Missing Magic | Teen Ink

Missing Magic

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“Goodbye Grandma,” whimpered Corrina as she watched her most loved grandma float into an endless sleep.
“Ah!” Corrina awoke from her most feared nightmare.
“Corrina! Corrina, Dear! Are you awake? It’s already 1:00 dear!” shouted Grandma from the kitchen.
“I’m awake! I’m awake!” moaned Corrina as she dragged herself out of bed.
“Good, we must get to our training, Dear. Spells don’t make themselves,” explained Grandma as she trudged down the basement steps.
Corrina inched out of bed and slowly stood up. As she stood up she noticed a face staring back at her. It was her own. Corrina saw a sixteen year old girl with a plump face. For her age Corrina was very slim but she didn’t think so. Grandma did, that was all that mattered. Grandma would say Corrina was more than a sixteen year old girl. She would say that Corrina was a beautiful sixteen year old girl with bright blue eyes the color of the sky, dark black hair the color of night, and pale white skin, the color of a cloud on a summer's day. Grandma is very wise of course, so wise that the entire planet of Magica calls her Grandma. Magica is the planet that Corrina and Grandma live on.
“Magica, the planet of magic.” People would say. Every person that was born on Magica would have the power of magic. Corrina snapped back into reality.
“Oh no! I’m late! I didn’t have time to go over my spells this morning.” Corrina quickly pulled on her favorite black shorts, that have been worn so many times she couldn't even remember when she got them, and a white shirt, that she didn’t really care for because it was way too baggy. Once Corrina was around she headed down to the basement to create some spells. As she inched down the stairs she read the note Grandma had left her.
It read, “First Corrina, create a tracking spell to find me. Then create a portal to where that location is.” Corrina quickly got to work to find her grandma.
“Uh, I can’t remember is it a touch of fairy dust or is it a dragon's scale?” muttered Corrina as she looked around the room searching for the last ingredient of the spell. Corrina wasn’t the best at tracking spells. She wasn’t that great at them because she didn’t really care for them at all. All Corrina really cared about were portals. Corrina loved to make portals. Her goal was to become a portal master just like her mother. Corrina didn’t really know her mother. Her mother died when she was only three years old. All she really knew about her mother was she was one of the greatest portal masters ever.
“Ah ha! I got it, the petal of a Pixie Flower!” Corrina said proudly. “Ok, so it looks like Grandma is on… Gravitus? That’s a first.” Without even thinking she created a portal to Gravitus. Gravitus was the neighboring planet to Magica. It doesn’t posses the power of magic but it does make for a good time because Gravitus doesn’t have any gravity. “Whoa this portal is really powerful! It has never felt this strong before.” Questioned Corrina as she kneeled down to look inside of the dark purple portal that started to form.
“Whoosh” went the portal when Corrina jumped into it.
At Gravitus…
“Finally!” Corrina said relieved. Now she just had to find her Grandma. As Corrina glided down the rugged streets of Gravitus she noticed a small boy watching her from a window. The boy had light blonde hair and bright green eyes. Corrina glanced again at the window and the boy was gone. “Huh must have been my imagination.” Thought Corrina as she continued her search.
“Corrina? Corrina, Dear?” Corrina turned around quickly. She came face to face with a short old woman with pure white hair and dark blue eyes, the color of the ocean. It was Grandma. “There you are dear. I thought you gave up searching for me.”
Corrina Laughed, “ No, I don’t give up that easy.” Grandma’s face suddenly turned pale. “What’s wrong Grandma?” Corrina asked worriedly.
“The magic is very out of balance Dear. Something is wrong. We must hurry home before it gets any worse.”
“Ok Grandma,”Corrina quickly responded
“Why don’t you make the portal Dear. It will be good practice.”
The next morning, Corrina had woken up to street traffic.
