A Power | Teen Ink

A Power

October 26, 2016
By Alberto.Hernandez1 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Alberto.Hernandez1 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
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                                       A Power
          One lovely day on June 20 2016 at 5:15pm, it was a kids birthday… 13 year old boy… Alex was his name. He was having a party, he had all his friends over. Many of his family members, but not his dad, he was off working on a lab with his boss Rick. Alex always kept thinking what kind of shenanigans they could be working on, he hoped that his dad would keep his promise of coming to his thirteenth birthday party. He also wished he could be able to help him get it done so they could be together as a family more often.

          “Make a wish sweety” said Alex’s mom as she put the cake with three lit candles of the table.

          “Huh?... Oh! Thanks mom.” I said as if I was just brought back into reality.
          “I wish I could use telekinesis so I can help my dad get his work done quicker with my mind powers so he could be with us most of the time like it use to be.” I thought in my mind as I blew the thirteen candles.
As Alex blew out the candles, it was starting to get windy and pretty cloudy.
          “It seems like it will be raining in a bit, we need to put everything away and get inside.” said Alex’s mom as she was getting things like gifts inside.
          “I’ll stay outside for a while. I want to see if dad comes like he promised today.” I said as I looked up at the cloudy grey sky.
          “Ok sweety, but make sure to get back in a few minutes.”

          As it was 8:75pm lightning started to hit the ground near him.
          “Oh gosh! That was close.” Alex said as he was getting inside.
Then all of a sudden, BOOM! A shock of lightning hit him in the chest. Alex fell to the ground.. Still alive, but knocked out in the ground. Then out of nowhere, BOOM! Another shock of lightning struck him, but this time in the head.
As his mom hurried to him screaming in terror and in tears. She quickly saw that he seems completely fine, as she felt some odd relief, she quickly carried him to the car and headed off the the hospital. As they got to the hospital, Alex’s mom quickly rushed in the hospital and yelled that she needed someone to help.
          “What’s wrong!?” asked a nurse in a bit of fright
          “M-my-my son… he needs help… he got struck by lightning and needs help! Please help me!” exclaimed Alex’s mom.
The nurse then looked at another nurse right behind her, they both nodded at each other and ran to get a stretcher. As Alex’s mom carried him and placed Alex on the stretcher, both of the nurse told Alex’s mom to stay in the waiting room.
A few hours passed, and one of the nurses went to talk to Alex’s mom.
          “Mam, your son is completely fine, we have not seen any sign of any sort of injuries in him, he seems to be breathing and his heart is pumping, but he seems to be knocked out of consciousness. We asked the doctor to come in later t give your son some X-Rays to see if he has broken any kind of bone in his body, or if his brain is ok.” explained the nurse.
          “Why thank you SO much!” said Alex’s mom in a slight relief and with hope for Alex to be alright.
          “Marry, Nurse Marry, and my partner with your son is Nurse Heart”
          “Mrs. Hernandez, Jackie Hernandez..” said Alex’s mom.
          “Ok then, see you in a bit, I have report that the doctor is with your son now.”
          “May I go see him yet?” asked my mom
          “Not yet, but after the doctor sees if your son is ok, he will tell you to come in” answered Nurse Marry.

          A few minutes passed and the doctor asked my mom if she wanted to come in.
          “How is he? Is he doing well?” asked my mom
          “Your son is ok, we don’t know how he could’ve gotten struck by lightning and survived without a single mark. We checked his chest and it seems to be completely normal. I don’t know how this could've happened but we just finished making some X-Rays on him.” answered the doctor.
As I started to wake up, all I saw were four faces looking at me. As I was completely conscious, I asked what happened.
          “So you’re telling me you don’t remember a thing?” asked all four of the faces looking at me.
          “No… All I remember was that I was outside in the grass waiting for my dad to see if he would come to celebrate my thirteenth birthday, and that’s about it… Why?”
          “Sweety, you don’t remember getting shocked by lightning?” asked my mom in shock.
          “I got shocked by lightning!?” I asked in disbelief
          “Yes, and twice.” said my mom.
          “Am I fine? Am I hurt?!” I asked in shock.
          “Apparently yes, but none of us know how” said Nurse Heart.
          “We might find out why now!” said the doctor.
          “It looks like your mind has some sort of little shock waves running through it.. Maybe when you got shocked twice, it activated some sort of shock in your mind that made you survive.” said the doctor.
          “Woah.. that’s pretty cool.” I said softly.
          “Well it seems like your son is ok Mrs. Hernandez, you make take your son Alex back home now.” said the doctor.
          "Ok. Alex, come on, get your stuff… Thank you so much Nurse Marry and Nurse Heart, and Doctor…?”
          “Doctor Will.” answered Doctor Will to my mom.

          A few minutes passed and we started to head home. On our way home my phone fell and fell on the car’s floor. As I went to grab it, my phone seemed to of levitated for a little bit.
          “What the….” I thought.
When I got my phone, I placed it on the other side of the car and then reached out for it, then all of a sudden, it started to levitate.
          “Wow!” I thought to myself..
As we arrived home and got in our house, I told my mom I needed to show her something and that it would be better to keep calm when she sees what I was about to show her. When I showed her that I was making my phone levitate, she just gave me a sort of scared but amazed look.
          "How are you doing that?” asked my mom.
All I did was shrug, but then I remember! My wish was to get telekinetic powers!  A few day later when both my mom and I found out that I had telekinetic powers I then remember that my dad never came to my birthday party… so then I just decided to forget about him, because now, I am going to help those in need. Because now… I have a Power!

The author's comments:

It is a dream I had 

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