The machine | Teen Ink

The machine

December 20, 2016
By espinosadriana BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
espinosadriana BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“There are 17 cats living in Larry's basement.” Laura whispered.
“Stop lying” Tony replied.
“I am being serious. I saw them!” She explained.
“Prove it.”
“Well about that…  I didn't have my phone with me that day.” Laura explained.
“You are such a liar! I know you don’t like me because I’m Larry’s best friend but just because you are his girlfriend, nothing will end our friendship.” Tony yelled at her.
At the moment he walked away from Laura, he saw his best friend Larry coming out of his English class.
“Hey Larry! How you’ve been?” Tony asked.
“Eh .. Alright. I'm kind of stressed out due to the science competition. I really want to get first place since it's my last year in high school but I don’t know if my project is good enough.” Larry said.
“Well, you are pretty smart in science. Your whole schedule is filled with AP science class and AP math class. You always make the best science projects!.”
“You’re right! Let’s see this actually comes out like I want to.” Larry said.
Larry was coming to school always looking so tired and really suspicious at times. He began to push Tony away, which was hurting Tony because they have been friends since childhood. Whenever Tony asked to help Larry with his project, he always rejected his help and left whenever Tony wanted to start a conversation.
Days passed by and Tony had lost hope for his friendship with Larry. Until one day, Larry came up to Tony.
“Hey Tony, I’m sorry I have been rude to you lately. And also, I am sorry for the fact that our friendship was fading away because of me so I wanted to make it up to you.” Larry apologetically said.
“It’s alright. I sort of understood why you were isolating yourself. I just wanted to help you since you’re my friend.”
“Thank you, means alot to me. My parents are going to be out of town this weekend and I hate being alone in my house. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over and even sleepover with me.”
“Is that even a question? Heck no! I would love to! We need to catch up ASAP!” Tony was really excited due to Larry’s invitation.
The weekend arrived and Tony brought all of his personal belongings, since he was going to spend a few days there. When he arrived to Larry house, it almost seemed like paradise. The big TV in the living was all set up, ready for the movies and video games. Out of nowhere, Larry’s phone turn off.
“Hey, i'll be right back. Do you want anything?” Larry asked Tony.
“Umm no thanks, i'm fine right now. Either way, i can get it on my own. You know how i know this house like the palm of my hand.” Tony answered back.
“Wait, where are you going?” Tony asked curiously.
“Ummm.. Well Laura and I have been arguing lately and I think I’m going to put an end to this. I need my space and nothing feels the same anymore.” Larry said.
“Well, I wish you luck.”
“Thanks.” Larry replied.
5 minutes after Larry left, the movie wasn't as entertaining as it was with Larry. Tony turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to grab a small snack. All of the sudden, he hears some noises come down from the basement. The door was slightly open. Tony peeked to check what it was, but all he saw was pitch black.
“Alright, its nothing. It's just my imagination.” He thought to himself.
He went back to what he was doing. He heard the noise once again. Tony was a little frightened, since no one was home and heard all the noises.
“Whatever, i must go down and check what is going on.”
With the flashlight of his phone, he went downstairs. As he was walking down the old wood steps, he noticed something walk across the room. His heart was beating faster than the beat of the drums of the bleachers. He was going crazy trying to find the switch to the lights in the basement to see clearly. Looking around with her heart beating out of his chest, he finally found it. It was next to the stairs this whole time. At the moment he turn off the switch, he saw a cat in the middle of the room.
“Oh look, it’s just a cat.” He calmly whispered.
He was going to go back to turn off the switch, when all of the sudden … 16 more cats come out of nowhere!
“What the … Laura was right!” He was shocked.
He didn’t know what to do at the time. He couldn’t believe there was so many cats in a single basement. Larry was almost like a cat lady, except that all the cats looked the same to him. They were grey with green beautiful eyes, like the colors of the emerald.
He heard the door from upstairs be open
“Oh no, Larry is back.”
Nervously, he tried to run up the stairs, but it was too late. Larry was standing on top of the stairs of the basement.
“Alright, you found out. I wanted to surprise you this weekend about my project but you ruined it. It’s alright though, I would’ve done the same if I were you.” Larry confessed.
Turns Larry invented a cloning machine. He explained that he saw a gray cat walking around outside all by itself. Larry said he has seen the same cat most of the time, so he thought that maybe the cat didn’t have an owner.
He used the cat for the experiment and it did work. But he made a mistake. At the moment he was cloning the cat, he accidently pressed the buttons several times because he didn’t know it took so long to process.
“Well, what are you gonna do with so many cats now?” Tony asked.
“The cloning doesn’t last that long. I made the machine but the cloning is only for a few weeks, until they completely disappear.” Larry acknowledge.
“But will it still work for the competition?” Tony asked.
“Of course it will! It’s on the next Friday.” Larry explained.
The day of the competition arrived and Larry was anxious.
“You got this, I believe in you.” Tony reminded him.
The judges came up to Larry and they were surprised. They said they have never seen no such thing as a cloning in a science competition. They thought it was all a myth but Larry made it happen. The final decision came. Turns out, Larry has won first place!
“I knew you were going to get first place!” Tony said.
Who would've thought that a friendship was going to get stronger due to a cloning machine.

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This article has 1 comment.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Dec. 28 2016 at 2:10 pm
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

That story's interesting and all, but is it okay if I point out something?