“3:00” yelled Corrina as she yanked off her bed covers. “Wait, Grandma has never let me sleep in this late. What's going on?” Corrina asked herself as she got around. “Grandma!” yelled Corrina. She slowly walked through the house. The house felt cold and lonely. “Grandma!” pleaded Corrina. She waited for a response. There was no response. Corrina strided down to the basement hoping her grandma was down there. “Maybe she is testing me,” assured Corrina as she slowly opened the basement door. Nothing. Corrina quickly put together a tracking spell. “This says Grandma is… in the backyard? That’s not hard. What's going on?” Corrina asked as she quickly jogged up from the basement. Corrina ran through the house to the front door. She grabbed the door handle and yanked the door opened as hard as she could. Tears formed in Corrina’s eyes. “Grandma!” The gravel beneath Corrina’s feet crunched as she fell to her knees. Corrina’s nightmare had become real. There was Grandma the strongest, most powerful witch laying on the freezing cold ground. As colorless and as pale as a ghost. It looked as if all of her magic was drained from her body. Corrina heard sirens in the distance. The Magica recovery was already on it’s way. Corrina grabbed Grandma's hand and cried until she had no choice but to let go. Corrina went to bed that night thinking “Whoever did this is going to pay! I am going to find out who did this!”
Corrina did not sleep well that night all she could think about was revenge and finding out who would do such a thing. Everyone loved Grandma. After a restless night Corrina dragged her sore and tired body out of bed. Corrina had barely gotten up that morning. The only thing that had gotten her up that morning was finding out how magic could be drained from a witch's body. Corrina slowly got around. The house was filled with gloom and loneliness. Corrina grabbed the bronze door handle, Grandma had picked out, and slowly pulled it open. She was going to go to Magic and Spells, a trashy run down book store, so she could figure out some information about what may have happened to Grandma. As Corrina walked to the store she felt a slight tug on her shirt.
“Huh?” Corrina wondered as she slowly turned around. As she turned around she was surprised to see a tiny little face staring back at her. As she stared at the boy she remember where she had seen him before. “Hey! You’re the kid that was watching me when I was on Gravitus.” The kid just stared back at her. The boy looked as if he was only ten years old. He had light blond hair and bright forest green eyes. The boy just stared. He almost looked as if he was upset and lonely. Corrina knew what it felt like. Suddenly his eyes brightened when Corrina reached for his hand. “You can stay with me for a while,” Corrina said shyly. Corrina felt like the hole in her heart was filled. She had someone else.
“So, what’s your name?” Corrina asked as she watched him devour his breakfast.
He shoved his last piece of toast in his mouth and mumbled, “Finnley, or Finn for short.”
Corrina laughed, “Ok Finn, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Once Finnley finished his breakfast he got up and started to rummage through some past newspapers. “Hey! What are you doing?” Corrina asked sternly. Finn stood up in surprise.
“You might want to read this,” Finnley said worriedly. Corrina quickly snached the newspaper from Finn.
She read, “Six more powerful witches died today. Due to a drainage of magic.” Corrina handed the newspaper back to Finnley. “Oh no! What's going on?” Corrina thought as she ran out the door. Corrina bolted over to the nearest magic station. As she picked up the newest newspaper it read, “Out of Magic? Eight more witches died today. That makes a total of fifteen deaths within the last week.” The newspaper slowly floated to the ground and landed in a fresh puddle. Corrina stumbled back home. “Someone is draining magic from these poor people,” Corrina cried out as she walked into the kitchen.
Finnley quickly stood up and said, “I found something.”
Corrina sat down next to him and responded, “What?”.
Finnley quickly pulled out one of the books we had gotten from Magic and Spells. “It says in this book that it is possible to drain magic from an entire planet. It says there is a machine that can be built to suck all of the magic out of Magica.”
Corrina thought about it for a minute, “Does it say anything about effecting the planet that's taking the magic?” Finn flipped through a few pages and held up the book. It read, “The planet taking the magic will feel uncomfortable and unbalanced. The planet will also have a very strong gravitational field.” Corrina smiled. “I think I have an idea on…” Corrina was cut short.
“Corrina! Something is wrong!” Corrina stood up and looked outside. The sky had turned dark purple, the color of an overripe grape. The streets turned into puddles of darkness. Corrina heard screams from outside.
“It’s the end!” It was chaos. People were running around all over the streets. At that very moment Corrina realized this was a much bigger problem than she thought. Corrina grabbed Finn’s hand, flung opened the basement door and ran down the basement steps. Corrina quickly started to create a portal.
