The Best Of Sky | Teen Ink

The Best Of Sky

October 25, 2016
By sidneyharding21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
sidneyharding21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wednesday October 11, 4044
Hey, my name is Sky. I’m going to start writing a dairy for my kids, if I ever have any. I am 14 years old, I have no dad and one mom. I only specify that because some kids have step moms or step dads. But my mom and dad got divorced when I little, like three. I’m about 5’9, I run track, play volleyball, and play basketball. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I don’t look like anyone in my family. They all have blond hair and green eyes. I live in a small town in the state of Marvin, Its call Lofts-Burg.
After Sky was done writing in her new dairy she went to Kim’s house. Kim is her friend, I would say best friend but over summer between 8th and 9th grade they got into a fist fight and now they hang out but they both talk bad about each other when not around. Sky didn’t have a crowd that she hung with. She talked to the preps, jocks and the kids that were always doing some type of drug. Her mom always told her to stay out of those kinds of things.
*knock* _*knock*      
“Oh, hey Sky,” Kim said, when she opened the front door.
“Is it okay if I come hang out for a bit?” Sky asked Kim. Sky was waiting for her mom to get home so she could drive her to Coffee Time, which is the coffee shop where all the teenagers hang out and meet up.
“Uhhh, I guess you can. Taylor is here too, though.” Kim said. Kim knew that Sky didn’t get along with Taylor but she didn’t want to be rude. She was still trying to build her and Sky’s friendship back up. But maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say because Sky just walked away and Kim knew exactly why.
When Sky’s mom got home she changed out of her work clothes, gave Sky some money, and took her to Coffee Time. Sky went in and waited for a little bit and then Ben showed up. She was so nervous, she had never been on a date. Ben walked over and sat down
“Hey girl, how are you?”  Ben asked. They had made plans to hang out there for a couple hours.
“Well, Kim once again turned her back on me. She has Taylor staying the night with her. And God knows that they’re just going to gossip about everyone.” Sky replied. She didn’t want to admit that it hurts her to know that ninth grade year would be one of the worst years of her whole life.
They talked and joked around, he got her to stop thinking about everything that was going on. But then Kim and Taylor walked in…
They all kind of laughed, it wasn’t a good thing though. Ben was Taylor’s ex-boyfriend, Kim liked him, And Sky was the one who was now dating Ben. The two were jealous of Sky and now they were starting to all argue. The fist fight between Kim and Sky was over Ben. No one liked the fact that Ben and Sky were dating. They always said that they just didn’t look right, or they were “complete opposites” of each other. The whole opposite thing was true but that was minor.
Sky got tired of hearing all the talk about how she didn’t fit in with him and they didn’t need to be dating so she told Ben that she had to go. The way that she walked away seemed like her whole word had just fallen apart.
Sky text Kim.
“Hey I understand that you don’t want me and him together but can you like not ruin my life, we obviously aren’t friends anymore and I honestly don’t care. But please don’t start stuff about me. Just act like you don’t know me.”
“I can’t believe that you would go behind my back and date him knowing I really like him. And me and Taylor are like best friends she’s going on vacation with me and my mom loves her. She never liked you, because you’re a stuck up brat.”
At that point Sky was crying because no matter what she told everyone she truly loved Kim and they had been best friends since first grade. She knew that she had lost every one and now she would be that kid in school that everyone knows about but has no friends. She barely talked to Ben at school.
She didn’t fit in with his friends and even if she did, she didn’t want to be that annoying girlfriend that is always trying to hang out with him and his friends. They only hang out like three times a week, Ben was the only person that Sky would hang out with. But she didn’t mind, she liked staying in the house. She was an only child which mean’s that she was home alone till 6 and she gets out of school at 2.
It’s now December and Sky was right. Ninth grade year would be the worst year of her life. Because she just found out that she has cancer…………………………………………
She missed a week of school, she stopped texting and hanging out with Ben. Sky fell into a deep depression, and her mom tried to help her and be there for her as much as she could, but she was hurt so much by the news and she didn’t know what she could do to make anything better.
Friday December 21, 4044
So I have cancer. What a surprise, I lost all my friends, all I have is my mom. I mean I have Ben, but I don’t want to get too attached or for him to get too attached and then me die. That would suck, like ((oh let me just fall in love with this girl and she’s going to die about three months later.)) I don’t want to hurt him, so I’m just going to leave him alone and let him find someone else and hopefully they won’t have or develop cancer.

