Little Red | Teen Ink

Little Red

November 2, 2016
By DJjacquez BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
DJjacquez BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was once a dear girl name Little Red Riding Hood who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother. Even though everyone thought she was a sweet innocent child , there was something about her that I couldn’t quite figure out. Red visited her grandmother one day with a basket full of baked goods. Upon her arrival to her grandmother's house she had a surprise for her , a roseblood silk hood.
“Why thank you so much Grammy , it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I love it.” said Red with such joy in her voice.
“Anything for my sweet little Red!” Grandmother said as she let out a smile on her wrinkly face that still reminded Red of her mother .
After every visit to her Grandmother's house , Red took the same trail that took her back to the village within minutes.Her grandmother lived in a very dense part of the forest where it had been rumored to be home to an old village but around her she was only surrounded by trees , and a very erie looking path.  And on this day, the forest seemed to beckon her -  it seemed to call her name.  She was looking down the path - ready to follow it, and she heard a voice coming from the forest calling her - quietly, then getting a little louder  She just couldn’t ignore it!  Red turned her head towards the trees and caught the sight of ..of ..something. What was it?  She looked away, but she had this funny feeling she wasn’t alone.  Who was there - what was there? A feeling of pins poking through her started rushing down her body. Her stomach dropped , churning , twisting , with a feeling of butterflies but this weren’t good  butterflies. Red started walking down the path , every step doubting herself , should she continue walking down the path? or just turn around and go back to her safe home? As Red started walking. deeper and deeper into the dense evergreen forest she could smell fear , loneliness. Whatever she was getting closer to , it didn’t give her a good feeling. Through the thick of the fog she noticed an old bridge giving entrance to what seemed to be an abandoned village. The sound of the leaves cracking made her turn around immediately. She stopped , terrified out of her body . With the little bit of sunlight poking through the treetops, Red noticed a giant grey wolf , eyes as evil as satan himself. His teeth reminded her of her father's blade , nails as sharp as knives.
Blood covered the sunflower wallpaper that she had remember since Red was a baby. The house was trashed , as if a tornado of murder had torn through her Grandmother's house. Rubbing her eyes as she woke up , confused , tired and feeling sick to her stomach. A minute ago she was in the forest stareing an evil creature face to face , death in her face. Red thought she would never be able to make it out alive. Now she awoke covered in dried blood , with the smell of sin in her hands. What had happened with her? Why is their blood everywhere? Red thought to herself.
“GRANDMA!” Was the only word she could get out of her trembling mouth. The house was a complete disaster. Couches flipped around , the rocking chair her grandmother would sit at and watch the sunrise every morning had been smashed against the wall. What evil creature could have done this? Why was she back at her Grandmother's house when she last remember being a forest? What if the thing that created all the mess was still in the house? Red started making her way up the flight of stairs that she fell off when she was just a two year trying to learn how to walk. The house had a strange feeling , a very hostile environment had taken over. Red made it to her grandmother's room .. Holding her shaky hand over the gold antique door knob that can probably lead to her worst fear , a dead grandma. Slowly she started turning the knob just incase the killer was still there. The door flew open to an empty untouched room . Red frantically started searching through the whole room and bathroom looking for a trace of her grandma. All she could think was , if grandma isn’t in her room she can still be down in the kitchen cooking, but then who did all that blood belong to.
The head of a poor old lady sat on the kitchen table  , the tablecloth covered in blood. “GRANDMA!” was all Red could say. Falling to her knees she started sobbing like she never had before. She needed to get help but her intuition kept saying don’t do it. Wait but where was the killer , and why had she been covered in blood? Red quickly up to her feet and went to grab a knife from the pantry. Determined to find the killer she started searching through the whole house. It was nearly sunset and if she didn’t make to her home , her mother would be deathly worried. She needed to tell her mother , she needed help.
’ NO YOU DON’T’ a voice told her in head. Red when through the whole house and found nothing but her grandmother’s remains scattered in the dining area. who could of possibly done this to an innocent old lady.‘You did’ the voice started again.
Red was only ten years old when she started hearing voices in her head that said very aggressive evil things to her. One day Red was playing with her dog Storm , when the voice started saying , ‘He’s evil , kill him’. Suddenly an immense rush came over her. She jolted towards the dog with his leash and started strangling Storm. The rush that took over her body was something she had never experienced in her life before. Red stared into Storm’s eyes and enjoyed the way his eyes went from blue to white , the way it kicked and fought for it’s life. Once the dog gave his last kick of life , Red let go collapsing to the ground and passing out.
