Will Everything Be Okay? | Teen Ink

Will Everything Be Okay?

October 25, 2016
By Betty_Barnett BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Betty_Barnett BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pick me, Choose me, Love me" - Merideth Grey

HI! My name is Strawnana  and I am one of 2364 kids. I am the only adopted child so my family calls me special!  They are so kind! My biological parents died during my birth, they were Mr. Ba-nanna and my mom was Mrs. Straw-nana. Dad was just a banana from frutilandia and my mom was just a strawberry.

So, what is my family like? I have papapapaya and mamamarsh.. My parents are the best foods in the whole wide world. I have 2363 siblings! They sure are stinkers! The oldest is nine and the youngest was born yesterday!! There is one litter every month. That means every month I get 21 or 22 new siblings! WOW! How blessed am I?
My mom and dad are out hunting right now but when they get back they are going to let me go outside for the first time EVER! Right now I have the honor of watching and playing with my lovely siblings.
”Sissy.” oh that's papaya - marsh she is four.
“Yes dear.” I say.
“Why is the baby crying?”  asks papaya - marsh. We call our new babies the little ones because we don't know what gender they are yet.
“Oh hmmm let me go check” I respond.
“Honey we’re home.”
Ooo my parents are home.  Am not going to tell them about our baby or that would make mamamarsh cry. I cannot do that. Anyway I'm going outside now!

WOW! I sure do love it out here! This is great! The trees are so green, the sky… so blue. I look up and see the sun burning bright. I look to my left and see all my neighbors that I haven't even met yet! I hear birds chirping and wind blowing. Neighbors are mowing their lawns with brand new lawn mowers that everyone got. I really love it out here!
“HEY” a scruffy, deep voice said.
“Who are you?” I ask with lots of excitement.
“Kiwi Mato is my name, a mix of a kiwi and tomato.” The voice says
“ Huh… how strange. Where are you? Come, come so I can see you!” I say with plenty of enthusiasm.
“I'm over here. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!”
Oh there he is.
“What's so funny Kiwimato?” I ask with confidence
“Are you the first child in your family, or the oldest?” He asks
“Yesssssss….” I respond slowly and cautiously.

“YOU ARE THE WANTED ONE” yells kiwimato “You are the first child to call me strange! HAHAHA” Kiwi left in a heartbeat.

As I walked inside it hit me, it hit me like a strange human hits a tiny ball with a bat. I may know who this kiwi is. I decide to look him up.
“Honey, Strawnana!” Oh, thats mom. I walk down stairs and she is crying as hard as  a ball.
“MOMMY, mommy are you okay?” I ask worryingly
“No I saw…” My mother stopped talking. Next thing I know she is on the ground. She isn't breathing, I can't find a pulse. We need help.