A couple days later Ben showed up at her house. She let him in and they were talking and then the question she dreaded to answer came up. She sputtered it out. “I don’t want you to be upset and I don’t want a bunch of people to know either, but I have stage three brain cancer…”
“Oh my God, Sky I’m so sorry I never thought that would be the reason that you weren’t texting me or not coming to school. I’m really sorry and I’m here for you no matter what. Just call or text me. I don’t care when or where I’m at. I know we’re just kids but I honestly think that I love you. You’re everything I think of and I know that you think you’re a nobody or someone everyone knows but no-one’s friend but that’s not true. All of my friends know who you are and they think your pretty cool. Don’t be ashamed of who you are you’re an amazing girl and I’m here to stay.” Ben scrambled to her. They were both crying, she felt as if he actually meant everything he had just said. She didn’t feel alone anymore.
Her mom walked in the door from work and saw they hugging each other as they were still crying, she didn’t say anything she just hid behind the corner of the wall watching. She felt warm inside. Knowing her sickly daughter had someone there for her that can understand her more than what she could.
Weeks went by, Ben came over every day and they went on dates. Sometimes her mom would take them to places like the wax museum, and once she showed them a mountain where she would go at night after college and look over the city. They went to Hollywood and got to make their own little movie to take home. All in all, she got to spend a lot of time with Ben and they made some great memories.
Until one night after they had gone to the movies, they had dropped Ben off and went home. Sky was lying in bed and all of the sudden started having a seizure. Her mom rushed into her room and called 911. Her mom was sobbing and trying to get her to stop when the ambulance showed up. It took about 2 minutes and they got her to come out of it. But her being a cancer patient with brain cancer she had to be admitted to the local hospital.
They said that the reason why she had the seizure was because there was too much radiation and the cancer reacted to it in a horrifying way. With this happening she will be transferred to the Children’s Medical Division. Sky’s mom was so stressed about figuring out how she’s going to work, spend time with Sky and pay for all the bills. Once she was transferred and everything was worked out with her room and how many visitors she could have, her mother called Ben and explained what had happened.
It was three o’clock in the morning, but Bens parents brought him to see her. They brought her favorite snacks, and some games just in case they decided to let him stay the night with her. She was asleep but when she woke up there was a room filled with her family from out of state and Ben right next to her. She burst into tears, they were happy tears though she was excited to have her family and best friend/ boyfriend to support her. They took pictures, joked around, and played games.
Monday March 8, 4045
Well, I’ve been in this hospital for about three months and my doctor just this morning told me that I have to shave my head in order to do a very risky surgery. Honestly, I don’t honestly think it is going to work. I can feel it in my body that I am already dying. I mean, everyone id dying, people with any type of cancer is dying faster than normal people. But I am not going to make it through it my body isn’t strong enough, I thought I had a chance before I had the seizure but now my body is way too weak to do it.
Ben walked in and she put her diary away.  She told him about the news the doctor had just gave her. As expected he was upset, he was so scared to lose her. They had become so close and a bond like that could kill. About thirty minutes after he showed up her doctor came in, he asked Ben if he could assist her to the bathroom so they could shave her hair. There wasn’t much of it any way, Sky had cut her hair up to her ears after the seizure.
   The surgery took like 4 hours, and she was asleep for like 3 hours after that, Ben went and bought her some cute cloths and head bands to make her feel a little more confident about who she is. She woke up and wanted to speak to the doctor. He said that they couldn’t do very much. They got to examine the cancer but none could be removed.  Now she really thought she was going to die. She never told anyone goodbye when they left her room. She always said “check ya’ later” or “see ya’ later” because bye means forever.
She told her mom that she had not faith in surviving, she didn’t want to make a fuss about it but she couldn’t fight much longer. She explained to Ben that it was okay if he starting looking for a new girlfriend. She didn’t want him to hurt, she had the best life anyone could ask, there were up’s and down’s but there was no other way she would rather have her life end in any way.
It’s been 3 days since the surgery and she is so weak that she can’t even get up to go to the bathroom. Her mom has taken the next two weeks off, and Ben has been dismissed from school. She cries all the time because she gets major headaches. She is always going in and out of the room for more treatment and test.
On the morning of April 5th her mom tried to wake sky up for breakfast and she wasn’t waking up. Her mother couldn’t believe it, her little girl was gone. She called in the nurses and the announced that she has pasted. The news spread to all of the family and friends. Her mom called Ben and told him but he had already known the school called him to the office and told him.
He went to the hospital and said his final goodbyes and thank her family for blessing him with such a good friend and most loveable girlfriend. They were all there to support each other. Things got harder for him as word got around school and people started asking questions about is love for her. And her mom broke a little more everyday knowing she wouldn’t have her baby girl to check on at night. But everyone knew that she lived a graceful life and they all did the best they could for her and loved her with all the could. She was a smart and loving young woman that would be missed very much every day.

The author's comments:

its a heart breaking love story about teens. written with bits and peices of personal memories as a teenagr myself.

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