The Story of Grey | Teen Ink

The Story of Grey

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

“Beep Beep Beep Click” … “Beep Bepp Beep Click” … “Beep Beep Beep Click”. What …….…? OH MY GOD, I’M LATE. I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR A WHOLE MONTH AND THERE’S NO WAY IN HELL I’M MISSING THIS. I leaped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom in one step. I quickly scrubbed myself in the shower, brushed my teeth and slapped on a nice shirt. I snatched an apple from the table and I was out the door.
I ran down the sidewalk, I ran, I ran, and I ran. I ran as hard as I’ve ever run before. I could see the bus stop at the end of the street and I could see the bus pulling up to the stop. Keep going, keep going, keep going, I though as I closed the gap between me and the bus. I vaulted my body up off the ground and onto the first step and the doors closed. I stood the for a full minute just to catch my breath. The driver just stared at me with an eyebrow raised. What took me a second to realize was the whole crowd of people on the bus staring at me. My face instantly turned red and I stood up and quickly took my seat and waited for the driver to continue his route.
I graduated from university about 4 months ago and applied for a position at Corum Industries, the leaders in cyber security. I knew I wanted to work there when I entered high school and took my first programming and networking classes. Ever since that point, my desktop has been littered with programs and scripts that I’ve written. Just thinking about all of the programming, data management, and networking applications brings back so many fond memories. The bus lurched to a stop as I was remembering one of my early scripts. I glanced out the window and quickly realized it was my stop. I stood up and left the bus.
Walking up to the huge set of double doors, I looked up and admired the tower silver building that was covered wall to wall in windows. I looked back down at the doors, and held my breath for a second. I had been waiting quite a while for this opportunity and I’ve finally made it. I released my breath and walked in.
I looked around and didn’t find any indication of where to go. Aside from the few uncomfortable looking chairs in the corner, I saw a fairly large desk with no one behind it. Upon further inspection I found a bell in the center of the desk. I stared at it for a second and then looked around. I was reluctant to press it for fear of causing some awkward situation and because I haven’t seen a bell like this used since I was in elementary school.

The author's comments:

Short story about a man named Edward Grey who gets a new job at Corum industries

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