What Am I? | Teen Ink

What Am I?

December 14, 2017
By Anonymous

The black handcuff tied my hands to the back of a brown chair. My legs were strapped to the leg of the same large brown chair. The smell of blood and sweat wafted through the somber air and I could taste the delicious but metallic taste on my tongue. The room was surrounded by darkness and the only light that was in the room hovered over me and shined on my long hair, which was somehow completely white as it contrasted with my old black hair. I could no longer feel the pain yet I didn't know why I was contemplating if I was still alive or not. Pain tells you that you're alive but I couldn't feel anything but the numbness, then does that mean I am no longer loving? Why am I still conscious of my body and thoughts then?

The door creaked open and an ear piercing laugh echoed in the silent room. The laugh send shivers through my entire body and my heart felt as if I it was being pierced multiple times. Memories from last night flooded my mind and my body shook with anger. I broke the handcuff with such force I didn't know I had and I had no time to ponder over it as I ran towards him, my legs earning me that it was about to give up, but I pushed forwards, ignoring its warning. I pulled my hand into a fist and connected it with the man’s shocked face, hearing many cracks in the process. He flew towards the wall and then slid down on the floor, pooling next to him. He struggled to stand up and I sprinted next to him and punched him once again, successfully knocking him out.

I fell down, tears streaming down my cheeks as I realized what I'd done.; killed my own brother

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