“Where are we going?” asked Finn as he watched the bright purple portal swirl bigger and bigger.
“Anywhere but here!” Corrina quickly responded. Corrina rapidly put together a portal spell to Plantitu. The closest planet to the sun. Finally the portal was ready. She took Finnley’s hand and jumped.
“Wow! That was fun!” Finnley excitedly exclaimed.
“I didn’t make it for fun,” Corrina strictly responded. “Come on Finn.” Corrina and Finn trudged up the tallest hill of Plantitu, so they could see Magica from a safe distance. “What in the world?! Our moon is orbiting. It has always been in the same place.” Realized Corrina as she watched the moon of Magica orbit around her home planet.
“What is that?” Finn curiously asked. A faint purple streak of magic was leaking from Magica and leading to Gravitus. Corrina looked up in surprise.
“That’s the magic of Magica, Finn,” Corrina said in disbelief.
“Let’s follow it,” said Finn excitedly. Corrina put a portal together as fast as she could.
“Come on, Finn. Another ride,” Corrina yelled as the portal whooshed with power. This time the portal wasn’t fun. It was way too powerful. It pulled them left then right and swung them around in circles.
Thud! Corrina and Finn landed hard on the cement ground of Gravitus. They made it… barely. Corrina stood up and brushed herself off. Then she helped Finn up.
“Huh? This is weird. There’s gravity,” Muttered Corrina as she walked over to the nearest map. Finn looked confused. “What’s wrong, Finn?” Corrina asked as she examined the map.
“Oh, it’s nothing just that wouldn’t Gravitus have exploded by now?” Corrina thought it over.
“He does have a point,” thought Corrina. Corrina started to put together a portal.
“What are you doing, we are here?” Finn asked surprised.
“You think we are going to walk to the palace of Gravitus?” Corrina asked with a smirk. The portal came together fairly quick. “Ready Finn?” Corrina nervously asked. Finn gave Corrina a reassuring grin. He reached for Corrina’s hand and they jumped.
“Ahh!” screamed Corrina and Finn when they saw the ground.
“Ouch!” cried Corrina as she slammed into the ground. Corrina tried to stand but she couldn’t. Then she realized why. Finn had landed right on top of her. “Finn! Get off of me!” Corrina shouted as she pushed him to the ground. She stood up and then helped Finn off the ground. “We have to be really quiet because we are going to sneak inside.” Whispered Corrina.
Finn shook his head in agreement. Corrina and Finn snuck behind the palace so the guards wouldn't notice them.
“Ok Finn, I need you to sneak inside and unlock this door.” Corrina whispered as she lifted Finn onto her shoulders. Corrina’s knees trembled as she held Finn up to the window. “Dang, this kid is heavy.” Thought Corrina as she felt her shoulders become light again.
“I’m in,” whispered Finn.
Only a few minutes later the door made a “Click” sound. It started to open. By the time Corrina realized it wasn’t Finn it was too late. A man grabbed Corrina’s shoulder and yanked her backwards. Corrina knew there was no point in fighting the man; he was twice her size. The man was around six feet tall with a very strong build. She tried to fight the man anyway. Corrina struggled with him for a few minutes but had no choice but to give up. The man picked Corrina up and carried her inside.
“Let go of me!” screamed Corrina as she pounded on his back. It was no use. Corrina finally gave up.
The man took Corrina to the throne room. The room was made completely out of gold. It was gorgeous. Then she noticed the throne. It was plated with gold and covered in diamonds. Corrina’s eyes darted around the room. She was looking for Finn.
“Finnley!” Shouted Corrina. She tried again to pull free but the man tightened his grip.
“Be quiet, little girl.” demanded the strong man. That’s when Corrina noticed Finn kneeling on the floor in front of the throne. “You see your friend little girl? You will do the same.” The man shoved Corrina to the floor. She smacked her face onto the floor. Corrina looked through her watering eye and noticed a short man had walked into the room. The man had a long beard, bright red coat coated in diamonds, and a gold crown atop his head. It was the king.
“So, you two were found sneaking into my palace?” The King asked as he lowered his body onto his throne.
“We know what you are doing!” Corrina angrily said.
