Running Out of Time | Teen Ink

Running Out of Time

May 17, 2018
By Anonymous

I never wanted this. I just wanted to live out the rest of the days I may have had left in peace. For the ability to live a longer life, I had to sacrifice the normal life I used to live.

There's a reason I live by the phrase 'trust no one'. They said nothing would happen to me. Well, they were wrong. They were all wrong. The researchers said that there would be no side effects, but it started with the headaches and everything went wrong from there.

I thought the headaches would be resolved by drinking a bit more water, going to bed earlier, and eating healthier. All those things just made everything worse. As the headaches continued to worsen, the researchers continued to grow more nervous.

As I went about my days and the side effects became almost unbearable, I truly felt like this was the end for me. I felt like the extra few months promised to me were never going to happen and this experiment was going to kill me faster than I was dying previously, so for the final time, I went back to the lab for them to tell me I had years more to live, with nothing to worry about. They mentioned that I seemed to be fine once more, and told me not to return back for any future testing.

Now I'm back in front of the lab full of people who did this to me, and when I burn down the building that began all of this, then they'll know what happens when you mess with the natural way of living.

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