with him?" She said looking at Alex

    "Again, a very simple splution. If he does anything jeopardizing to the mission he is to be immediately terminated. Is that understood Mom?"

    "Sir yes sir."

    "Good now pack what you need, you leave in o'five hundred hours"

          7 hours later

    Alex gawked through the window of the SUV, hunching himself so the he could fit in the vehicle. Snow sped by as they drove through the empty road. Seemingly endless amounts of white extending into the horizon, gently wrapped in the cook of the starry night.

    "Mom! Look at all the white things outside going by!!" They're so pretty! What' is it?! What is it mom?!" Alex squealed in joy. Mom smiled before replying

    "That's snow Alex. It falls from the sky when it gets cold," she said as she tried to conceal the irritation that rang in her voice. That would be fifty five times you asked she thought angrily to herself. Alex was oblivious to be irritation as he looked ahead to see the twinkling lights of a town in the distance.

     "Mom! Mom look! Lights!!" He yelled as he attempted to jump in excitement but only succeeded in making the vehicle shake.

     "Alex, calm down. You're getting too excited." Mom said calmly, laying a hand on his arm. Almost instantaneously, he seized to shake the vehicle and looked at her

    "But do you see it mom? The lights are so pretty." He whispered or more so silently screamed. He looked back to the far away lights, his eyes wide.

    "Yes so see it Alex. That's a town and it going to be our new home." She answered as she have smile that revealed white near perfect teeth. Alex looked at her shocked.

    "But I thought the white room was home."

    "Not anymore. We have a whole house now." She smiled as she remedied her hand. She gave her a strange look.

    "Mom...what's a house?" Alex asked. Mom let out a laugh

    "A house is a place where people live. Instead of one room, is has a lot of rooms." Alex's jaw dropped.

    "Really?!" He squeled in amazement.

    "Really" mom laughed softly. Alex looked back out of his window to find that they they were in the town, as they quickly drove by several people and speeding past building getting multiple angry comments from nearby drivers. The car pulled to a stop in front of a small yellow house. The driver, who had remained quiet, finally spoke in a deep almost robotic tone.

    "We have arrived." Alex immediately pushed the door open almost throwing it of its hinges. Mom was about to leave butt e driver put a hand up and stopped her.

    "How do you do it?" He asked looking at her through the rear view mirror.

    "Care to elaborate?" She said sitting back down.
    "Not get angry? Not snap at him but just keep smiling? How do you manage to keep a Demi God like him under control?" He asked, his voice devoid of emotion. Mom laughed, clutching her stomach and even slapping her knew as she did so.

    "Oh...not get irritated that's a good one. I have to keep smiling. He needs to stay calm and not see me as something bad or be scared of me. That way, not matter what, he won't hurt me and will always listen to me." She explained "guess it needs a 'Mothers touch" she added with a giggle. The driver nodded before adding,

    "But why?"

    "It's my job. Hence the name Mom."

    "Then what's you real name." He asked turning around but Mom was already closing the door behind her.

    The air was more than cold, it was absolutely freezing. Even with her thick winter coat, she could feel the cold bite into her arms. The small house stood in front of her and she quickly made her way to it, snow crunching under her feet. She climbed the small steps to the front door and fumbled for the keys to bright red door. She managed to pull the small key from her coats pocket with her numb fingers. She looked behind her to see that the car was gone and Alex was creating a snowball nearly reaching his own height. She shook her head as Alex grabbed it, his hands sinking into the snow as he tried to get a grip onto his creation. Mom's eyes widened as he began to lift the icey boulder, laughing like a mad man.

   Mom futily lifted her arms to protect her already freezing frame as Alex slammed his creation into the Earth, sending a storm of thick, heavy snow in all directions like a tidal wave, nearly burying Mom. She wiped the snow from her face with a gloved hand and looked down to find the her legs had disappeared under the snow. Looking up she saw Alex rolling in the snow giggling to himself. Mom shook her head and was surprised to feel the key sill gripped tightly in her hand. Mom moved quickly as she shoved into the door and gave it a twist. She threw open he door and was blasted by the warmth of indoor heating. She stepped in and let out a gratified sigh. The house was lavishly decorated, white walls stood pure, neatly decorated with artistically crafted wood shelves and beautiful scenic portraits. Black leather couches gathered in a semi-circle in front of a massive HD Tv that seemed to be a part of the wall. Mom looked back outside to call in Alex but....he wasn't there. She blinked once, twice, three times and he was still gone.

    "...S***." She hissed to herself

      Alex skipped through the town, a bright smile glued onto his face. People gave him surprised looks as the walked by to his unnatural frame, some even pulling out their phones to take pictures or videos as he walked by. While he was on his merry way he heard something from an alleyway. He stopped to see a trash can lying on its side. He made his way to the can and knelt down to look inside it. Two yellow eyes looked back at him. Alex let out a screech and leapt back crawling towards the wall. He moved farther back and covered his face when a black and white cat stepped out of the can and looked at him. Alex peaked from his fingers.