“What is that my dear?” The King quickly asked.
“Nobody calls me dear! Except for Grandma!” Corrina muttered angrily. Corrina jumped up from her kneel and lunged at the King. The King covered his face in fear. Corrina grabbed his coat collar and leaned in. “Nobody calls me dear! Only my grandma. The poor old woman that you murdered.” The King smiled
“I knew you looked familiar. You are Grandma’s granddaughter. Yes, I chose to kill her first.” Corrina lifted her fist with anger. She continuously punched him in the face as hard as she could. The strong man ran over to throne and grabbed Corrina. The King's face was dark purple. Blood was dripping from his nose. Corrina glared at him wanting to kill him even more than she had before. Then she noticed the magic machine.
“That’s it!” Thought Corrina. She slid out of the man's  grasp. The strong man didn't try to run after her. Instead the man grabbed Finn by the neck. “Finn! No!” Screamed Corrina.
The strong man shouted back. “You will come with me or the boy dies!” Finnley managed a wink and a smile.
He whimpered, “She will save Magica!” Finn kicked the man in the knee. Corrina sprinted over to the machine. This was it, her time to create a strong enough spell to destroy this machine.
“Ah!” Corrina heard a scream.
The strong man had picked up Finn by the neck and threw him to the ground. Finley screeched in pain.
“Save Magica, Corrina! Do it for me!” Whispered Finnley as blood dripped down from his forehead. Finnley’s head slowly fell to the floor. Cortina screamed as a tear ran down her cheek.
“Everyone I have ever loved has died!” Corrina started to chant, “I will save Magica! I will same Magica!” The strong man leaped forward but it was too late. Corrina threw her spell at the machine. The machine exploded into a big ball of light.
“Whoosh,” Corrina had teleported away just in time to witness the entire planet of Gravitus explode. The planet had broken into tiny asteroids and flew in all directions. That was the end of Gravitus.
Corrina made it back to Magica. Something was different. The world didn’t feel full of magic. Corrina limped over to a man sitting on a blue park bench.
“What’s going on?” Asked Corrina worriedly.
“Well, young lady. When Gravitus exploded all the magic went with it. Magica is now completely magic less.” The man sadly said. Corrina fell to the ground and slammed her fists into the ground.
“Why! When I try to do something good it just fails!” Tears slowly filled Corrina’s eyes. “My grandma is dead, my best friend is dead, and now all magic is gone because of ME!” shouted Corrina as she pounded the ground until her fists couldn't take the pain anymore. “I have nothing to live for.” Corrina whispered as she slowly stood up. “I have nothing to live for.” She thought again as she started walking home. Corrina walked into her house and slammed the door behind her. She slowly fell to the ground and cried. The world around her turned warm and dark.
“Corrina! Corrina dear? Wake up!” It was grandma.
“Grandma? Is that you?” Corrina asked excitedly.
“Yes dear. We would like to tell you something.” Grandma responded.
“We?” Corrina asked confused.
“Yes, Corrina we.” It was Finnley’s voice.
“Don’t give up!” They both said in unison.
“Knock! Knock! Knock!” Corrina startled awake.
“Who could that be?” Muttered Corrina as she stood up. It was the council of Magica. Corrina quickly opened the door. “Sorry for my inconvenience,” apologized Corrina.
“You are the protector of Magica. Yes?” They said.
“Yes. I guess,” Corrina had given them an unsure look. “I got rid of all the magic but if you count that as saving then sure,” Corrina muttered over her shoulder.
“If Gravitus was not destroyed Magica would have exploded as well. Thank you for saving us. You will be the one to rename Magica. Magica is without magic it must be renamed.” They all stared at Corrina. She thought about it for a second.
“Ok?” Corrina said unsurely.
“What shall it be then?” The group asked in unison.
“Well? Lets ... name .. it ... Earth! Yeah that sounds good. Magica will be renamed Earth,” Corrina concluded.
“Earth? Ok your decision. Thank you,” The group quietly walked away. Corrina slowly shut the door and smiled.
“Not too bad Corrina. Not too bad at all,” She thought as she walked over to the window. “Hello Earth! Nice to meet you. My name is Corrina.”

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