Locket of Fate | Teen Ink

Locket of Fate

October 28, 2016
By Galex419 BRONZE, Wa Saw, Indiana
Galex419 BRONZE, Wa Saw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jennifer walked out of the hut into the hot arid desert, she thought to herself “Why is it so hot,” She sprinted down the run-down path and all the way to the market looking for the item she had held so dear. She glanced left and right straining eyes just to look at every stand. It caught her eyes, she saw, she went for it. She made it to the the stand but a man grabbed her and pulled her down.
The man started yelling “STORM!”
    Jennifer couldn’t remember when her life has been normal. It was always just her and brother. What she could remember is how she lost them. It was a cold winter morning, Christmas to be exact, she and her brother sat on the floor waiting eagerly as the Christmas tree sparkled and presents wrapped neatly waiting to be torn opened. Her parents finally woke up and went downstairs.
The her parents spoke in harmony, “ Open your presents!”.
‘Yay” Jennifer and brother said simultaneously.
After all the present were passed around her parents told them they each had one more present. Her mother brought out two small wrapped boxes with small printed patterns on them. She handed Jennifer hers first then Ethan his present. By the time she touched her present Ethan had his unwrapped his. She unwrapped her present to find a golden locket with flowers carved into it along with her initials. She put it on and she could feel like something was making her float then she looked down and and saw
disbelief in her parents eyes.
    Ethan on the other hand had a different effect and could see into the future, well sort of of he could see different paths in which time could take.
By the time Jennifer was thirteen she had unlocked more powers within the locket. Ben had also developed more powers like telepathy and metallokinesis.
    That's a how it all began. One day Jennifer and Ethan came home from school and their parents were gone all there was, was a note with an address so Jennifer and Ethan made the trip across town to a chinese restaurant with cracked brick and lights that flickered. They walked inside, went to the counter where Jennifer asked the man working there, “Do you know who sent this?” She showed him the note.
The man said“Come with me.”
The mysterious man brought them into a dark room and told them to close their eyes. They followed orders and then the man said, “Open”
She saw now there was no wall to one side and she saw an entire world
in front of her, she looked over at Ethan and saw his face of disbelief,that's when she felt a jolt and she was falling, faster and faster, then she touched her locket and started to float. Then she saw Ethan free falling to certain death. She dove  to catch him just in time.
He was still screaming until Jennifer yelled at him, “SHUTUP!”
After they landed they made a plan to escape until a voice said,
“Welcome the newcomers.”
Then a crowd of people in a parade fashion with banners that said welcome, Band that had huge ensembles, and gymnast who did double back flips. Ethan started laughing and so did Jennifer. Then the parade stopped in front of of the laughing siblings.
One man asked, “What's so funny.”
Ethan stuttered, “Wh-Who sent you.”
After they stopped laughing Jennifer spoke, “Is this a prank?”
The whole crowd stopped and some had hurt looks on their faces while others had angry looks on their faces. The conductor came forward to help the up when a oversized hand picked him up and squeezed him until he poofed into a cloud.
A booming voice spoke, “Welcome to the the Infinite Realm, this is where anything is possible.”
“What!”, Ethan exclaimed
The voice continued, “You must find a way to escape this realm to continue to other realms”
“Where do we go.”, Jennifer said
“Use your locket to find other Artifacts of the Realms.”, said the Voice
They started in a sprint to a shop that said Maps on the sign. When they got inside it seemed bigger inside than outside. They found a scared looking man in the back.
Ethan asked the man, “Do you know the way out of this realm,”
The man replied, “I know how to get anywhere from anywhere, but only for a price!”
“How much,” Ethan said
“One Hundred Freedom Jades”, snickered the man
Jennifer handed the man five brightly colored bills.Ethan saw the man’s face shocked with surprise.
    Ethan asked, “Where did the money come from?”
    “From my locket”, Jennifer replied.
    The man said, “You follow the north trail in the forest until you reach a mountain, go through the mountain tunnel into the desert of the merchants go through the market to the ancient portal, but you need the Eye of Cerberus.”
    They walked toward the forest in silence.
    Ethan broke the silence, “What if we fly over it with your locket,”
    Jennifer knew it would be faster but she was feeling tired. Then she closed her eyes, and woke up on the ground. That's when Ethan noticed the syringe in her back.
    Even after the syringe got taken out Jennifer wanted to continue the journey to the portal that would take them out of this world.
    Ethan said, “Where do we get the eye, also what if we-”
    He was cut off when a fox started jumped out looking worried.
The fox said, “Have you seen my pups they said they were going to the forest to play, then I heard a screech I had taught them if they were in trouble.”
    Jennifer said, “No they might be in the river.” Then the fox went on its way. Jennifer opened her locket and picked up Ethan and flew over the rest of the forest.
They saw the mountain and
Ethan said, “Don't stop and we'll be there by nightfall.” They flew in silence as the mountain grew closer. The clouds were now a pink red color and you could see the full moon starting to appear, along with a few stars.
    They set up a tree branch tent to sleep in. In the morning they went through the tunnel with only the occasional stranger. They made through the dark and damp tunnel only to find a long winding road to the desert. They found a person who could take them to the desert, but for a large sum of money Jennifer poofed up.
    In the desert it was barren,hot, and arid. They finally made it to the busiest market they’ve ever seen. They found a hotel where instead of rooms you have tiny two bed huts. They went in the hut and saw a painting of an animal of some sort. The beds were low to the ground, everything was, they went to a nearby cafe where they only  speak Russian. After they found a translator they ordered food and coffee. They took a night to rest after all their traveling.   
Jennifer woke up early to go to the market to look for the eye. She was looking for it when it caught her eye, something she felt like she held so dear. A man grabs her pulls her to the ground.
He starts yelling, “STORM!”  
They laid on the ground for at least an hour before someone said, “All clear.” Everybody started to get up Jennifer grabbed the eye and ran back to the hut.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
She grabbed Ethan and said, “Follow me!”
They ran to the portal and were sent back to the restaurant. The man spoke, “Good job, your parents are safe, but you need to go through all the realms to find them.

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