I call 602, our emergency number, they answer and say they are on their way. They told me to do compressions, so I start.
“Mommy” I cry “Mommy please wake up” Next I call  dad, he said he will rush home. This is only my second time crying… EVER! An ambulance arrives and takes my mother away. Although I am struck by fear and sadness, I decided to look kiwi up while I wait for my dad. WOAH! OH NO!
Legend has it that the first fruit to call Kiwimato weird or strange is going to be the first born in the family. It gets worse, Kiwimato is to kill everyone in her family that she is with when she called him weird. THAT MEANS MAMA AND PAPA WILL DIE, AND ALL OF MY FAMILY! I can’t, I can’t… I…
“Honey Straw-!”
My dad yells. As soon as I hear his footsteps I rush downstairs. I hug Papa, we are both in tears. I wait to tell him about my encounter with kiwimato.
As we arrive at the hospital I go into mamas room. She’s alive, but not awake. I grab her hand and say
“Mama, mama. This isn't right. Did I cause this?”
Her monitor is beeping steadily, all I can see are the tubes in mama. I worry she won't wake up. My siblings are gathered on her and all around her.
“Doctor?” I ask
“Yes” they reply kindly
“Will mamamarsh wake up? There's some…. I have to apologize.” I say
“I am so sorry, but right now we don't know. Do you need to talk about it?” The doctor asks.
“Umm no it's okay thank you though.”I reply and the doctor walks off.
That was it. My mama is in pain. All kinds of doctors are suggesting we “pull the plug” and asking for our consent.
“It has been the appropriate amount of time, your mama is in pain. There is no brain activity. We aren't seeing any improvement. Do we have your permission to take her off the machines?” They ask. My papa is crying and screaming at the doctors. This is a decision I have to make on my own.
“Excuse me, kind doctors?” I whisper
“Yes…” they reply
”You have my permission to take mama off the ventilators” I say
“Thank you sweetie.” They sound so thankful.
I made the right decision. They hand me the papers and I sign off. It's true, I did it. My dad sternly tells them to wait. He grabs my hand
“You will regret this Straw.” He says quietly
“So sorry papa but no I won't. I just ended her pain and suffering.”
Papa slowly lets go of my hand and says
“Your on your own now. You want to make grown up choices, you can start living like one. You can't live with us anymore straw.”
He says then walks out with my siblings.
“May we continue?” One of the doctors asks I walk to mama's bed and climb in wanting to feel her embrace.
“Yes” I finally reply. While they unplug the machines, I think to myself
“Was mama the one keeping papa kind? He wouldn’t normally do this, even in a crisis? At least from what I know.”
For some reason, as they are pulling the plug I start feeling angry. Anger in kiwi, anger in me, and anger in papa. When they tell me how she will breathe one last breath I get off the ugly hospital bed and hold my mama's hand one last time. She breathes. Her last breath felt like a sign of comfort, a sign she is happy now. That brings me some joy. But will everything be okay?
I remeber all of mama and I’s fun times I remember laughing with her and crying. I remember whenever I got stuck in school work she would work me through it, she was the best. I would get made fun of my one of my brothers or another fruit, she would hold me tight and tell me everything will be okay, and it always was. At night while tucking me in she would say “I love you” and together we would say “Forever and always” I will truly miss her forever and always.
A doctor tells me he’s sorry for my loss and starts asking about organ donation, they say they have someone who needs a multi-organ transplant ASAP. I say yes. Mama would want want to help people. As I daydream about mama, a raspy voice behind me says
“Would you like to meet him?”
“NO!” I say back why would I want a living reminder of my dead mama, the mama I KILLED!!
I walk out of mamas room and I am crying about as hard as a ball.
“Hey! Hey you!” a familiar voice says… it's Kiwi…
“I see your mama died.” he says with a grin. “One down a million more to go.” he laughs.
I try to ignore what kiwi said. You know when you can't shake a feeling? It just won't go away? Yup, that is me.
I give mom a proper funeral with friends and family, my father tells me he can’t make it if I will be there so he doesn't come. My siblings come though. It was a memorial I can't say much more all I can focus on is I killed mama.
I go home and receive a call from an unknown number. I pick it up and listen to the calm voice that says
“Straw, it's me dad, your brother is, he is…”
“NO DON'T SAY IT!” I shout and hang up.
You guessed it, he's dead. I don’t understand why this is happening.
“HAHA” a voice says
“AHH!” I scream “Kiwi leave I don't need you, you killed my brother.” My voice shaking as I say that.
“I’ve  come to explain” he says “This island is your family. It will blow up. You killed your brother by calling me weird. I have done nothing wrong , I can't control this. ALL I CAN DO IS SHOW UP LIKE THIS!”
I did this, no one but me.
This island will blow up, I got to go. My family is at stake. If I leave they will be safe. I pack my bag.
“Only bring pictures” I tell myself. “You can buy  clothing wherever I go.”
My life, is it worth living at this point?
“Yes dear it is, do it for me.” the voice sounds like mom, I know it's in my head, but I listen anyway.
“Okay mom, I will” I reply outloud
I get to the frutilandia interisland airport. I decide i'm flying.
“Hi, I need to get as far away as possible” I say
The nice fruittendant (Humans call them flight attendants but we say fruittendant.)  replies “We have a straight flight to popsicle town. That is 200,000,100 miles away. Does that work?”
“YES!” I reply
The waiting is quite boring but I make it work I'll see what this land holds in store for me. I board the plane. It will, it will everything will be okay? My new life is going to begin.




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