A Very Dark Time | Teen Ink

A Very Dark Time

December 16, 2016
By JD_Popovsky BRONZE, Cleaveland, Ohio
JD_Popovsky BRONZE, Cleaveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a time where I believed that the light would reach us… But I was wrong. For years the monsters have roamed the land of our world, killing anything in their path to domination. As of last summer, I almost lost my life to one of them. The experience was traumatizing.
  As I walked the long road back to my base camp in the woods, I saw something move in the bushes. I drew my sword my father gave me the day before he battled to his death with one of the monsters. It came closer to me as my heartbeat sped up. My eyes widened at the sight of a nine-foot-tall tree-looking figure in front of me.
It roared as I slid behind a tree when it swung its branch-like arm in a sweeping motion. I rolled in between its legs and stabbed my blade into its heel. Let's just say the reaction wasn’t what I hoped for. I was instantly kicked back ten feet by its root like the foot. I knew if I tried to fight more I would surely die. I ran, hoping I would run into someone that could help me. As I heard it gain land behind me, I knew I was hopeless. Suddenly, I felt something claw my back. My vision became cloudy as I sprawled to the ground in a loud scream.
As my eyes began to close for what I thought was the last time, I saw a human, like figure step in front of me. My eyes closed as I saw the figure leap into action fighting this monster. That was the last I saw of my world. Until now…

The author's comments:

I've always loved fantasy so I was inspired to write a action fiction story.

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