    "Well looky what I have here." A scratchy voice echoed from the other side of the alleyway. Alex looked towards the voice to see a man in a trench coat, his hands buried in his pockets. "Alright listen here, give me all you got and I'll let you walk away without a scratch.

    "What do you mean Mr.?" Alex said as he rose to his full height, keeping a safe distance from the cat as it ran away. The man blinked, not believing the size and sheer mass of the demigod before him. He gulped.

    "I-I mean, you give me all your money.” The man said, his voice cracking. He pulled out a knife and took a step back. “Just give me your money and-and I wont hurt you.” his knees started to shake as Alex stepped closer. They’re jabbering had drawn the attention of serve civillinas, some taking out phones to record the giant of a man as he towered over the robber.

“Mr. Why are you shaking?” Alex extended his arm to the man.
“Don’t- don’t come any closer.” Alex didn't but the robber didn't take the chance of letting it happen. He took a slash at Alex’s outstretched hand. He let out a yelp and backed off cradling his bleeding hand. A gasp went over the growing crowd. Tears dripped down his cheeks and he looked at the man. The robber looked at his knife then to the crowd behind him. As he looked at the crowd Alex rose back up his face twisted in fury. The robber saw the growing shadow around him and looked to Alex, the gravity of what he had done dawned upon him.

“STUPID MR. HURT ME” Alex balled up his fist and hit the man as hard as he could with a sickening crack. The corpse flew of its feet and hit the wall with a splat before falling to the ground in a heap. Alex ran to him, the crowd staring in horror, several still recording it, as he brought up another fist and let it down. people screamed as bones crunched under the blow, several more running off, some even stopping their recording to call the cops.

“STUPID STUPID STUPID” Alex screamed tears falling freely from his eyes as fist smashed into the body one fist after another, quickly reducing the corpse into a bloody pulp. Alex whimpered as he opened his fist and looked at the deep cut along it. He stood up, the snow around him melted, steam from the bloody corpse rising like the should of the dead.

“Put your hands where i can see them!” A woman voice commanded. Alex looked out the alley way to see a line of cop cars, men and woman dressed in the blue uniforms of police officers, pistols trained on him. Alex didn't understand the implications nor what the weapons were. To him they were toys and that the lady was wearing a pretty shade of blue. He smiled and took a step.
“Hello pretty lady!” he cried happily wiping the tears from his face, leaving a streak a blood across his face. The group was disturbed at the sight some vomiting when they spotted the paste of a man and the splattered gore in the alley way.
“Sir don't move or we will open fire. Put your hands where I can see them” She warned. Alex kept smiling and continued to walk. A sound crack ran through the air followed by a howl a pain from Alex. He clutched his shoulder with a bloodied hand, crying again, tears stained read with streaked blood. He whimpered in pain before balling and sprinting towards the officers, his feet thundering across the snow. They opened fire a couple shots meeting marks, none fatal, as he plowed into their cars, knocking them as if they were cardboard the officers like rag dolls. He kept running until he couldn't anymore, his legs giving up, his blood already stopping his bleeding. He curled into the snow crying. He sniffled and stopped wiping his tears and sat up, the lights of the town in the distance like stars. The moon was high in the sky giving him dim light.

A truck drove to him and sat there staring at the town as it came closer, headlights off before stopping next to him. The door opened and Mom walked out stepping towards Alex and hugging him tight.

“You caused quite the mess over there.” She said still hugging him, ignoring his wounds. He didn't answer her instead simply hugging her but not tightly, for the first time it was gentle. He relaxed a bit. “What happened Alex?” she asked looking at him.

“A Mr. Had soemthing sharp and hurt me and I got mad.” He said sadly “Then these people came with these toys that were loud and made fire and and” She hushed him

“Its okay now Alex don't worry its okay.” She hugged him again. “Your with mom now don't worry.” She brought down a hand into her coat and pulled out a pistol, a silencer screwed to the barrel.

“Now, what did I tell you not to do?”
“Not to cry…but mom I'm not crying.” She looked at him in the eyes and smiled warmly as she rested the barrel of gun against his temple.
“Exactly Alex. You're a big boy now.” He smiled happily, teeth shining white and he giggled a bit. She pulled the trigger and fell to the ground, his face still smiling, eyes closed. She dropped her smile and holstered her pistol. She walked back to the car and closed the door. She took out her phone as several men left the truck and picked up Alex, wrapping him in plastic and throwing in the flat bed, using a tarp to fully cover him. Within moments nothing was left.

“Mr. Tanner, subject A-1-3-X has been compromised. Returning to head quarters.” She waited and hung up the phone and the car drove off and left the town that looks like stars.

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