“Red, What did you do to Storm? Why were you doing ? Red are you okay?” Her mother stared at her with blue eyes filled with terror.
“What did I do mom? Mom I’m scared.” Red started shaking vigorously .
“What happend Red?” Mother asked her while holding her in her arms trying to calm the poor ten year old child.
“He told me to do it , I didn’t want to , but something took over my body,and I killed Storm mommy. I’m sorry, I’m scared .”
“It’ll be okay , don’t worry” Her mother reassured her poor child.
After the incident with Storm , her mother took her into a doctor to see what they could do.The doctor told the mother there was nothing that can really cure her daughter. The only thing that Dr.Ross told Red was , “Every time the voices start talking to you , chant this to yourself, ‘You’re not real , go away bye bye’ and everything will get better”. Red followed the doctor's chants. The voices started vanishing more and more as she grew older.
Could It possibly been the voices that had come back and made Red killed her grandmother? It wasn’t possible she remembers walking into the forest and encountering the wolf face to face. Everything was making no sense to her , Red just wanted to wake up from this nightmare.Nine o'clock with thirty seven minutes marked on the big ben her grandmother kept in the living room where Red use to play with her dolls when grandma babysat her. Red was to suppose to be home an hour ago , her mother must of started to worried by now. The blood around the house made her feel very queasy but yet gave her a feeling of adrenaline. Where could of the killer been? She started wondering what was the correct the thing for her to do . As soon as she went to door to go look for help the voice started again, ‘ you can’t do it , you did it, stop what are you doing’. Red stood staring at the door why were they back . Red force the chant little by little but this time the voice wouldn’t stop. ‘You did it ‘ it kept repeating over and over. At this point Red was starting to feel a little insane , a little out of control of her body. The chant wasn’t working , what was happening to her. Red was very terrified the only thing in here head right now was to take of the blood on her hand and her face she went to take a bath with warm hot water seeing the steam raising up, she close her eyes forgetting what just happened she fell into a hard sleep daze.
The wolf’s beady yellow eyes as if he was trying to consume her soul. Red wasn’t scared of the wolf and she let it show. She grabbed for her knife in her basket she had made that school year.
“Darling , you won’t need that for me right now.” The wolf told red with an evil grin.
“You talk ? This must be a dream!” Red said feeling very shocked.
“Of course , I talk silly girl!” Chuckled the wolf.
“But you are a wolf , and wolves do not speak , unless not in my world.” confused she said. Unless Red had stepped into a parallel ralem. That was impossible there was no such thing as parallel realms or other worlds.
“You are not in another realm silly child , my quite the imagination you carry!”
“You can read my mind?” Red was more confused than ever .
“No Child I am in your mind!” The wolf chuckled.
Red woke up from her nap , she had the dream with the wolf but what did it mean? Was it the wolf who had killed her grandmother? The wolf was only a creation from her imagination. That only meant one thing , Red killed . Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Her mother , she thought as she got up from the bathtub.
“Red are you in there?” Her mother yelled worried for her daughter's safety.”Mother are you there?”.
Red wasn’t sure if to take the back door and bolt into the woods . That would mean her mother would be worried sick. The right choice was to go to her mother that would take her home and comfort her for her grandma’s death. Wait, she had killed her own grandmother what was she suppose to tell her mother , the truth? Her mother started kicking the door . Thump , thump , each kick making red more nervous and making her schizophrenia kick in. The door finally gave in , and her mother let out a shriek of terror. Her mother saw her grandmother’s head laying in the kitchen table. Red started getting scared every second. ‘ Kill her’ the voices in her head started taking over her . Terrified Red looked around the bathroom looking for a weapon to kill her mother. What was she about to do? Aha Red took the ratchet from under sink , she would beat her mother to death if she had to.
“RED WHERE ARE YOU?’ Her mother started yelling uncontrollably . Her mother prayed that she didn’t find Red dead. Red had to act quick . She ran out the door and started beating her mother with the ratchet .
“Why are you doing this?” her mother said as her life escaped her body.
Scared and with even more blood Red was scared, what had she done again. The voices kept going , slowly they were taking control of her. Red didn’t know what to do . Red only had a little bit of time left before the sickness took her forever. She need an escape from all this. The voices had to end now before she killed more. There was only one solution left , ending her own life.


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