Jasmin’s Phone is her Enemy | Teen Ink

Jasmin’s Phone is her Enemy

October 14, 2016
By LilianaCruz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
LilianaCruz BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

If only she could open her eyes, she would be able to see the endless possibilities. Jasmine laid there doing the exact thing she did every day. She watched as the resolution in her small screen would dance around. She never went out, for she cared how many people liked her status. She could do different things, but she chose to be mundane and hide away from others.
Jasmine was on her 11th episode of her favorite show. This little device would call her attention and she would run as quickly as a cheetah. She felt comfortable doing what she was doing. She never thought of going out with her family. Throughout the week she was stuck doing boring and long homework. She didn’t have enough time to get her necessary rest, however, she had a bit of Saturday and Sunday to do what she wanted but she never stopped using her phone.
The room started to tremble and everything went black for a while and  ended up in a room full of tiny pixels. She looked forward and she saw herself and her fingers tapping on this big and tall glass that stretched for miles. She started to panic because she could not figure out where she was. She felt like an alien coming to earth for the first time. As she thought about what happened, everything turned blue and as Jasmine looked around and all she saw were small pixels that spelled out something and they were hard to read. Her eyes were alert and she could see every tiny detail. By the time she finished gathering up the words, concluded that it said, “Rt if you want to attend my party this weekend #partytime.” As she started to bring her thoughts together, about the scenario, she started falling down and everything else did too, Jasmine waited and everything went pitch red. She concluded she was in Netflix. She was in her phone! She noticed her favorite show was playing and she started too jumped up like a puppy. This kept going on for many hours until her bigger self, which she called boring Jas, would switch apps once in awhile.
It has been 6 days since Jasmine got sucked into another universe. She was getting frustrated and she would pace around for hours. She needed to come up with a plan. She would try to go through a portal that appeared when it would turn off; she saw it when her phone turned off. All she could do was wait. During that time Jasmine would yell at herself. Her eyes were as dull as if they had no life in them. It saddened her and she just wanted to cry a waterfall. She missed everything. She wanted to spend some time outside and smell the fresh air, the flowers, and just look up at the blue sky. She wanted her life to go back to how it was without a phone. Her sadness turned into hatred. She would ball her fist up and she would cry out because she regretted every moment she killed her useful and beautiful time.
On day 9 everything went dark like the lonely space beneath her bed . There was this strong light coming from the bottom. She quickly got up and ran, she felt as if she was flying. Thinking of all the things she was going to change now. As she was getting closer everything started to tremble and she heard a big noise like it was thunder. Her ears were burning and her phone was turning back on. She could see that the portal was slowly closing, however, she kept running. She ran but she never seemed to get there. Every step felt as if she was running backwards thousands of steps. Everything went white. She was confused.
She woke up in the dark room she started to despise with all her heart. She started to get up and all of a sudden the screen turned blue.

The author's comments:

I want teens to go out, instead of being on their phones, and make fun memories. 

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