Woken in the future | Teen Ink

Woken in the future

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

Our story starts out with a young man who is just a simple delivery driver for a small town pizza place. The boys name is Justin, his task for the night is to deliver one last pizza before closing time at 9. he was on his way to his final stop when he saw a strange glowing blue aura coming from a back alley. Justin has always been very curious of strange things. So without hesitation he set down his bike and slowly approached the alleyway. The closer he got to the alley the stranger it got. He started hearing weird buzzing sounds almost like bees. When he finally rounded the corner he saw what nobody would expect to see. He saw a very strange box with lots of wires and what seemed to be a big steel door. Without hesitation he runs up to the box and quickly pulls open the heavy steel door. When he stepped inside he felt a weird tingling in his bones. He turns around and sees a huge console with the time 2017 typed in. Justin felt more curious than scared so he thought to himself I wonder what its like a thousand years in the future. He stared at the console for a minutes when he sees the button that’s labeled years. When all the sudden he hears a strange voice say who are you get out of there. Without thinking he types is 3017 in the console and hits the travel button. There was a brief flash of light followed by some spinning then a sudden thud shook the box. When he woke up there was smoke in the box he quickly pushed off the door. He opened the door and what he saw would amaze him forever he saw a car hover by he thought in his head wait where are the wheels. His first instinct was to see if the time traveling box was ok he turned around and saw

the whole box was in a flaming pile on the ground. His next idea was to go ask somebody where he was, he wondered if he was in fact in 3017. He went in asked one of the people walking by on the sidewalk they seemed totally oblivious of the flaming pile of a box maybe they had seen this so many times that it didn’t surprise them anymore he asked the person what year it was he said 3017. Justin had done it he was in the future but he noticed something about the person he was talking to he looked really metallic. The travel must had disoriented him, because he did not see that the person that he was talking to wasn’t even a person at all it was a robot. He looked around in amazement he realized that he saw both a mix of humans and robots he was amazed he had really made it into the future but he had a sinking feeling that he was missing something then he realized he had left his whole family behind all of his family was dead and he couldn’t bear the thought of it so he did what nobody would expect. He took his own life by jumping off of the building beside him. So like that he was no more nobody knew him in the future so nobody missed him, but in the past his family missed him greatly and they had a feeling he was never coming back.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my love for science fiction and by the show futurama.

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